the push

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The school day went on as normal. And even though Bakugou was still not at school, the bullying did not stop. If anything, it was worse. By the time school was finished, Izuku could feel some nasty bruises forming. For some reason, he decided to take a long way home. He just felt the need to clear his head.

“Oi.” Izuku tensed up when he heard the voice of one of the bullies. He turned around to find one of the older students at his school. He had repeated last year, so he was a year older than everyone else. He walked up to Izuku and pushed him to the floor. “Why is the quirkless loser walking this way?”

They were in a small underpass, one that was barely used. The bully started kicking Izuku's bag around, throwing insults at him. Izuku got up and picked up his scattered contents of his bag, and as he was stuffing it back into his bag, the bully walked by and spat on him. “Your probably wishes she died in that fire, instead of having to raise you.” Then the bully turned around and started walking away.

He doesn't remember much, except red. He grabbed the thickest book he had and ran towards him. With all his strength, he brought it down on his head. When it made contact, the bully fell to the ground. Izuku looked around and saw a baseball bat in the bully's bag. He grabbed it and kept bringing it down on his head. Before he knew it, the boy was dead. Izuku looked at what he had done. He should have felt sick. He should have wanted to throw up, but he didn't. He felt powerful.

He quickly started to panic. He had to hide the evidence. He looked around and saw a sewer. Perfect. The grate was old, so it had rusted, which allowed Izuku to make a gap wide enough to fit the baseball bat in. He dropped it in and heard it make a loud splash as it hit the water at the bottom. He then grabbed the rest of his things and made a run for it. Once he had reached a street where there were actually people, he slowed down. He used his plain face to just blend in. He noticed that he had some blood on his hand, so he kept it hidden. Once he got to his apartment building, he basically ran up the stairs.

Inside, he quickly washed his hands in the bathroom. Once there was no evidence of any blood on his hands, he walked into his room and got dressed into some more comfortable clothing. He thought back to the bully. That specific underpass barely had people going under it, and you would have to go through it to actually see the body. This meant it would be a while before somebody found him. 

What was he doing, thinking about how long somebody's corpse will be found? He was not a villain. No, he was going to be a hero. Right? What was the point since there was no way he would be able to get into the hero course, and it seemed that he wouldn't even be able to live whole being quirkless. But that rush, that feeling of power when he killed that bully. It felt so good, even better than before. No, he would just keep quiet. Nobody had to know

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