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    When Xia Chenxi arrived at her grandmother's house, she received a call from Lu Shulan and told her that she had helped a lot.

    After understanding what happened, Xia Chenxi still felt that the incident was a bit strange.

    She still doesn't know why that boy would know his name. Could it be the class next door? Have you heard of her name as a scumbag who bought into the school?

    If she didn't understand, she stopped thinking about it. She was studying at her grandmother's house until it was almost time in the afternoon, and then she took the bus to school.

    Kidney transplantation is not only expensive, but also requires matching kidneys. She is not sure if she can save her grandmother by making money now, because this is indispensable for money and luck. The only thing she can do is to work hard to make money. And accompany her more before the accident happens.

    When Xia Chenxi came to school, because she didn't bring her suitcase home on the weekend, she went straight to the school cafeteria for dinner with her schoolbag on her back, and then went to the classroom to participate in evening self-study.

    I only took the exam on Thursday and Friday. After passing the exam, the students checked their answers with the same schools around them. They also had a little bit of their test scores, and they studied harder and harder.

    Before Xia Chenxi sat down, Lu Xiaoxiao said, "Give me your English papers and comprehensive papers."

    At the end of the second day of the exam last time, Xia Chenxi left with her small schoolbag on her back, and Lu Xiaoxiao didn't have time to read her answers. .

    Xia Chenxi handed the two papers over. After Lu Xiaoxiao quickly proofreaded the answers, she was shocked to find that her English multiple-choice questions were only three of her own!

    Lu Xiaoxiao looked at her in a bit of astonishment, saw her sitting down, lowered her voice and asked in a low voice, "Didn't you have been studying in the country before? Your country English teacher has such a high level?"

    Even in the key class of 2101, some of your classmates are Partial subjects have lower English scores. After all, there are many boys in science classes, and it's normal to have a low average score in English. There are a few boys in the class who had high scores in three subjects when they were in the first year of high school, but there were boys who were dragged down by English.

    Xia Chenxi's score, as long as the composition is not too bad, there must be a score of 140.

    After all, most of the English papers in this city are multiple-choice questions, and then there are 10 points for correcting mistakes and 30 points for essays.

    Xia Chenxi's corrections were all right!

    Xia Chenxi looked around cautiously, as if she was talking about some cryptic little secret, and lowered her voice, and said solemnly, "It's not that our teacher is high-level, but I have a high IQ!"

    Lu Xiaoxiao: "... "I believe in your evil! Such a shit narcissistic!

    Qin Yifeng sitting behind listening to the complete process: "..." What level of your IQ, don't you have any points in your heart?

    Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao’s inexhaustible expression, Xia Chenxi smiled, "How about? How many multiple-choice questions we didn't match?"

    " Only three, and all of your corrections are correct. Three multiple-choice questions that didn't match. One of them was the squad leader and I checked the answer. It should be that you were wrong. I didn't match him with the remaining two."

    Xia Chenxi didn't say a word. I didn't think I was wrong with that multiple-choice question, maybe it was you two!

    Sitting at the back, Qin Yifeng raised his eyebrows unexpectedly when he heard this. Although he only taught Xia Chenxi a month's questions, he knew Xia Chenxi's English level. After all, Xia Chenxi was called out by an English teacher to answer simple questions twice, but he could not answer them correctly.

    Her English should be very poor.

    Xia Chenxi was a little expectant. Among all subjects, she was the most confident in English, and the least confident was Lizong. "Look at my Lizong. I have written all the multiple choice questions, and the simpler answers are also written. It’s on the test paper."

    "Okay." Lu Xiaoxiao compared Xia Chenxi's theory comprehensive paper again, a little surprised, "You should have all the multiple-choice questions right in the physics part. You may have three or four multiple-choice questions wrong in chemistry and biology. You write later. The answer is a bit low, but the score should not be low."

    In general, Xia Chenxi's grades are fairly average, except for chemistry and biology, which are relatively poor, but using physics to increase the scores, she is afraid that the scores are quite impressive.

    Xia Chenxi took the test paper back, feeling happy, "It's me who is not right, but you are wrong."

    Lu Xiaoxiao (disgusting face): "Wash and sleep!"

    Xia Chenxi: "..." Humph! Anyway, English must be me right! You are free!

    After the evening self-study officially started, the head teacher came in with a thick stack of test papers and handed out the test papers to the eight students in the front row, asking them to help distribute the answer sheets.

    When the students handed out the test papers, they were a little noisy when they got the papers. Some were happy that they did well in the test, and some because the scores were not as good as expected, and they all complained that they were too idiotic to have some wrong questions.

    The head teacher took a small microphone and said, "This time, our class scored well. As the first exam after the second grade, our class is the first of the three key science classes. The teacher is very happy. I hope everyone can follow up. Keep this score. Now I’m sending you papers for all your exams. Here is an announcement of the number one in each subject of our class, as well as the average score."

    "Language, the highest score in our class is 149 points, classmate Lu Xiaoxiao, The first grade of the subject of Chinese is in the key liberal arts class, with a score of 150. For mathematics, the first in our class is a score of 150. Qin Yifeng, because of the different math test papers for the arts and sciences, we can only compare it in the sciences. Our exam is mathematics in the sciences class. There are four full marks. There are three others in Class 2 and Class 3."

    "English, the highest score in our class is 150 points, Xia Chenxi. This time, the total score of English for arts and sciences is 4 points, but the other three are in the liberal arts class. Xia Chenxi is the only one in our science section. A student with perfect English score, the new student performed well and did not disappoint the teacher. The English teacher was very happy." The

    whole class: "...???" Did you pronounce the wrong name in the old class? ?

    Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Xia Chenxi in disbelief, "Why did you get a full score?"

    "Hey." Xia Chenxi smiled and looked at Lu Xiaoxiao proudly, "I don't know if you are wrong with the reasoning question, anyway. You two are wrong in English, and I am right."

    Lu Xiaoxiao: "..." I seem to be at the same table pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

    Qin Yifeng: "..." She is smarter than I thought?

    The students who handed out the test papers were a little unbelievable, and he looked at Xia Chenxi over there hesitantly.

    Xia Yanran is the most unbelievable person among all the people. She is very clear about Xia Chenxi’s achievements, because when Xia Chenxi came back, she wanted to see Xia Chenxi’s results in various subjects in the name of care, so she asked her to show her results. I used to look at the papers in rural schools.

    At the school Xia Chenxi attended before, the test papers were simple, not to mention, she had many wrong questions, which belonged to the scumbags who were not good at all subjects.

    How could she get a perfect score in the English test! It must be cheating!

    Thinking of this, Xia Yanran was so angry that she felt it was not right. English has 30 points for composition. Even if she cheated, did anyone write her composition copy in English?

    Moreover, isn't Xia Chenxi the last one in the last examination room? Even if the grades of the students in the first middle school are quite good, but it is not so coincidental that she sits next to her with a good English, right? After all, she is the only one in the science class who has a perfect score in English.

    Lu Xiaoxiao whispered: "What's the matter with you? Are English composition written so well? In our case, the teacher's composition scores are very strict, such as Chinese and English. Compositions rarely give full marks, just to suppress the scores. . Mathematics is easier to get full marks."

    Xia Chenxi looked innocent, "Maybe my composition is amazing? The English teacher who changed the book likes it very much!"

    Lu Xiaoxiao: "..." I shouldn't ask you!

    "The highest score this time is 290, Qin Yifeng, as always, is good." After the

    class teacher finished speaking, he continued: "This time, only two students in our class did not make the top 150, and the average score was better than class 2. It’s 0.32 points higher and 0.34 points higher than Class 3. It’s just that the average score of English is much worse than that of liberal arts classes. Everyone has to work harder and learn more with Xia Chenxi."

    All students (indifferent face ): "..."

    Here comes Xia Chenxi’s English test paper, a score of 150 points. The answer sheet is a machine-readable card on the top, and below is the error correction and composition. Lu Xiaoxiao took her paper and looked at her composition and turned it into a gang. Jing, I wanted to find a grammatical error in this composition, but I couldn't find it.

    Then, after looking at the second time of careful analysis, I found that Xia Chenxi was very good at using special sentence patterns to add points to herself. Not only did she perfect the Chinese meaning of this composition, she also showed off a wave of her grammatical use...

    OK, She is convinced of the full score in this composition.

    After getting a few papers, Xia Chenxi looked at the scores, 142 points in Chinese, 130 points in mathematics, 150 points in English, 238 points in science, and a total of 660 points.

    She breathed a sigh of relief, and the two classmates who fell out of 150 should not be her.

    Since the total score of the college entrance examination is only 750 points, and the students in No. 1 middle school are basically students with good grades, if the difficulty of the test paper is the same as the difficulty of the college entrance examination paper, it is inevitable that everyone's scores will accumulate at six or seven percent. There are many students, it is difficult to qualify.

    Therefore, the exam papers are more difficult for teachers. This difficulty is to increase the overall difficulty. Remove the simple questions in the college entrance examination questions and directly replace them with medium-difficulty questions, and replace the medium-difficulty with high-difficulty questions. The high-difficulty questions remain the same. Before the senior year review, there will be no abnormally difficult questions temporarily.

    Therefore, the difficulty of taking full scores in a single subject will increase. Even difficult questions are not difficult for students who can take full scores. However, the overall difficulty of the test paper increases, and the speed of writing questions will definitely be affected. If there is less time to check, there may be careless mistakes.

    If Xia Chenxi's score of 660 can be maintained within the scope of the examination of all knowledge points, he will have a score of about 680 in the college entrance examination.

    "Our class leader still has the highest total score this time, with 724 points." After the

    class teacher announced the results of the first place, Xia Chenxi felt a little sour. This dog man, before she was born again, was the champion of science in their class!

    Moreover, in the previous years, the scores of No. 1 in science were in the range of 720-730. This guy seemed to have passed 740 in the college entrance examination!

    The total points were only 750, and he only deducted 10 points.

    Waiting, she is going to rush towards the goal of No. 1 in science! Step him under your feet!

    "Host host, you really deserve to be the host that the system king looks at, so ambitious! The system king decided to release an additional task for you. When the college entrance examination, he won the science champion of the college entrance examination, rewarded 300,000, and failed the task, deducted 300,000!"

    Xia Chenxi : "...!!!" No, I just think about it in my heart, why did you add extra tasks to me? It means I don’t want to, won’t there be this task? ? ?

    "Yes, host, hehe, is the system gentleman very caring (#^.^#)?"

    Xia Chenxi (indifferent face): "..." Haha.

    The author has something to say: Here is an explanation of why the heroine can get 660 points at once when she is born again.

    The setting of this book is that the textbooks are divided into compulsory and elective courses. The first year of high school is compulsory, the second year is compulsory + optional, and the third year is reviewed. Therefore, the female lead started to study well in the first semester of high school, especially in the first semester of high school. And geography (examination), which resulted in her not having so much time to fill up the knowledge points in the first year of high school, and was very disadvantaged, because all the parts that dragged down her first year of high school were all compulsory, and occupied most of the examination questions in the math and science comprehensive papers.

    Therefore, if the heroine is reborn to the third year of high school and has already begun to review the college entrance examination, the scope of the examination will include the knowledge of the first year. It is absolutely impossible for her to take the 660, and it must be the bottom of the entire science section. The mathematics and science comprehensives in this 660 score are only for the knowledge points of that month.

    Moreover, the English of the heroine is studied both in college and after graduation. Her English alone can be several tenths higher than the college entrance examination.

    Then the hostess hasn’t studied mathematics and science comprehensives for several years. Why the scores are quite good? Let’s take the mathematics that art and science students can learn as an example. A few years after graduating from university, I will give you your original mathematics college entrance examination papers. Many questions I used to write will not be written, but you will have the impression that you know the general solution method of this question, but you may have forgotten some of the basic knowledge of the formula, as long as this basic knowledge is supplemented for you, In fact, you can still do a lot of questions that you will have before.

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