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Chapter 201 Auction (Ming)

"Manager Yan, this is my first time here, and I don't understand a lot of things. Thank you for your hard work. Here's a box of snacks, take it and enjoy it."

Jin Lu handed a box of snacks to Manager Yan.

"This, this is not allowed."

Manager Yan looked at the small box of snacks with two pieces and waved his hands repeatedly. This thing is rare in the end of the world.

"Take it, I still have a lot, these are about to expire."

Jin Lu showed Manager Yan the production date, and it was indeed about to expire in the next two days.

Manager Yan nodded, glanced at Xiao Nian who was already lying next to the table and the snow ferret running around the room, and looked at Jin Lu with more respect.

There are really not many people in the end of the world who can keep these things until they are about to expire and can take them out as rewards.

"Well, then I'll take it. Thank you, Miss Jin. If you want to know anything about the auction, you can ask the waiter outside the door."

Manager Yan held the cake in his hand and smiled at Jin Lu. This lady is really good at it.

"Okay, then you go and get busy."

Jin Lu looked out the window and saw the auctioneer warming up the venue on the stage with a beaming face.

Jin Lu didn't expect that because of two mutant pets and a box of cakes that were about to expire, her "value" would rise.

"The guests inside must be treated well. She will tell you everything she wants to know about the auction."

"Yes, Manager Yan."

Manager Yan left the room and saw that although the employee standing at the door of the room was usually a more reliable employee, he still reminded him not to offend the distinguished guest.

Jin Lu was staring at the display screen on the wall in a daze.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Knock, knock, knock"

After three rhythmic knocks, the door of the private room was opened from the outside.

A waiter wearing a white shirt and a black vest came in, which was different from the waiter downstairs.

He came to Jin Lu with a tray in his hand. There was a cup of tea, a small plate of melon seeds and a small plate of preserved fruit on the tray.

Jin Lu saw the things on the tray and raised his eyebrows. This teahouse can't be underestimated for being able to take out the "three-piece set of melons" that is similar to the one before the end of the world.

"Young man, don't leave yet. I have some questions to ask."

Jin Lu stopped the waiter who was about to get up and say goodbye. She really didn't know much about this auction.

"Okay, guest."

The waiter put the tray on the tea cabinet next to him, and stood honestly beside Jin Lu with his hands hanging down his trouser legs.

"Is this auction held every week? How do the items usually come from?"

"Our open auction is held every Wednesday. The number of items in each auction is controlled at about ten to twenty. The items are provided by the government, and we help sell them for free."

"Open auction?"

Jin Lu seemed to hear a different word, open and? Free auction? Are there such businessmen?

"Open auctions are auctions of items from official channels. In addition, there are also auctions in secret. Secret auctions are held at least once a month, at irregular times, and with limited participants."

"Where do the items in secret auctions come from?"

"The items in secret auctions will not reveal the seller's information, and the price is also determined by the seller. Both the buyer and the seller will be charged a 10% handling fee."

"Why is the handling fee so expensive?"

"We will guarantee the interests of both buyers and sellers. After the transaction is completed, the transaction items will be protected in City B and all cities where Lai Yi Fang Tea House is located."

Jin Lu nodded. In short, the after-sales service is not bad, and the confidentiality measures are well done.

"What are the conditions for participating in the secret auction?"

"In principle, the participants will be selected from those who have successfully bid for the open auction items. We will randomly select participants for each secret auction. Of course, there are definitely exceptions."

Jin Lu nodded. What is the background of this Lai Yi Fang Tea House? It can be so prosperous in City B. According to the waiter, there are branches in other regions.

Jin Lu also learned from the waiter that the auction is official, but in fact, the official products are put out and then entrusted to this tea house for auction, so the tea house is still independently operated.

"Miss, I will be outside the door after the auction starts. If you need anything, please press the service bell."

Seeing that Jin Lu didn't seem to have anything to ask, the waiter bowed to Jin Lu and left the private room after getting Jin Lu's permission.

Jin Lu wondered if she could participate in a secret auction during her stay in City B. It seemed that the things in secret auctions would be more interesting.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, under the auspices of the auctioneer, the auction started on time.

The first auction item, Jin Lu really didn't expect that she had too much space for it, and she would not eat it even if she threw it on the ground.

The first auction item was a basket of tomatoes, about 20 kilograms.

Jin Lu felt like she had walked into a vegetable market. There was actually an auction of vegetables? !

The starting price was one grain coupon.

As soon as the item came out, buyers in the hall downstairs rushed to raise their placards.

In the end, it was sold for ten grain coupons.

Later, Jin Lu also saw a basket of coal, a bottle of floral water, and even a down jacket in the auction items.

It seems that the official auctions are all some daily necessities.

Jin Lu didn't understand why the official didn't open a store to sell these things directly? Looking at the people downstairs who were eager to try, Jin Lu felt that she seemed to understand a little.

Opening a store means that the official has a stable supply of goods. These things are priced higher and ordinary people can't afford them. If they are priced lower, they will definitely be snapped up. After a long time, there will inevitably be complaints.

It would be better to take advantage of the auction to recycle the food coupons and ensure that the food coupons are in the hands of those who need them more.

Jin Lu, who seemed to have grasped a little trick, laughed secretly.

"The following item is the finale of today."

When Jin Lu heard the finale, she sat up involuntarily. She didn't bid for anything today. She had all those things in her space. She hoped that this finale item would not disappoint her.

"Today's finale is the pink fruit! I believe everyone knows the function of the pink fruit now. It is very useful for ordinary people to strengthen their bodies!"


"It's really the pink fruit!"

"It's really the pink fruit!"

"I finally saw the true face of the pink fruit!".7

"Why is the official so generous this time?!"

"It looks like there are five in total, as if they were auctioned one by one?"

"Ah, this..."

"It means everyone has a chance! Have you forgotten the rules of the auction?! The same item can either be auctioned all at once or only once!"

"That's right! It seems that everyone has hope!"

Everyone present became excited and were whispering to each other.

Only Jin Lu was not interested. She was bored and opened her chin, watching the people downstairs discussing enthusiastically.

Pink fruit is indeed very useful for the body of ordinary humans, but she is a person with an upgraded version of pink fruit, so of course she doesn't like ordinary pink fruit.

The auctioneer knew how to pace the auction and gave everyone enough time to discuss.

Chapter 202 Slowly close the bathrobe

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet! Pink fruit, 5 food coupons for one. Or, 30 food coupons for five."

Jin Lu thought, since she wanted to go to the dark field, should she bid for something in the bright field to get the "entry" qualification?

Or should she bid for a pink fruit?

Thinking about it, Jin Lu pressed the red button at hand.

"Bag 3, 6 food coupons."

"Bag 5, 7 food coupons."

"Hall 6, 8 food coupons."

Hall 6 is the table where Jin Lu just sat. So the two siblings want pink fruit? Jin Lu looked at the table of the two siblings in the hall and decided to make a quick decision.

When bidding for the second time, Jin Lu pressed the word "2" on the red button.

"Bag 3, 10 food coupons."

"Bag 5, give up."

"Hall 6, give up."

"Are there any more bids? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Bag 3, 10 food coupons, one pink fruit."

Jin Lu was actually still worried about the 10 food coupons. She planned to quietly fill up the rice jars in Ning's mother's house after returning.

After a while, the waiter knocked on the door of Jin Lu's private room with a small box.

"Miss, this is the pink fruit you bid for. Please pay for the 10 food coupons on the spot."

Jin Lu counted out the 10 food coupons to the waiter, took the box of pink fruits from him, and threw the box on the table without even looking at it.

Seeing Jin Lu's attitude towards the pink fruit, the waiter's pupils shrank slightly, and then he lowered his head and prepared to leave.

"I want to participate in the latest secret shoot. Is there any quick way?"

A soft female voice suddenly came into the waiter's ears. The waiter looked up and saw Jin Lu playing with the box that had just been thrown on the table.

"Miss has just obtained the qualification to participate in the secret auction. After that, it will be a matter of random draw."

"But what I want is to be able to participate for sure, not a matter of probability."

When the waiter heard Jin Lu say this, he knew that she really wanted to participate. Seeing that she was really determined to participate in the secret auction, he thought for a while and said, "If Miss can be the seller, then she can definitely participate."

"Oh? What are the conditions?"

"The items Miss auctions need to be reviewed by our expert group. After unanimous approval, they can be auctioned."

"No limit on items?"

"No limit."

Jin Lu certainly knew that this no limit did not refer to spicy noodles and sanitary napkins, but to items with higher values.

Jin Lu's fingers gently tapped on the small box containing the pink fruit.

The waiter watched Jin Lu's movements and saw her take the pink fruit out of the box and put it into the backpack on the mutant pet's back. Then she took out two fruits from the backpack that were about the same size as the pink fruit, but the color was much redder than the pink fruit.

Jin Lu put the two fruits into the box that had just contained the pink fruit and handed it to the waiter.

"The enhanced pink fruit is more than ten times more effective than the pink fruit."

The waiter's hand paused in the air. What? ! Did he hear it right? !

"You heard it right, the enhanced pink fruit."

Jin Lu looked at the waiter opposite with amusement. Didn't he know that he accidentally said what was in his heart?

The waiter stretched out his hand and carefully took the box he had just given to Jin Lu. This box seemed to be much heavier than before.

"Please wait a moment, miss. I will ask the manager."

The waiter swallowed and forced himself to calm down. Seeing Jin Lu nod, he quickly left the room.

Since this place can be so big, Jin Lu certainly believes in the credibility of the staff here. She has never worried that she will be embezzled or replaced by the staff.

After the waiter went out, Jin Lu continued to watch the auction downstairs.

It seems to be the fourth pink fruit. The competition has entered a white-hot stage. Jin Lu actually heard twenty food coupons.

The one who was bidding the price was the sucker who just sat at the same table with her.

In the end, the brother and sister got what they wanted and won the second to last pink fruit with 22 food coupons.

"Cousin, we should compete with the first one who bid for the pink fruit!"

"Compete with him and then raise the price to 30 food coupons?"

"But... he doesn't have to buy it if he has more than 10 food coupons, so we can give him less."

"What if he grabs it? What price should the pink fruit behind be bid at?"

"It's not like we don't have money..."

The man was too lazy to tell the woman. Anyway, the pink fruit was in his hands and he could go back to report.

The last pink fruit was also sold at the price of 22 food coupons.

Jin Lu looked at the time. It was almost ten o'clock. She stood up and prepared to leave first.

After Jin Lu left, the waiter had returned to the door. When he saw Jin Lu coming out, he said to her, "Miss, the results may not come out until tomorrow. Can you come again tomorrow?"

"Of course."

Jin Lu nodded. She didn't want them to go to the Ning family. Her original idea was to come again tomorrow.

It was almost ten o'clock when Ning Chuanyu returned home. He looked up at Jin Lu's room and saw that the light in Jin Lu's room was not on. He thought Jin Lu had gone to bed.

He didn't go back to the room to wash up, but washed up on the first floor and lay on the sofa thinking about the conversation with the old leader today.

After knowing those things, Mr. Wu was very angry and didn't even have a good dinner.

Mr. Wu also said that he would go to the leader first, report the information booklet and related situations to the leader, and let Ning Chuanyu be prepared, maybe the leader would meet him.

Ning Chuanyu stretched out his hand and pinched the corner of his eyes, and suddenly heard a slight noise at the door.

He turned his head sharply and saw Jin Lu tiptoeing to open the door and was about to go in.

Of course, Jin Lu also saw Ning Chuanyu sitting up from the sofa. Ning Chuanyu was wearing a bathrobe. Because of the action just now, the bathrobe opened a gap, revealing her chest.

She swallowed her saliva involuntarily, and seemed to have a lot of muscles.

Ning Chuanyu felt Jin Lu's sight, curled her lips and smiled, and slowly closed the bathrobe that was opened because of the action just now.

Yes, slowly, very slowly closed the bathrobe.

Jin Lu kept staring at Ning Chuanyu's movements until Ning Chuanyu pulled up the bathrobe and couldn't see anything.

"Where did you go?"

"Ah? Oh, I went to the auction."

Jin Lu was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that Mr. Ning was talking to her.

"Is it the official auction every Wednesday?"

Ning Chuanyu thought about it, and today seemed to be Wednesday.

"Eh? You know?!"

Jin Lu looked at Mr. Ning in surprise. Mr. Ning really knew everything!

"Where did you go and what did you take pictures of?" Ning Chuanyu was actually very curious whether Jin Lu would take pictures of things. After all, she had everything she needed.

Jin Lu walked into Ning Chuanyu and sat down on the sofa.

"I took a picture of a pink fruit, the pink fruit I gave you to eat before the end of the world." She took out the pink fruit and put it in Ning Chuanyu's hand.

Chapter 203 High-yield large-scale household

Ning Chuanyu pinched the pink fruit in his hand, and turned to look at Jin Lu as if he remembered something.

"I remember that you gave me a few before, and they seemed to be a little redder than this one."

"Well, that one is the enhanced version, and this one is the ordinary pink fruit."

Jin Lu looked at Ning Chuanyu's enlarged face, saying that this face looked good when it was tanned, and it looked even better after the skin returned to normal, as if it had a touch of elegance.

"Why do you shoot this when you have the enhanced version?" Ning Chuanyu looked at Jin Lu in confusion, he was a little confused about Jin Lu's idea.

"Well... I want to participate in the secret shooting!" Jin Lu hesitated for a while, and told Ning Chuanyu honestly.

Hearing Jin Lu's words, Ning Chuanyu raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

"Oh? You've only been out for one day, and you even know about the secret shooting?"

"You know too?!"

Jin Lu really didn't think it through. After all, she went out for a walk. Ning Chuanyu hadn't gone out for a walk these days except for reporting to the leader.

"Didn't you notice that Shu Wu and Jiang Muyang have been leaving early and returning late these two days?"

Ning Chuanyu gave Jin Lu a look that showed her understanding.

Jin Lu slapped her forehead after hearing this. That's right, how could she forget about these two people? When they left, they also took Shen Xiaojiu with them.

Did they just go to get information?

As expected, he is a subordinate of the boss. He can do these things with ease.

"Do you think I didn't arrange reliable people around my parents?"

Ning Chuanyu gave Jin Lu another shallow water bomb. Jin Lu looked at Ning Chuanyu in disbelief.

This boss is really a boss. She is far behind him.

"Are you assured to tell me these?"

"What's there to worry about? You said you would treat me well. If you treat me well, I will of course be honest with you."

Ning Chuanyu looked at Jin Lu seriously. He hoped that Jin Lu would know that he could actually be relied on. He hoped that Jin Lu could rely on him a little. But at present, Jin Lu has no intention of relying on him.

"Ah, so that's how it is." Jin Lu nodded in understanding.

She thought of her "little secret" and felt a little guilty for a moment, after all, Big Brother Ning had been honest with her.

It seems that she should be better to Big Brother Ning to make up for the regret of not being able to be honest.

"Go wash up and get ready to rest, it's so late."

Ning Chuanyu took the initiative to end the "heart-to-heart talk" in the evening. He was worried that Jin Lu would be bad for his health if he rested too late.

"Well, Brother Chuanyu, this pink fruit is for you!"

After Jin Lu finished speaking, he stood up and walked quickly towards the stairs.

Ning Chuanyu watched Jin Lu throw away the pink fruit and leave his sight without looking back. He shook his head helplessly, and there was still a long way to go.

Jin Lu returned to the room, wiped Xiao Nian and Little Snowball's bodies first, and then entered the space.

"Lulu is here!"

Daya and Erya saw Jin Lu appear, ran over quickly from a distance, and climbed onto Jin Lu's shoulders with skillful movements.

Dongdong also ran over with Xiao Luluo.


After calling Jin Lu, Dongdong sat obediently on the side, letting Xiao Luluo stamp its feet and wipe its hands on it.

"Lulu, look over there."

When Xiao Luluo approached Jin Lu, it couldn't wait to point to a place.

Jin Lu looked in the direction Xiao Luluo pointed, and a golden field appeared in front of Jin Lu.


"It's ripe so soon?!"

Jin Lu looked at the wheat ears in the distance in surprise. She went into the space to sow seeds on the night she went to find the "cult". She planted wheat all over the land and wanted to see if it could mature.

The vegetables didn't mature so quickly before, so how could it mature so quickly this

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