Scene 14 - Number 6 VS Number 2

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Number 6 is still alive? He begins making consciousness once again. Rising up as his eyes adjust to the now slightly dimmer lights of the control room. He ponders what just happened and how he is still alive.

Number 2:

Don't get up, Number 6. You've been through a lot.

The same Number 2 is sat in the seat, in the exact same position as before, staring hard at Number 6.

Allow me to explain, darling.

Number 6:

I should be dead, shouldn't I?

Number 2:

On the contrary, you are as well as you normally are. Just take a look at your arm.

He looks down, surprised. The last thing he remembers is being shot and then falling down.

It was only a tranquilizer dart. And for the other shot. You did well to cope with two in your bloodstream. It would easily have made any man faint.

Number 6:

Not mine.

Number 2:

You Number 6 are a most special case.

Number 6:

I remember. I was on my way to kill you. And I will do just that.

He rises in anger.

Number 2:

Sit down, Number 6! You are more than lucky to be alive right now.

The Prisoner smiles delightfully, as though he is beginning to flirt with the attractive mastermind.

Number 6:

I do that sort of thing on a daily basis. Today was only a little more intense.

Number 2:

You shouldn't get too angry though darling. The effects of the tranquillizers might not have worn off yet. It could easily raise blood pressure.

Number 6:

You know, that's the fascinating thing about you Number 2. One moment we are the best of friends of the Village, next we are intent on our total destructions.

Number 2 repositions herself, to adopt a more feminine approach to him, gazing into his eyes.

Number 2:

That's the most exciting part.

They are still flirting.

Number 6:

And now, you're trying to trap me into your spider's web with elegance and beauty, so you can dispose of me once and for all.

Number 2:

That is the one thing no man can resist. And neither can you, Number 6?

Number 6:

Your looks don't fool me.

Number 2:

Only the toughest animals survive in the wild Number 6. I either kill or be killed.

Number 6:

And you kill by the kiss of death.

Number 2:

Correct my darling.

Number 6:

I have no time for flirtatious small talk now. Tell me, what happened?

Number 2:

That would be telling.

Number 6:

I'm talking about what happened to me. How you so quickly devised such a cunning and devious scheme for my destruction.

Number 2:

Very well then. My master wanted your information.

Number 6:

Your master?

Number 2:

Number 1.

Number 6:

Then tell me who Number 1 is then.

Number 2:

It is just you and me in here.

Number 6:

Who is Number 1?

Number 2:

You will find out someday Number 6. It is down to a matter of patience you have.

Number 6:

Rover took me to a showcase, then a man showed me Rover turn itself into a spider-like shape.

Number 2:

The US ship darling, they were in the Spider's web.

Number 6:

More like your web. Then what happened to me?

Number 2:

It is a matter of strength between you and me. Of who can break first. Who can spill the information first? Become trapped in my web.

Number 6:

I already have. The Village is one big trap. Back to the point Number 2. You obviously tested my mental strength for the CENTRE. And the showman himself, where does he fit in all this?

Number 2:

Deceased. Rover got out. It would most likely have killed you as it devoured Number 342.

Number 6:

For what purpose?

Number 2:

For your ultimate and total destruction.

Sexual tension intensifies.

Number 6:

And I was conscious the whole time. And obviously, Rover hunted me down and tried to consume me as well. What went wrong?

Number 2:

Sent and craving.

Number 6:

And your appearance?

Number 2:

The creature consumed the others.

Both stand up, approaching one another.

Number 6:

You know how I can escape, don't you?

Number 2:


Number 6:

The CENTRE. That is my escape route. What is the CENTRE?

Number 2:

It processes thoughts and minds darling.

Number 6:

It can do more than that, and you know it. You made plans for it.

Both stand directly in front of one another.

You got me out. Just for a moment. My mind went berserk. I couldn't tell whether I was there, when, who, why I am Number 6.

Number 2:

You are only a number.

Number 6:

We were having a very different tone of conversation earlier when you threatened my destruction.

Number 2:

I take it back, darling.

She wraps her arm around him, like a spider. Number 6, tempted, resists. He knows for sure that this is only another trap.

Number 6:

Or was I free?

Number 2:

Only time will tell you that.

Number 6:

What does that suppose to mean?

Number 2:

The judgement is deciding.

Number 6:

Who's judgement?

Number 2:

Number 1's surely. Or, I hear of Number 48.

Number 6:

Then why did you try and kill me? You are almost talking about a fixed point in time.

Number 2:

Is it though darling? Perhaps you in my arms is a fixed point.

Number 6:

Don't be ridiculous. You are a far much deadlier version of any Number 2 I have ever faced. Now, we were talking about my escape. Number 1 will not approve, but you are only replicable.

Number 2:

You wouldn't let me die, my darling?

She tries to lean in for a kiss – and succeeds.

Number 6:

The kiss of death. It wouldn't be the first time I died.

Number 2:

I must obey Number 1.

Number 6:

You know I am a lone wolf. Be rid of society and escape with me.

Number 2:


Number 6:

Come along then, Number 2.

Number 6 takes her by her side. The control room is in ruins, or what is left that can be described from the terrible wreckage. Both completely unaware of the remains left. Both finally reach the entrance, before Number 2 stops Number 6. She is being taken care of in the right arm of The Prisoner.

Number 2:


Number 6:

What is it?

Number 2:

Do you know how strong this power is, darling?

Number 6:

If it's so powerful, I'll risk it.

Number 2:

Remember last time you were in here. Rover might still be in there.

Number 6:

I highly doubt it. How will the CENTRE work for us to escape?

Number 2:

You feed in the correct information. Just type it in. The machine will print your instructions and it will follow your orders instantly. That is why you imagined yourself back home.

Number 6:

It was just another trick.

Number 2:

You want to escape, don't you?

Number 6:

Let's go.

The door swings open, revealing the CENTRE. Number 6 carefully examines the room, the damaged circuits hanging out of the main computer, the spark still lighting, the systems dead. Number 2 stays outside, on the edge of the room and not entering it. Number 6 stands in the centre, before facing back to Number 2.

What went wrong?

Number 2:

Rover destroyed everything in here.

Number 6:

It obviously completely destroyed the computer. It will function properly, won't it?

Number 2:

Of course.

Number 6:

But how will it send us back?

Number 2:

Just go ahead and type.

Number 6 steps over, before beginning to type into the machine. Somehow, the systems begin activating and spinning. Electricity flows through. The computer is functioning. When Number 6 finally finishes typing, he turns facing the right end of the machine, now on its last legs. It prints out some information.

You should know that you can't escape from the Village, Number 6.

Number 6:

Oh yes we can, and you know it.

Once the machine has finally finished its printing, The Prisoner rips it off quickly and begins to read what it says. It reads, "You will never escape Number 6. Join us, join us, join us. Join the Village. Join Rover.". Rover was now integrated into the systems. It was the computer. And for one moment, it must have dominated over the mind of Number 6 – taking control of it. Number 6 stares angrily at the paper. More printing is released by the machine. Reading "I am not a number! I am not a number! I am not a number!" – over and over again. It had details over Number 6 – now that it read off his mind. His name – a key question to the Village and Number 2. Now, she knew everything. Number 2 had won, or did she have that knowledge. The Prisoner stares back at the overpowering machine, endlessly releasing papers with "I am not a number" on it. Number 2 however, laughs monstrously at him. Laughing and laughing.

CRASH! The prison doors of his face slammed shut. The Prisoner was trapped in the Village forever.


(End credits)

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