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"Extra KitKat please." I tell the lady.

She gives me a smile and says no problem.

I drive up to the next window, pay for my food and pass the bag to Sophia Alice.

We check to make sure we got everything and began to snack on our McFlurries.

Due to Sophia Alice being grounded, our food runs have been cut short.

So after school we try and do our food runs.

"You ready? She asks.

I nod my head and open my mouth.

She puts a spoonful of KitKat McFlurry into my mouth.

I moan in delight.

I loved the KitKat one.

Especially with extra KitKat.

"Thank you." I tell her.

"No thank you, for buying." She smiles at me.

"No problem." I respond.

I turn on some music so we can enjoy the drive.

We sing along to the music and chatter a bit in between.

By the time we drive into our neighborhood, I felt myself wanting to drive around a bit more.

Sophia Alice being grounded sucked, as we couldn't do anything together.

Besides school and home, Sophia Alice and I had nothing to do.

Ben's POV

After the last bell rang students around me began to get out of their seats and pour into the halls.

I packed my books and joined the others in the hall.

"Yo Aruba! A voice calls to me.

I turn around to see one of my good friends Joshua.

"Josh, what's up? I ask.

"Nothing much. Anyway after school we are going to the beach you in? He asks.

Whilst debating in my head I drag out the word "um."

I shake my head no.

"Sorry man,I don't think so." I tell him.

"Cancelling on us again? Seriously? His tone shows disappointment.

"I know and I'm sorry but I've just been busy." I say.

Truth be told Benjamin wasn't busy.

He'd simply lost his passion for everyday things in life.

He no longer wanted to go out as much.

He didn't enjoy playing sports anymore.

He found it hard to even smile at times.

The reason to this being one thing.

Uncle Samuel.

Another reason why Benjamin dreaded going home.

He knew uncle Samuel was there.

And waiting for him.

"Okay, if you say so. I'll catch you later." Josh says turning around.

"You too." I reply.

I turn around and make my way to my locker so I can drop my books in there.

I wouldn't need these books until the day after tomorrow and I don't feel like taking them home.

I began to close my locker when I hear it.

Her voice.

I turn to my right to see that she's talking with Claude Daniels.

They were discussing with each other and Frankie had a smile on her face.

Ben's heart did a bit of a leap, a small smile was making it's way to his face.

He himself couldn't even deny it.

Frankie was the only source of his happiness.

I tore my gaze away from Frankie and made my way to the exits.

The door lead to the student parking lot where my car was parked.

I got into my car and began the dreadful car ride home.

It was no surprise that when I arrived, Uncle Samuel's Tesla was parked in the driveway.

I sighed and shut off the car.

Here we go.

I opened the door and a gust of wind blew hair out of my face.

I placed my hand on the door knob and the door opened right up.

You'd think these people knew how to lock doors.

I could hear the voices of my dad, his friend and uncle in the kitchen.

I made my way into the kitchen and greeted everyone.

Except my uncle.

"Benjamin. Come, we need to talk." His voice said.

I rolled my eyes, but still followed him up the stairs.

He lead me into a vacant room where he shut and locked the door.

"So have you made your mind up? He asks.

"I told you this plenty of times. I'm not getting myself into that. I refuse to sell drugs." I spit out.

He does a humorless chuckle.

"What you don't understand is that sooner or later. You're not going to have a choice." He glares at me.

"I don't give a shit. I'm not selling drugs." I tell him.

"Oh how I wish you were like the Almarack boys. They were only told once and they stepped up to the job." He smiles.

"No wonder they dropped you." He adds.

I could feel myself getting angrier.

He steps closer to me.

"You may have your father backing you up right now, but I'll take care of that."

"You're not going to do shit! I stare him down.

"Or so you think." He smiles.

"How could aunty Maria ever be married to sick fuck like you? I ask.

Aunty Maria was the sweetest person ever.

She was like a mom to me after mine passed away.

Then when she passed away last year, my life was never the same.

"I think the same." He laughs.

"Fuck you." I spit, getting ready to leave.

He blocks the door.

Then he proceeds to just stand there looking at me before he moves out of my way.

When finally, he speaks.

"I wonder if Xander Almarack knows that you're running around with his younger sister."

My heart drops and I turn to look at him.

A smile makes a way to his face.

"You weren't as slick as you thought. You should really be careful getting involved with her." He says.

I roll my eyes and unlock the door.

"We wouldn't want anything happening to her..again." he speaks.

That's when I lose it.

I turn around and send a punch directly to his jaw.

How dare he threaten Frankie again?

My rage completely takes over me as I send blow after blow to his face.

All I felt in this moment was rage.

The very first time I found out what he did to Frankie, I almost lost it.

Now he's threatening Frankie again, I couldn't take it.

Even hearing my dad shout my name, and trying to hold me back doesn't stop me.

"If you ever lay a hand on Frankie ever again I will kill you." I shout at him as my dad restrains me against the wall.

"Frankie doesn't deserve any of this. Leave her out it! I yell.

"Benjamin calm down! He shouts in my ear.

I shove him away.

I walk out of that room with absolute rage in my heart.

I can't be in this environment, I'll go absolutely insane.

I get in my car and drive.

I drive to the only place that calms me down when I'm this upset.

The waterfall.

Nobody knew about the waterfall except for me and Frankie.

It was a safe place for me that I was certain nobody knew about.

I parked my car before starting the long walk to the waterfall.

As always, I was greatful of the long walk which helped clear my mind.

When I reached the waterfall I took a breath, and sat down.

I looked around.

Everything here was in place.

Everything was as it is supposed to be.

Everything here was perfect.

I was starting to calm down and be in the mindset where I can think straight.

Although there is one problem.

I'm not happy.

I miss being happy.

I miss feeling the feeling of happiness.

You know what they say, you can't wait for happiness to find you.

You have to find happiness.


I desperately searched my computer for a good show to watch.

I've watched every single one of the shows that have been recommended to me.

Teen Wolf, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Riverdale, Elite, La casa De Papel, all of it.

I even started The Vampire Diaries but stopped when I found out Stefan and Elena wouldn't end up together.

I just couldn't deal.

My finger lazily dragged along to see the endless options of movies.

I let out a sigh as I settled for a movie called "The last Summer"

Before the movie could start I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard a knock on my balcony doors.

I sat there looking for a weapon to make sure I would at least be protected if there was a killer at my balcony.

"Frankie it's Ben." The voice said.

Strangely, that didn't stop my heart from beating any slower.

I got up anyways and made my way to the doors and there he was.

Although this time was a bit different from the other times.

I wasn't met with Ben's pearly whites like I usually was.

"Ben what are you going here? I ask as he steps in.

"You." He simply says.

"Me? I ask.

He only nods his head.

"What about me-" I start but was cut off due to a foreign feeling.

The feeling of Ben's lips on mine.

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