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Today was the day of Sophia Alice's big performance.

We weren't sure exactly what the performance was for, but it was for one of her thousands of clubs.

Sophia Alice had warned us all week about her performance so during  lunch everyone was going to be in our schools auditorium to watch her preform. Even Xander was going to be there. She bagged us THAT much about it.

"Remember, doors open right at the start of lunch but please be there early , I don't need the stress of wondering where you guys are." Sophia Alice explains to us.

"Got it." Tomas responds.

"Frankie do you mind riding with the boys? I have to get to school early today so I can rehearse." She asks.

The boys and I give each other pointed looks.

"About that. Sophia Alice you're seventeen almost eighteen. Everyone has their own car, and I know you said you wanted a bigger closet more than a car, I think you are more than deserving of your own car." Xander begins.

"So what we're trying to say is-"

"No to the expansion of my closet? Sophia Alice cuts him off.

Xander chuckles lightly.

"Just go outside." He says.

"Major deja vu moment, I'm pretty sure I know what's outside! She practically screams in excitement.

She runs outside to where her new car awaits her.

"Thank you so much! I can't believe this! She blushes.

The boys laugh in amusement when she turns the car on and screams in excitement when the car roars to life.

"I can't wait to do donuts in this car! She smiles.

"No, no. No donuts." Tomas warns her.

"Fine no donuts, but Omg I'm so excited! She smiles.

"So where is our first girls road trip? I ask.

"On my birthday! We're going to LA! She exclaims

"Sounds like a plan, girls. Can't for our trip! Marco says in a high pitch voice.

"Our? Sophia Alice and I ask in unison.


"So she finally got her car? Claude chuckles.

"Yep. I wish you would have seen the look on her face. She was so excited! I laugh.

"What about building her dream closet? He asks.

"That's definitely postponed for now. Believe me when I say she'll somehow get it though." I say.

"Oh 100 percent. She'll have it done either way." He agrees.

We laugh at Sophia Alice's determination as we walk to class.

"You'll be at her performance at lunch today right? I ask.

"She'd kill me if I skipped it." He chuckles.

"Good. She wants us there early. Save me a seat if you're there before and I'll save you a seat if I get there before you. I have to stop at the house to get her flowers for after the show." I tell him.

"Of course, I'll see you there." He says.

We say our goodbyes as he heads down the hall and I turn the corner.

Where I run right into Ben.

"Frankie. Hey." He says lowly.

"Ben. I've been calling you." I say.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for missing your calls." He says still not looking at me.

I sigh.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm tired, Frankie. I don't know what to do anymore." He says.

A gasp leaves my lips when Ben finally looks up.

He has a cut on his eyebrow, and a black eye is forming.

"Benjamin, oh my god! I gasp.

"Please don't make a scene about it." He begs.

I sigh and pull him to the side.

"Benjamin you have to tell me what's going on." I tell him.

"I can't. Not now Frankie."

I roll my eyes.

"Ben that's not an option. You're hiding things from me and now you come to school beat up. It was not this bad three days ago! I say.

"Not now Frankie. I promise I'll tell you when the times right." He says.

I scoff.

"When the times right? Are you serious Benjamin?!

"I promise. Please just trust me on this." He pleas.

"Fine. Let me clean you up," I say grabbing his hand and leading him towards the bathroom.

He pulls my hand to stop me.

"I can't risk being seen." He says.

He's right.

"Is anyone at your house? I ask him.

He shakes his head no.

"Fine let's go." I say.

We walk out of school together and get into Bens car.

It's obvious he's hurt. When he drives he weakly turns the steering wheel.

We get to his house, and when we enter the house, it is so silent you could hear a pin drop.

We go upstairs to the bathroom in his room and I began looking for the first aid kit.

I pull it out of the drawer and get out the things I need.

I sit on his counter so I could reach the cut on his eyebrow.

I dap the cut with an alcoholic pad where he whines and grips my thighs.

"Sorry." I mutter.

I continue cleaning and disinfecting his cuts.

I was about to finish when I noticed a blood stain on his shirt.

"Ben, what's on your shirt? I ask.

He looks down.

"It's nothing Frankie." He says.

I ignore him and lift his shirt where I see he has a slash on his stomach, and his ribs are bruised.

I gasp in horror.

"Benjamin! I scold.

"I didn't want you to freak out." He sighs.

My phone begins to ring in my pocket, but I silence it.

"Ben what is going on? This doesn't just happen in an ordinary fight!" I ask him again.

"I told you I would tell you when the time is right! Why can't you trust me on it?! He asks.

"Trust you on it? How am I suppose to trust you on something like this? Ben you were fighting behind my back and you won't even tell me why! I yell at him.

"And I told you that I'd tell you when the time is right. Goddammit Frankie why won't you just listen to me?! He asks.

I sigh.

"Look Ben we can sit here all day arguing, but either way I need to clean that." I say.

He sighs and takes his shirt off.

I clean his wounds in silence as Ben flinches every once in a while due to pain.

When I finish, he leaves the bathroom to put on a new shirt.

I hop down and put the first aid kid back in it's place.

Ben comes back with a fresh new shirt and he grabs his car keys.

I pull my phone out and look at the time.

Shit I'm 40 minutes late to Sophia's show.

"Can we please stop at my house, I left Sophia's flowers there."

"Sure no problem." He says.

We leave his house and take the route to my house.

We pull up to the drive way, and I unbuckle my seat belt.

"I'll be back. The flowers are only in the kitchen." I tell him.

He nods his head and I get out of the car.

I put my keys into the lock and it opens and I rush into the house.

"There you are! An angry voice makes me jump.

I turn around and my heart drops at the sight.

Everyone's here, even Claude, and so are about 20 of Xander's men.

"What are you guys doing here? I ask with a shaky voice.

"You don't get to ask questions young lady. Where were you?! Xander yells at me.

"I was at the store. I wanted to get something for Sophia Alice."

Marco scoffs loudly.

"God Frankie when will you stop with the lies?! He asks.

I flinch at his tone.

"I'm not lying." I say lowly.

"We know you weren't at the store so why don't you do us a favor and drop the lie, Frankie." Xander says sternly.

"I was at the store." I say.

Xander shakes his head and takes a seat on the chair.

He signals for one of his men and they bring him a computer.

This guy has long black hair is fairly young.

Xander turns the computer screen to face me and it shows a map.

"Who's house were you at? He asks.

I gasp when I realize what that is.

"You were tracking me?! I ask.

"You don't get to be angry Frankie! Where were you?! He asks me again.

I shake my head.

"You were with him weren't you? A low voice says.

I turn my head to Felix.

He looks defeated and his eyes were red.

What the hell is going on?

I shake my head as a signal for him to stop.

"This is my fault. I was reckless. I could have done something." He shakes his head.

Tears start to fill my eyes. Something was seriously wrong if Felix was like this.

"What are you talking about? Xander asks him.

"She was with Benjamin Aruba. They've been seeing each other." He says.

"You're joking." Says Xander.

He shakes his head.

"I caught them together in Vegas." He tells Xander.

"So you're telling me the Aruba's were right under my nose and I didn't know. One of them has been sneaking around with my little sister and I didn't know." He tells himself.

"What did we fucking tell you about Benjamin Aruba, Frankie?! Xander yells at me.

Tears began to run down my face.

Xander has never been this upset with me before.

"While you were doing god knows what with Benjamin Aruba your sister got abducted from the school." He scoffs.

My heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest.

I look around and realize that Sophia Alice was the only one not here.

Someone had Sophia Alice.

"I knew this was a mistake. Letting you guys roam around without body guards." Xander says.

"It was clear as day." Dylan says.

Everyone looks to him.

"I'm surprised it took you guys this long." He says and walks away.

"I'm sorry." I sob.

"You're sorry? He laughs humorlessly.

"Do you have any idea what trouble you could have gotten yourself in-"

"Frankie? A voice asks.

what great timing.

All the boys look at Benjamin with looks with that could kill.

Felix angrily gets up and makes his way to Ben.

He grabs Ben by his shirt and yells in his face.

"I thought I told you to stay the hell away from my sister!"

"Felix! I cry and try to reach out for them but Claude grabs me.

"Let me go! I cry as Felix sends blows to Ben's face.

Marco and Tomas separate Felix from Ben.

"You have a lot of balls showing up here! Felix yells.

"I would never do anything to hurt her and you know that! Ben says.

"Sure. But your uncle would. And did! He says.


"I tried my best to protect her. She was never in danger when she was with me," Ben says wiping blood from his mouth.

"You would have gotten her killed! Marco throws at him.

"I risk my life everyday for her. I'd rather die myself then ever put her in harms way." He says.

"Take him downstairs." Tomas commands.

"Frankie has been safer on my watch then she's ever been on yours," he simply says before Xander's guard carry him away.

"What is he talking about? I ask between sobs.

"You want to know why we don't want you with Ben? That guy who tried to kill you in the restaurant? That's Benjamin's uncle." Felix says.

It felt like that day all over again.

My heart was shattered and I felt betrayed.

"He did nothing to stop the attack nor save you! He says.

I shake my head.

"He wouldn't."

"Wake up Frankie! He already did! He shouts.

I continue shaking my head because I just don't want to believe it.

The room goes silent and the only thing you can hear are Felix's loud breaths and my occasional sniffs.

Xander stands up and he faces me.

"Frankie we have given you opportunity after opportunity to be honest with us. You still chose to lie to us. You and your sister went behind our backs. You two have had boyfriends, snuck out, and broken our rules on numerous occasions. Benjamin is right. I have let you all slack." He says.

He turns around to face Marco and Felix.

"Including you two. You guys are suppose to be next in line and you guys kept your sisters lies to yourselves. I've been too nice with you all, but don't worry that's all going to change. Never again will I let anyone or anything come between this family ever again. Everything is going to change as soon as we have Sophia Alice back. I promise that." He says in a calm voice which makes him scarier.

He turns to the guy that handed him the laptop earlier.

"Leo, take Frankie to her room. She isn't to come out unless I say so. I don't need her in harms way." He says.

Claude releases the grip he had on my waist as Leo takes me to my room upstairs.

As soon as I'm in, he locks the door.

Tears ran down my face as today's events began to sink in.

How did everything go so wrong?

Merry Christmas Eve everyone. 💕

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