Asgard, Dining Room / 13:52
You sit next to your husband. He's feasting with other gods and celestial beings. The guests don't seem to like it, but Loki is kinda drunk, so he doesn't notice. As soon as you two had walked inside the palace he had let go of your hand. He had completely ignored you after that. You take a small bite from the meat in front of you. You don't know what it is. You don't really taste anything. Loki seems happy. Well, as far as he can be happy. What happened there? You ask yourself. Why did you want to kiss him? He's horrible. But you can't explain it. You take a sip from the mead. A hand gets lain on your shoulder. You look up to see Lady Sif looking at you. You half-smile at her. She doesn't smile back. Instead she grabs your hand, and takes you with her to a separate room. You always liked Sif. You two were kinda friends. Used to be.
When she closes the door behind you she asks you "Are you alright?".
You nod. You can't really say anything. You feel something wet on your cheek. You bring your hand up to your face, wiping away the tear. Sif embraces you, not really something for a warrior goddess, but it is soothing. You cry. You can't seem to stop. Of course, you wanted to marry him. At least you used to. But not like this. Not when he is this... Monster.
"I enjoyed it." You say. "I wanted him to kiss me. I pushed him closer! I don't know what got over me." You're still sobbing.
"You love him." Sif says. You shudder when she says it. You know it's true. You just didn't want to tell it to yourself. Even after all he's done, you still love him.
"I- I just want to be happy." You whisper. Sif softly strokes your hair. She let's go of you after a while.
"It'll come" She says. You don't know what she means, but her words give you hope.
When you're back into the dining room you sit down to finish the last bit of your meal. After an hour or so everyone seems tired, and done with the day. Loki announces that he will go. You go with him. He walks to the hall, you behind him. You don't seem like a married couple.
"Follow me" he says. You obey. He walks towards a room you've never seen before. It's a big bathroom it seems. There are baths everywhere. The walls are shimmering gold, and the tiles are made from silver stone. The water in the baths seems warm, steam is rising from the goldish liquid. Loki slowly undresses, gesturing for you to do the same. He slowly lets himself glide into the water. You follow him. You two sit across each other. You don't want to make eye contact. Instead you look at the water. Well, not really water. It's gold, shimmering when it moves. Now you look at him. He was checking you out.
"What is this?" you ask.
"This is the Water of Truth." He says "You can't lie in here."
You're stunned. Why would a professional liar bathe in such waters? Loki looks a bit ashamed.
"I have to tell you something." He whispers. He gestures for you to come closer. As you move, the water feels soft, almost parting for you. You sit next to him. His eyes flicker green and blue, like the two colours are fighting for dominance. Loki hesitates. Suddenly he's very sober.
"Something has happened to me." He says, his voice breaking. "I- I don't know what, but something is very very wrong with me."
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