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Random street, London / 7:03

He grabs you hand.
"Here" He pulls you into an alley. His stone-cold skin almost hurts your hand. But still, you don't want him to let go. You want to touch him, you want to stroke his arms, you want to touch his strong muscles. But you know you can't. You can't let yourself go back to the eternal circle of pain, and misery. He let's you hand go, and he turns around. He can't see the pain on your face, the pain which he causes without doing anything.

"Okay, bye!" you hang up the phone.
"Who was that?" Loki comes around the corner of the bedroom. You smile
"Oh, just an old friend." The god squints.
"A... male friend?" He asks.You chuckle "Does it matter?"
He looks down to the floor. "No," he answers. He looks up at you, and his bright green eyes flicker blueish.
"Unless he is male" It must have been a trick of the light, ones eyes can't just suddenly change colour, can they? You hesitate "Well, yeah, he is. But it's just platonic."
You don't really know why he would be interested so much. But the look on Loki's face disturbs you without you even knowing why.
"Okay" He says, but you can see he's definitely not okay. He turns around to walk away, but you grab his arm
"Hey," you say "Don't worry. I love you, and no one else. You know that, right?"
You smile encouraging, but he doesn't return you smile. He just nods, and turns his face. You lose your grip on his arm.

"Why?" you ask.
Loki freezes in his doings. "What?" he asks.
"Why do you need me?" you clarify. Loki returns to whatever he was doing.
"You know perfectly well why" He says. But you don't. He's left you alone, after all you've done for him. After all the time you two spend together. What if he wants you, like he used to? You know it isn't true, but one can hope.
"No, I don't" You say after a while. You take a step in his direction, but not too close. The god is silent. He is busy with something.
"What are you doing?" you ask. "Preparing our return." His voice is cold, and he doesn't say anything for a long while. You turn around, looking at the people passing by. You should be with them. You should be at work, complaining about the shifts and the customers and everything else a normal person complains about. You think about running. But you know you won't come far. You know he will catch you again. Behind you you hear something. You turn around to look at Loki, who has stand up, looking at you.
"Come closer" he says. His blue eyes follow you as you walk towards him. You stand about two feet away from him. He grabs you underarm, pulling you closer. He brings his mouth toward you ear.
"The reason I need you?" He says, his warm breath tingling you neck.
"I need a queen by my side."

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