Chapter 5

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Authour's POV

After working in his desk for a few hours, Y/N looked up and saw the time was about 4pm. He decided to pack up and leave the school for home. As he was about to enter his car, Miss Seo approached Y/N to ask him to sign one last document. Y/N looked at the document and signed it. Once he was done, he boarded his car and drove home.


The day finally ended. Still could not believe that the school needs a complete reshuffle of staff. Once I arrived home, I changed into my running clothes and headed out to run. As I headed out to run, I ran past a black car which caught my attention as there were men inside the car who looked suspicious. Nonetheless I went to start my run as I did not want to get into any trouble. After running for thirty minutes, I returned to my home. Before I headed up, I decided to head to the convenience store to buy something first. As I approached the store, I saw a group of men inside the store harassing Eunseo. I stayed outside the store first to see what was happening.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," I said to myself.

One minute ago

Eunseo's POV

As I was about to go to the backroom to get a cup of water to drink, a group of men enter the store. I instantly recognised them as the loan sharks who tried to get the money back that my parents borrowed.

"Wow, nice store you have here," one of the men said, and I only call him by the name of Lim.

They walked around the store and asked if they could take a few things in the store as payment for the loan. I tried to stop them from doing so, only for them push me to the ground as they started to throw the items onto the floor. This made me angry as I shouted at them at the top of my voice.

"I'll pay you when I have the money. I have told you so many times that I do not have the money now," I shouted.

My shouting had made the men angrier as they trashed the place which made me frightened. Lim then grabbed me by the collar, telling me that he would kill me now. He took a knife and placed it near my throat. Looks like it could be the end of my life. I closed my eyes but then I hear the door open. I opened my eyes to look and it was Y/N.

"Sorry, is the store still opened?" Y/N asked.

Authour's POV

The group of men surrounded Y/N, telling him that the shop was closed and asked him to leave. Y/N was surprised but at the same time, persistent. He insisted on buying something which made Lim irritated. Lim dropped Eunseo onto the floor and walked towards Y/N. After staring at Y/N for a minute, Lim advised Y/N to leave or else he would face dire consequences. Y/N smiled and walked to the entrance. Before he exited the store, he pointed a middle finger at the men which enraged them.

"Get him!" Lim shouted.

The men started to run after Y/N, intending to beat him up. Before one of the men could lay a punch on Y/N, Y/N dodged and punched the man back in his face. The punch was so hard that it hurt the man so badly. This punch surprised the rest as they charged in one by one, only for Y/N to defend himself so well. Eunseo watched on and was surprised by how well Y/N fought back. After Y/N managed to fight all the men, Lim was the only one left. Lim quickly grabbed Eunseo and placed a knife near her throat.

"Come any closer and I will kill her," said Lim.

Eunseo's POV

"The knife near my throat made me very scared. It seemed like today would be my last." I thought to myself as I closed my eyes to prepare for the worse.

Authour's POV

Y/N decided to lay on the ground and placed his hands on top of his head. Lim let Eunseo go and tried to grab Y/N, only for Y/N to pull Lim and throw him out of the store.

"Get out of here punk. Don't you dare step foot here," Y/N shouted.

"I'll remember this. We will be back," Lim shouted.


I went to Eunseo and asked her if she was alright. Eunseo nodded her head as I helped her out to clean up the store. Once we finished cleaning up the store, I grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to Eunseo. She rejected the kind offer but I insisted on her taking it. Eunseo took the water reluctantly from me and drank it. She then offered me the water but I told her I was not thirsty.

"By the way. Why are those gangsters here? You owe them money?" I asked.

Eunseo sighed and explained to me that her late parents' owed money to loan sharks that she was not aware of. Eunseo also added that she was still struggling to pay up the debts that she had to start working immediately after she finished high school. Hearing her story made me feel sorry for her as I told her to stay strong and if she needed help, she could look for me.

"It's ok. I can handle the debt myself. Furthermore, I have a younger sister to take care of," Eunseo explained.

Eunseo's POV

Y/N nodded his head as I looked and saw his hands had blood on it. I quickly grabbed a tissue and tried to clean up his hands. My actions surprised him but he did not say a word. I apologised to him for getting him into this mess but he shook his head and told me that he did not mind helping. Hearing him said those words made my heart flutter as I smiled and finished cleaning up his wounds. Y/N thanked me and was about to leave but turned back to the counter.

"If you need help, just give me a text or a call," said Y/N as he handed me a piece of paper with his number on it.

"Oh, alright. Thanks so much," I said, bowing to him.

As he was going to leave again, I quickly grabbed a piece of bread from the shelf and gave it to him. He was surprised by the offer and tried to decline it.

"Please accept it as my way of saying thanks," I said, using his hand to hold the bread.

Y/N nodded his head and took the bread, showing a smile that made my heartbeat fast. After he left the store, I sat back at the cashier and looked at the number on the paper.

Authour's POV

Once Y/N arrived home, he went to the kitchen to get a glass of water to drink. After drinking the water, he looked at the bread that Eunseo had given him. He smiled and ate the bread, thinking of what he had to do for this week. Soon, it was Friday. Y/N had sorted out most of the things and called for a meeting before the lesson begun. The staff arrived at the meeting room first as Y/N arrived soon after.


"Good morning, everyone. Thanks for being early for the meeting. You all have worked hard for the week. Here are some new changes that I have decided to make," I explained.

One of the teachers raised the hand and asked if the changes would have any impact on the school. I nodded my head, causing most of the staff to start whispering on what would happen next. I shook my head and hit the meeting table real hard to get their attention. The staff all looked at me as I told everyone that I have hired a new discipline master and a new basketball team coach. This announcement surprised everyone, even Mr Yoo was shocked.

"What do you mean you hired a new basketball team coach?" Mr Yoo asked me.

"I hired the new basketball coach so that I can demote you as the assistant basketball coach," I explained to Mr Yoo.

I could see Mr Yoo's shocked expression as he fell onto the floor, only for some of the teachers to quickly help him get up. I shook my head as I called the new basketball team coach to enter the meeting room. The coach entered the meeting room as I introduced him as Seo Jang Hoon, much to the surprise of everyone.

"Hello everyone. My name is Seo Jang Hoon. I'm honoured to join the school as part of the teaching staff," said Mr Seo and he shook everyone's hands, including mine.

When Mr Seo approached Mr Yoo for a handshake, Mr Yoo refused and looked elsewhere. I continued to announce that Mr Seo would be the PE (physical education) teacher. Everyone nodded their heads. I added that since the school did not have a discipline master, I decided to bring in someone who could fit the role.

"Please welcome our new discipline master, Mr Kang Ho Dong," I said, clapping my hands.

Mr Kang entered the meeting room with a smile on his face and greeted everyone. He made a short introduction to himself and once that was done, I informed the staff that a random bag check of the students would be required. The staff all looked at me, as they asked which class would be chosen.

"Since you all asked. Miss Krystal Jung, what class are you taking care of?" I asked.

Everyone turned to look at Miss Jung, who seemed surprised but said that she was the homeroom teacher for class 1-1. I smiled at her response and told her that her class would be chosen for the random bag check. Miss Jung nodded her head as I told everyone that the meeting had ended. As I was about to leave the meeting room, Miss Jung approached me and asked why I chose her class for a random bag check.

"That's because it is a random bag check. I just wanted to make sure no illegal stuff is brought into the school. You will help me and Mr Kang on this matter, right?" I asked Miss Jung back.

"Yes sir. I'll inform the students later. What time is the random bag check though?" Miss Jung asked me in a polite manner.

I looked at my watch and informed Miss Jung that the random back check would be conducted after the last lesson which she acknowledged. After the conversation, I headed back to my office to get back to my work.

Authour's POV

Miss Jung headed straight to Class 1-1 where the students were all talking among each other. Once she entered the class, Dae Hwi ordered the students to stand up and greet Miss Jung. After the students greeted Miss Jung, they sat back down as Miss Jung told the students to focus on today's lessons.

"Yes Miss Jung," the students replied.

Before she left, Miss Jung told the students that the class was chosen by the principal for a random bag check. The announcement made the students irritated and shocked at the same time. Miss Jung continued to explain that the check would be made after the last lesson. After she finished her explanation, she made her leave.

"Are you serious? A random bag check? Why our class?" one of the students grumbled.

The students started to talk among each other regarding the bag check as Si Eun looked at Olivia and complained about the bag check. Olivia chuckled, agreeing with Si Eun. Meanwhile, Y/N was in his office doing his work when someone knocked on the door.


"Come in," I said.

The person who entered my office was Miss Seo who handed me an envelope. The words resignation letter was written on it which made me ask her why she wanted to resign. Miss Seo explained that she would be leaving the country with her finance and that she promised to migrate with her finance. I could only sigh and wished Miss Seo all the best for her future.

"By the way if I manage to find a replacement, could you please teach the new staff about the things you need to do?" I asked Miss Seo.

"Sure thing Mr Y/N. If there is nothing else, I'll head back to work," said Miss Seo.

I nodded my head as Miss Seo bowed back and left the room. After she exited the room, I sighed and wondered how I was going to find a replacement for Miss Seo.

Authour's POV

Several hours went by and it was the end the of school. Most of the students are packing up to head home. Meanwhile, the students of class 1-1 were waiting for the random bag check session to begin. As they waited, some students started to clean up their desks while others were trying to empty useless things inside their bags. Ten minutes later, Miss Jung arrived in the classroom with Mr Kang and Mr Y/N. After the students greeted them, they sat back down as Mr Kang and Miss Jung started to check each students' bags.

Olivia's POV

Miss Jung approached me and asked me to open my bag. I obliged and opened the bag. As she searched my bag, she could not find anything suspicious and told me to close my bag. After I closed my bag, I sighed a huge relief. What I did not know is that my sighing had caught the attention of Mr Y/N.


After Miss Jung checked one of the students' bags, I noticed that the student sighed which made me feel suspicious. I decided to approach the student, asking for her name.

"My name is Olivia Son Hye Ju," the student introduced herself.

I nodded my head and looked at Olivia in the face. She was stunned by my action as I asked her if she hid anything from the teachers. This question seemed to have surprised her as she shook her head, making me unconvinced with her answer. I ordered her to stand up, which she did.

"Empty your pockets please if you don't mind," I asked Olivia.

Olivia nodded her head and started to empty her pockets. The things she took out were her handphone and a handkerchief. I nodded my head and asked if I could see her cupboard. Olivia nodded her head as I followed her to the back of the classroom where the cupboard was. Opening it, she showed me the cupboard and I asked her to empty it. My request stunned the entire classroom as she did what I asked. Unable to find anything, I nodded my head and asked her to clean up and sit back at her seat. After the random bag check was done, Miss Jung dismissed the students.

"Miss Olivia, please come with me and Miss Jung to my office. Thank you," I ordered.

Olivia nodded her head as she followed me and Miss Jung to my office. Once we arrived, I asked Olivia if she was hiding anything from the random bag check. Olivia profusely shook her head, which made me chuckle. I then asked Olivia if she was wearing shorts inside the skirt which she nodded her head.

"Since you are wearing a pair of shorts, please empty the pockets inside the shorts to prove that you are not hiding anything from us," I ordered Olivia.

My order seemed to surprise Olivia as she slowly tried to take things out from the shorts' s pockets. When she finally emptied the pockets, the item that Olivia took out surprised Miss Jung.

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