Already a rough night

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9:02 pm

Yoongi was walking carefully along the cold and dark walls of bricks, slightly lightened by some streets lights, in Hana's house direction. Fortunately, they were both living on the same street, not far from each other, so it wouldn't be a long walk, but Yoongi still had to be on his guard tonight.

It has been two hours since the Purge had started and multiple crimes had been made. There was some dead bodies on the streets that Yoongi had to stride over.

Suddenly, a white light flashed him. Yoongi looked towards its direction as saw a girl, wearing only a sparkling bra, a tight mini skirt and long boots, crossing the street to come to him. She had a flashlight in one hand and a bloody golf stick in the other. It had some tiny mashed pieces of guts stick to it.

Yoongi didn't move. He observed her getting close, when a car ran over her. Her body rolled on the hood and felt on the ground as the car honked away as the bunch of wild people inside were yelling with fun.

The girl was obviously dead as Yoongi could notice her brain coming out of the side of her head. The boy looked away in disgust and continued his way, holding his gun a little harder.

Almost there, Yoongi noticed a bulky man in front of a house. He was holding a picture and a machete.

Yoongi hid against a perpendicular wall. He creeped out only his head to see what the man was doing. The bulky stranger took a last glance at the photo and threw it over his shoulder as he looked up to a window. He swung his machete on his shoulder and walked up the set of three steps. The man lowered his weapon and twisted it in his hand before entering the house quietly.

Yoongi let out a sigh of relief and continued his path. He passed in front of the house and admired it uneasily. He took the picture that the mysterious man threw away. It was a lovely family portrait with a woman, a man and two young children. However, the bulky man wasn't the one in the photo.

A loud and shrill scream from the house broke the silence, causing Yoongi to jump and run away.

The boy finally reached Hana's apartment. No one seemed to be there, ready to kill everybody. He carefully entered and ran upstairs to the fifth floor. The door was already slightly opened. Yoongi pushed it wide and heard screaming coming from Hana's bedroom.

"HANA!!" Yoongi rushed in her room, his gun aimed in front of him, prepared to shoot that son of a bitch. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped when he saw his friend, sat on the dead body of the man, stabbing him continuously in the face with all her strength as the blood was splashing on her. Yoongi also noticed how one of her blue camisole's strap has got ripped and that her shirt had been lifted a bit.

Yoongi lowered his weapon and quickly went to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her off the dead guy. It wasn't easy as Hana was seeing red. She was resisting Yoongi's grip and still stabbed the messed up face with anger and tears.

Yoongi finally succeeded to take her off the man. Hana pressed her forehead on his chest. She was shocked and trembling from all her body parts. Yoongi caressed her hair and rested his chin on her head to comfort her and mostly, calm her.

"He killed her...he killed her" Hana whispered. Yoongi looked in her eyes. They were round, fixing the nothingness. His eyes shifted to the dead body of the man. He looked a little further and noticed her mother, lifeless, a big red stain on her shirt situated on her stomach.

His gaze came back on the traumatized girl. He observed her with an apologetic look before pressing her small body against his again.

9:55 pm
After taking a shower, Hana had dressed in black skinny jeans, black ankle boots, a grey t-shirt, written "GUCCI" in red/cherry capital letters, tucked in her pants and a large khaki vintage coat. As she headed out of the bathroom, she put added a black baseball cap to her outfit and tilted her head up to see Yoongi staring.

"What" Hana said without any emotion. Her voice was different from her usual fruity voice, it was...dead and gruff. Yoongi stepped forward to wipe something beside her nostril. "You still had some." He showed her his red thumb before wiping it off on his shirt.

They went in the living room and tried to fix the door that Seungjun broke when he entered. The only thing they could do was to move the couch and place it in front of it. That wasn't the best.

As they finished to push the couch, a strident broken glass from the reception echoed in the entire building. Yoongi went to look from the window while Hana was fixing the couch.

"Hana...we should probably go" Yoongi warned the girl. "Huh?" She joined him by the window. Their face were receiving an orange and worm light from the fire down there. Some guys were celebrating with the head of the owner of the building stuck on a sharpened wooden stick.

Horrified, they still had to go. Yoongi grabbed Hana's wrist and moved to Hana's room. Fortunately, there were emergency stairs that could be reach by her bedroom.

Before they went in, Hana grabbed two medium-sized knives in the kitchen and followed Yoongi. They crossed her room, stepping over the dead bodies and reached the window. As Yoongi was pulling on her arm, Hana couldn't help to look back at her mother, "ma..."

The boy helped her to get through the window and went right behind her. Without making noise, they tiptoed down the stairs that were situated on on the side of the building that was caught in fire.

At the last set of stairs, the screws were loose, causing the module to tremble. Hana tightly gripped on the ramps before the whole thing broke.

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