2:04 am
Yoongi and Hana ran through the darkness of the school's corridor to two big doors. Both of them pushed hard on these and entered what seemed the canteen.
Out of breath, their minds were busy thinking about a solution.
Some echoes of grunts startled Yoongi and Hana that ran in the back of the dark kitchen. They both took huge knives and crouched behind a counter.
Heavy steps were getting closer to the kitchen's doors and when they entered the place, Yoongi's and Hana's breath cut cold.
"I know you two are in there" a gruff voice grumbled, causing Hana to tightening her grip on her knife.
The creaking floor added creepiness to the quiet ambiance as the heavy breathing of the big guy were wandering around the room without Yoongi and Hana to exactly know where he was.
"Come out, come out little piggies!~"
The rough and low voice seemed to approach the location where Yoongi was hiding. His heart was pounding fast, but Yoongi managed to control his breath after all so he wouldn't be noticed by the blood thirsty guy that was after them.
Yoongi felt somehow spotted on. The heavy breathing stopped and there was no more creaking floor to be heard. But the boy could feel something odd. It was like if, even without looking, he was feeling a presence creeping behind him.
As Yoongi's mind was busy with thoughts about how it was over for him, dirty and bloody fingers slowly sneaked on the edge of the counter, right above his head.
The boy could feel a hot breath brushing his soft hair. He tilted his head towards its provenance and gulped when he witnessed the smile of a demon. The guy was looking at his pray, from the surface of the kitchen counter, like it was his dinner.
Yoongi gasped and got away from the counter's structure. Then, Hana screamed loudly as she jumped from another counter, that was making its way along the wall and stabbed strongly the guy in the back. "RUN" she yelled at her best friend.
Yoongi stood up and planted his knife in the guy's hand as he was already screaming in pain. The two friends ran way out of the kitchen.
The big guy took out the knife in his hand first and threw it on the floor. He grunted as he walked out of the canteen. When the doors closed behind him, he looked around like if he had some kind of night vision. He then yelped while trying to stretch his arm to grab the knife in his back. He seemed to struggle, but finally got it.
His eyes traveled around the dark corridor before he suddenly threw the knife that went to plant itself in the wall...
Right beside Hana and Yoongi that took off immediately after...
2:38 am
The guy was still after them. Maybe he lost a little bit of strength because of the wounds, but it was slightly noticeable due to his determination to kill both, Yoongi and Hana.
They turned a corner and climbed the stairs in a hurry before the big guy could catch on them. The two friends went in a long corridor lightened by a window at the end of it.
They tried multiple doors. They remained all locked. Hana and Yoongi stopped as they were now at the window with nowhere to hide.
"What do we do now" Hana questioned Yoongi. Her voice sounded terrified under the fact that she was exhausted from running around the school.
"I-" Yoongi got interrupted when creepy growls could be heard at the extremity of the corridor.
Hana gasped, touching Yoongi's hand to find comfort.
"I found you piggies" the guy announced as a wide smile creeped on his face. The moonlight reflected in his eyes and that way, Hana and Yoongi could see his dark gaze even from the distance that was separating them.
The man started to laugh as he walked towards them. Yoongi kicked the door beside them. It wasn't opening. Hana just stared at the big guy coming in their way.
Yoongi tried again. No success. He then sighed, tilted his head on the side to crack his neck. He then reached out his loaded gun and fired on the lock. Finally, he was able to open the door.
His cold hand startled Hana as he grabbed her arm and pulled her inside the room. When Hana's gaze left the man, he was starting to run after them.
Yoongi closed the door behind them, which wasn't going to be that effective since he broke it.
Hana pressed her small body on the door in reflex.
Yoongi turned around, "what are you doing?"
"I..." the girl was out of breath and couldn't speak.
Yoongi hurried to her and grabbed back her arm, "this guy will not take his time to knock on the door."
They both headed to the back of the room where there was an opened window.
Yoongi opened it wider and looked down. He noticed a fence placed all around the school campus that was installed right below them. There was no way that they were jumping out of the window. Plus, they were at the second floor. With this wound, Yoongi would barely survive a fall like this.
Suddenly, the door violently slammed opened, revealing a huge black silhouette.
"Do you have a plan" Hana asked her best friend in fear.
"My plan is to follow your plan" Yoongi answered, causing Hana to stare at him before her eyes widened when the guy stepped forward.
As he was charging on the two "piggies", Hana ran away, leaving Yoongi in front of the monstrous man. The scared boy screamed as he saw the guy running in his way. He crouched on the floor while covering his head with his hands.
Then, the big guy got hit by a student chair. He stopped his run and turned around to see a small and brave girl. Her gaze was confident, but quickly changed when the guy charged on her instead of her friend.
He tossed every desks in his way while Hana was screaming and running away. She even passed in front of Yoongi and pushed down some books that were on a shelf nearby him. Fortunately for the boy, the big guy wasn't purchasing every steps of the girl. He didn't passed in front of him too.
Now, it was Yoongi's turn to throw a chair at the threat. He immediately felt regret. Again, Yoongi crouched on the floor when he saw his life flash in front of his eyes.
The man sprinted in Yoongi's direction. Hana yelled to get his attention, but it wasn't doing anything. The guy kept his burning gaze on the boy until he accidentally slipped on the books. His foot bumped in Yoongi and he felt through the window.
"YOONGI" Hana screamed as she hurried in his direction.
The boy crisped in pain. From the collision, his wound got hit, but luckily it wasn't bleeding. Hana helped her friend to get up and they both peeked out of the window.
The big guy felt directly on the fence. Its long and sharp pickets skewered his body, causing an hemorrhage before he suffocated due to the air going in his pierced lungs and he finally died.
Yoongi and Hana gave each other a look before heading back towards the exit.
"This is the most exercise I have done throughout the whole year" Yoongi sighed.
"I believe you" Hana replied with a small smile on the corner of her lips.
3:09 am
I hope that you are enjoying this story for now. Don't be shy to comment either. I like to see what your reaction towards a scene or something... I don't know...just seeing your comments make me happy ok?
Have a nice day/ night!
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