The dinner

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Violets pov the morning before the dinner
Kat is coming over for dinner tonight and I'm extremely nervous, tho I told dad and papa to be on there best behaviour, I feel that I'm going to get embarrassed.
I got out of bed and walked into the hall to see shinso and denki making out and before they noticed me I yelled using my voice quirk " get a rooooooooom shinnnnnnnn".
I saw shin roll his eyes and dad walked upstairs and mumbled something I could not see.
Time skip to after the shower
I went to the closet and tried to find a cute outfit that was not so tomboy and jinx took it apon himself to pick out the outfit and tbh it looked really cute and my ears are showing as well.
Without the nails and with longer hair

After I got ready I went downstairs and to my surprise dad kissed papa and they were cuddling on the couch. Dad never really would show affection towards papa unless at home and I'm like that in a way as well.
I got papas attentions and signed
"Can we do spicy curry for dinner it's Kats favourite?"
" you really like him don't you shadow?"dad said with an emotionless face as always.
"Yes I do, I think..." As I signed the last part I got kinda confused cause I don't understand the feeling and in my mind I started mumbling until dad pulled me out of my thoughts by signing.
" it feels like a fuzzy feeling in your chest and when you are around them there sent drives you nuts and you just want to be in there arms, and when you see them even if you are really down just seeing the life and enthusiasm in their eyes just makes your whole life better and makes it so you can actually live and not suffer" I look at dad and he looks up at papa and papa is so shocked to even form a sentence.
"That's exactly how I feel. So I like him?"I ask still slightly confused.
" no little listener you are in love with him"
Those words eco in my mind the whole time I start preparing dinner.
Time skip to 30 minutes before dinner
Kats POV
I'm on my way to her house and I'm freaking out and my hands are really sweaty so I'm afraid I might hurt one of them but I need to calm down do I put music on and zone out on the walk to her house.
When I got there I heard yelling and I look to see shinso on the front porch with denki and he smirks.
" you hurt my sister and I will rip your throat out"
I look at him still confused at the yelling and I say " first off I don't plan on hurting her and second why are they yelling"
" dad and papa started talkin about loud blonds and vi started talking and papa told her to speak up and umm now they are both yelling with there quirks." Just then I heard Violet scream and before I even think I'm running into the house to where she was and I see her in the living room getting tickled by Mr. Aizawa and I did a sigh of relief. I slide down the door frame only to be noticed by mic.
" oh your here. Why are you out of breath?" He questioned.
" ya sorry for not knocking...I ahhh heard ki-I mean Violet scream and I got worried."
" so I have a question for you listener, what are your intentions with out Violet" he said staring me directly into my soul it seemed and it was scary.
" well sir, from the moment I laid eyes on Violet I have loved her. And now that we are old enough I would like to ask something to you and Mr. Aizawa but I was hoping to do so at dinner if that is alright" I replied as I stuck my hand out to shake his.
"OOOOKAYYYYYYY, now go get vi she's on the couch and surprise her she does not know you are here yet." He said as he pointed to the living room.
As I sneak up to her I look at Mr. Aizawa and put my finger to my lips as to say "shh" and I continue to walk up to my love. I quickly wrap my arms around her smelling her. She squealed and turned around to see me and she jumped up on the couch and wrapped herself around me and had a huge smile on her face and I look down cause I feel a tug on my shirt and I see a little girl.
" are you vi vis boifwrend(boyfriend)" the little girl looked at me with big eyes and I start to blush. Violet noticed and looks down.
" oh, Eri there you are I was about to come find you, Kat this is my little sister Eri, Eri this is my friend Katuski."
I'm not going to lie when she said friend it kinda hurt but we weren't together yet so I couldn't be to upset.
Time skip to mid dinner
"This curry is amazing thank you so much for inviting me over." I say shoving another spoonful into my mouth. After I swallow I take a deep breath in and exhale while standing up, everyone was looking at me and tbh I was terrified but there is no going back now.
" Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Yamada, Shinso and Eri too I would like to ask you all something, ever sense I was 9 years old and I first met Violet I knew I had to know her and get close to her. When I brought her to the infirmary that day I was devastated when I found out that she was leaving I thought I'd never see her again but then she showed up end it was the best day that ever happened and I was wondering if I would have your permission to ask to be my girlfriend."
They all stare at me and the first person to  say anything was surprisingly Eri.
" mhm mhm mhm do it, all Vi does is talk about you"
I smile knowing I have 1 yes.
" okay boom boom boy you can ask my sister but if you hurt her I will kill you" shinso said glaring at me.
"HEEEELLLLL YAAAAAAAAAAAA" I had to cover my ears for that one.
" god what is it with loud blonds, yes you have my permission"
I was so happy and now all I needed to do was ask Violet. I'll plan it another day cause it's getting late and I need to go back home.
I say my goodbyes to everyone and walk out the front only to feel a hug from behind and something rub against my leg and I see Jinx and Vi wanting a goodbye hug. I do so and start walking home planing the date, and how to ask her.

Please help me out if you want by voting or commenting to see what I can add
Til next time❤️
Word count 1218

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