Bakugo's Starting Line

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Y/n's costume

All Might: "It's time for the trial of battle!!! I'm liking everyone's styles! Very cool!

Tenya: "Sesnei! Regarding the performance ground we'll be using, is it the mock-city from the entrance exam."

Izuku: Ah, so it's Iida in there! He's looking pretty cool in that, too...!!

All Might: "You'll see---in fact, take two steps and you'll be there! This will be an indoor battle trial! Villain cleanup is usually seen out in the open, but statistically, the better part of it is an indoor job. Most acts of villainy are committed indoors. Imprisonment... house arrest... the black market... in this hero-saturated society. Hehe. Why, any villain with intelligence is lurking in the shadows!! For this test, you'll separate into "Villain" and "Hero" groups. For a two-on-two team battle!!"

Class: "!?"

Y/n and Karma high five.

Y/n: "You and me."

Karma: "Absolutly."

Tsuyu: "What about the foundational training?"

All Might: "This is foundational training! Only this time there won't be any robots it'd be okay to just destroy!"

Momo: "So how do we determine who wins and loses?"

Bakugo: "Is it okay if we just blow them away?"

Ochaco: "Is there a threat of expulsion like with Aizawa Sensei's exercise...?"

Tenya: "If we're separating into different groups, what would be the best way to do so?"

Aoyama: "Doesn't this cape look killer on me...?"

Y/n: "Yeah, but be careful. It could be a hazard.

All Might: "Hnnn~~~ I can't hear you speak all at once!!"

As All Might talks Y/n raises their hand.

All Might: "Yes, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Do we pick our partners?"

All Might: "We're drawing lots!"

Team A: Ochaco and Izuku

Team B: Shoto and Mezo

Team C: Momo and Mineta

Team D: Tenya and Bakugo

Team E: Mina and Aoyama

Team F: Koji and Rikido

Team G: Jiro and Denki

H: Fumikage and Tsuyu

I: Mashijiro and Toru

J: Kirishima and Hanta

K: Y/n 

L: Karma

Y/n and Karma: "Huh?!"

All Might: "It seems like you two will be fighting each other!"

Y/n and Karma groan.

Karma: "What do you think we'll be doing?"

Y/n fills up her paintball guns.

All Might collects the students.

All Might: "The best in this match was young Idia!!!"

Idia: "Wha-huh!!?"

Tsuyu: "But weren't the winners Ochako and Midoryia?"

All Might: "I wonder why I could possibly think so~~? WHO KNOWS WHY?!!!"

Y/n: "Idia acted like a villain, a shitty one, but still a villian."

Momo raises her hand.

Momo: "Yes, All Might-Sensei. It's because Iida was the one who adapted the most to the situation."

As Momo drones on Y/n looks at Shoto who is staring at them.

Y/n: "Are you worried? Don't worry."

Y/n and Shoto watch each fight looking over at each one.

All Might: "Good work everyone. Now for the final fight. Y/n will be the Hero and Karma will be the villian."

~In the arena~

Karma sits on the stairs waiting for Y/n.

Karma: "Let's have a good fight."

Y/n walks into the building

Y/n: He's in the stairwell.

The stairwell was dimly lit, the fluorescent lights flickering sporadically, casting long, jittery shadows across the concrete walls. The only sound was the muffled hum of an old ventilation system and the distant echo of footsteps from the floors above and below.

Y/n stood at the bottom of the stairs, her chest rising and falling with steady breaths. Karma stares down at Y/n.

Karma: "Give up, while you still can."

Y/n's lips curled into a confident smile. 

Y/n: "It already is, Karma. And I'm not backing down. I'm here to win."

Without warning, Karma charged. He moved quickly, but Y/n was ready. She sidestepped his initial swing, ducking under his outstretched arm. She could feel the rush of wind as his fist narrowly missed her face.

Karma stumbled slightly, and Y/n seized the opportunity. She stepped in close, her elbow connecting sharply with his ribs. He grunted, and she used the momentum to drive her knee into his midsection. Karma's breath whooshed out of him, and he staggered back, clutching his stomach.

Karma: "You're stronger than the last time we sparred."

Y/n: "Koro-sensei offered all of us more training, I was the only one to accept."

He recovered quickly, though, and swung again. This time, Y/n ducked and rolled with the punch, her body flowing like water. She pivoted, landing a precise strike to his side with the heel of her hand. Karma's head snapped to the side, and he growled in frustration. 

Y/n stands on the landing which is connected to floor 3.

He recovered quickly, though, and swung again. This time, Natalie ducked and rolled with the punch, her body flowing like water. She pivoted, landing a precise strike to his side with the heel of her hand. Tom's head snapped to the side, and he growled in frustration.

Y/n didn't give him a moment to regain his balance. She advanced, her movements fluid and precise. A swift kick caught him in the shin, making him wince. As he reeled, she followed up with a quick jab to his jaw, the impact echoing through the confined space.

Karma's defense faltered. He tried to block, but Y/n was relentless. She ducked under a calculated swing, then retaliated with a sharp uppercut. Karma's head snapped back, and he stumbled against the stair railing.

Y/n pressed her advantage. With a quick, calculated movement, she grabbed his shirt and yanked him forward. He was off-balance, and she used his momentum to throw him against the wall. He hit with a solid thud, but she was on him again before he could recover.

Y/n's punches were a blur, a flurry of controlled aggression. She targeted his ribs, his gut, his face—each strike methodical, each movement intentional. Karma tried to cover up, but he was overwhelmed, unable to find a gap in her defense.

With a final, decisive move, Y/n landed a powerful right hook. Karma crumpled, his legs giving out beneath him. He slid down the wall, breathing heavily, his face a mask of pain and defeat.

Y/n: "Instead of focusing on killing Koro-Sensei, maybe you should have taken his advice."

Y/n ties him up.

Karma: "Good fight."

Y/n turned and walked away, her steps echoing in the empty stairwell. She moved with the confidence of someone who had fought hard and won. The lights flickered one last time as she ascended.

Y/n walks up to the prop weapon and touches it.

All Might: "Y/n wins!"

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