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Three years later

Raven Sterling sat in a dark corner of a café sipping her coffee and watching a video on her phone. It was surveillance from one of her many apartments. Two days ago, someone had broken in searching for her. But like most of the properties she owned, she was never there. It was simply a front, somewhere for people to go looking. When they broke in, it activated the cameras. This time she recognized the intruder. Agent Clint Barton of SHIELD.

He'd gotten into her apartment with little effort, which was impressive in its own right, but that wasn't what really grasped her attention. She watched his figure move across the screen on her phone to a desk on the far side of the room. He jotted something on a piece of paper and glanced around the room. Then he headed straight for the camera and held the paper in front of the lens.

Thursday. Blue Moon Café. New York. 10 am.

That was a first. So here she was on Thursday morning, sipping coffee, nibbling on a chocolate chip muffin and waiting on the agent. She glanced out the front window to see him still leaning against the building across the street watching the café. He'd been out there for half an hour. Unfortunately for him, she'd gotten here well before him, so he was wasting his time. She glanced at her watch. Ten minutes to ten. He should be coming in before long.

Almost as if on cue, he straightened and jogged across the street, heading for the café. He opened the door and looked around until his eyes fell on her. He gave a nod then headed to the counter to order a drink. She slipped her phone into her pocket and leaned back in her chair to study him. To anyone who didn't know who he was, he looked normal, unremarkable perhaps if you were to ignore his rugged appeal. He wore faded jeans with combat boots. His worn t-shirt was covered with a light weight flannel.

But that wasn't all Raven saw. She saw the lean muscle on his frame, the way he kept his weight on the balls of his feet, ready to dodge at a moment's notice. She saw the way his eyes never stopped moving, and how he used reflections to watch the activity behind him. Finally, he joined her at the table, taking the only other chair that allowed him to have his back to a wall.

"Ms. Sterling," he said with a nod.

"It's Raven. Just Raven," she corrected automatically. She could tell her crisp English accent surprised him.

His dark eyes studied her as he took a drink of his coffee. "Fine."

"Why are you here?" she asked.

"I am—

She held up a hand to cut him off. "I know who you are Agent Barton. I simply don't understand why you are here? I assume Fury sent you? I've already turned him down twice."


Irritation flowed through Clint. Damn Fury. What was he up to this time? "He chose not to share that information with me." He did his best to keep his feelings from his voice but he failed miserably if the smirk the woman gave him was any indication.

Fury had shown him a picture when he gave Clint the assignment but it didn't do the woman justice. She had long dark hair that fell to the middle of her back. Her eyes were some sort of hazel/amber mix and her features were delicate. Everything about the woman said she'd be more at home shopping on Fifth Avenue than joining SHIELD. Clint didn't even know why Fury was interested in her. And he sure as hell never mentioned the accent. Like that wasn't a big identifier. Sometimes his boss really pissed him off.

"I wasn't sure you were going to show up," he said after a beat.

She shrugged one shoulder. "You intrigued me. It's not often someone breaks into my apartment to get a message to me. In fact, I'd say that was a first."

It was his turn to shrug. "Fury told me not to waste time. He said you wouldn't be found unless you wanted to be. He told me to get creative."

"Well, he is correct that you wouldn't have been able to find me unless I wished it." She pursed her lips as she ran her eyes over him. He resisted the urge to shift under her gaze. "On the other hand.... You just might have accomplished it. Regardless, this is faster."

Clint leaned back in his chair and tapped one finger on the table as he watched this woman. The more he studied her, the more he saw the things hidden behind the polished persona. Her hands were perfectly steady with no indication of nervousness and while the nails were painted, she kept them short. Both feet were flat on the floor and her chair was far enough from the wall that she could rise in a hurry if needed. Her stylish jacket was just a loose enough cut to easily hide a holster. But it was her eyes that convinced him that there was more to this woman than there seemed. They never stopped moving. Even though she appeared to be looking at him, he could see the subtle twitching of the iris that indicated she was taking in the entire café.

Clint reached into the front pocket of his shirt and pulled out a business card. He placed it on the table and slid it across to her with one finger. "Fury wants to meet you at that address. Tomorrow at fourteen hundred. Give the desk your name and they'll direct you."

She drained the last of her coffee. "And if I don't go?"

"Not my problem. I delivered the message. My job is done. Go or not, it's your choice."

With a nod, she stood swiftly from the table and moved toward the door. Part way there she stopped and looked back at him. "Your boss, did he tell you anything about me?"

He shook his head.

A smile spread across her face. "Well, this will be fun."

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