Y/n's Transformation sequence 1

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(A/n: It's come to my attention I never explained how he transforms. An I think everyone just assumed he had the same bland transformation process as the others. However, I thought of how each version of his growth will proceed through his transformations. Try and guess the theme for this one, trust me it should be obvious.)

[3rd pov]


Upon activating the Delta morpher, a faint outline of his ranger form appears before him. Y/n casts off his uniform jacket and does a few flips backwards, as the form turns and attempts to fight him. Coming to a stop, Y/n throws a punch the same time the ranger form does, sending sparks everywhere. The two seem to be locked in combat, each blow equipping more of the ranger form to Y/n. As the two pass each other for the final time, the ranger form slowly fades away and appears full on Y/n. He then jumps up high, allowing the helmet to take form on his head. As he lands once more, he seems to grow to the height of his fellow rangers. The sirens on the side of the helmet flash as he stands up, sparks emanating from his body.


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