The Truth Untold

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After telling Lance his life story, he looked to the side and saw Lance crying.

Lance, on the other hand, was desperate, he didn't quite know what to say to the other boy, or what to do. 

Keith started to get worried

'He hates me now. Just great, good job, Keith'

"Look Lance, just, just for-"

He was interrupted by the younger boy hugging him. Lance at that point didn't even care that his clothes were wet, and that Keith was suffocating, he just wanted to hug him. Give him all the love he deserved, all the happiness he never had.

By that time, Keith started crying too. He didn't know why. Was it relief? Emotion? All the pain he held for himself throughout the years? Or maybe he was just suffocating.

Keith didn't care at all that he was exposing his body, he wrapped his arms around Lance's neck, and burring his head on Lance's neck.

The boy hugged for a while, and then Lance pulled back. He looked at the boy in front of him.

His hair all wet, and spiky, making him look cute, his cheeks flushed and tear stained. His soft lips and dark eyes. His chest, and those scars that meant so much. He knew he loved the boy, he have always known.

Both boys at that moment were to carried away by each other, they didn't even know what they were doing.

Lance was staring at Keith's eyes, the later one was staring back.

They understood what was going through each other's mind.

lance then said:

"Look, Keith... I know I'm really mean to you sometimes. I shouldn't be though, because you are amazing really, even that vintage mullet of yours. I guess I did that because I wanted your attention. Because... because... I love you, you know. And now that I know all you've been through, I guess I love you even more. You are really strong and truly amazing for dealing with all you dealt with. I just have to say that I'm totally in love with you."

Keith couldn't believe what he was hearing. Lance loved him? Ha, impossible.

"You... you are?"

Lance nodded, and smiled sadly

"I have always been. In Garrison, when we came to space, all along"


Lance was flushed, Keith was speechless. It was your typical romance scene

"I... I love you too" Keith whispered as he looked up to Lance's eyes, and was gifted with the later's one staring back at him. Lance approximated their foreheads, touching them, as well as their nose tips. The last moment they looked at each other's eyes, were before they closed their eyelids and the space between their mouths.

The kiss set fireworks in both boy's stomachs. Lance started to slowly move his mouth and Keith followed his lead. Soon Lance entered Keith mouth. The sloppy and slow kiss changed everything. Their future, their lives, they everything. It gave origin to many beautiful things. It also caused much chaos.

Keith started taking off Lance's shirt, and Lance took of his own jeans and boxers, and while kissing, Lance entered the tub filled with pink bubbles that originated the young boys' love.

The things that happened that evening inside that warm bathtub you can imagine by yourself.


I own you guys an apology..

So it's been quite a lot of time since I last uploaded a new chapter, and I know how torturing this can be, I hope you guys can forgive me.

I wasn't really in the right set of mind for writing, I had trouble with depression, and I moved countries so I was really stressed.

I tried terrible thing like suicide during this months, so I took time to recover before I began writing again.

Thank you for waiting, and now I'll be publishing more often, I promise.

And I was thinking how you guys would like for Lance and Keith to have kids?

It could be a menpreg story, if you guys don't have problems with that, I would like to work on it...

but otherwise, I would go for adoption (kids will be a part of the story because I think it's cute haha)

anyways, just leave your opinions on the comments or on the chat

aaand if yous want to be closer to me, follow me on my instagram:




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