Chapter 36

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Eunseo's POV

The pillow actually hit Y/N which made him start to run. I quickly grab Olivia to stop her from chasing him. My action seemed to have made Olivia angry as she shouted at me and asked what I was doing.

"Y/N didn't do anything wrong ok? I was the one who made moves on him first," I explained.

"What?" Olivia shouted.

I looked away and I felt Olivia grabbing me by the face and asked me to repeat what I just said. Her sudden change of attitude made me a little scared. I decided to put down my fears and told Olivia that I had confessed my feelings to Y/N.

"What? Are you serious unnie? Mr Y/N is my principal! Are you out of your mind?" Olivia shouted at me.

I got angry when Olivia said that. I stood up and shouted back at her.

"What's wrong with me confessing my feelings to Y/N? He may be my boss and your principal but that doesn't stop me from liking him! I deserve a chance in a relationship!" I shouted back.

After I finished my sentence, Olivia looked at me with a stunned face. This made me quickly hug Olivia, apologizing to her for the shouting. Olivia did not say anything as I told her to accept what I had done. Olivia did not answer me immediately and just went into our bedroom. I then went to look for Y/N who was hiding in his bedroom.

"I've heard your conversation with Olivia. Will she be alright?" Y/N asked.


Eunseo nodded her head and I told her that I want to speak to her privately. Eunseo nodded her head but said she wanted to wash up first. I agreed but asked Eunseo how she was going to go get her clothes from her bedroom after what happened. This made Eunseo scratch her head which made me chuckle.

"I'll get it for you," I said.

"Wait. I can get it myself," She said.

I stopped Eunseo and told her to wait. I knocked on the bedroom door and it opened. I saw Olivia who seemed surprised to see me. I asked her if she could help me get Eunseo's clothes. Olivia nodded her head and went to get it as I waited. Olivia soon returned with Eunseo's clothes and I thanked her.

"Don't you dare make my sister sad or else I will kill you Mr Y/N," Olivia said, putting up a fierce look.

I was taken aback by the look and just nodded my head. I went to Eunseo and handed her the clothes. She thanked me and went to take a shower. I went to the living room and sat down. As I sat down, I started to think about what me and Eunseo did inside my bedroom. I still could not believe Eunseo who initiated it first but what was done cannot be undone. I scratched my head, thinking why I did not stop her. I decided to head to my room and put on my nose guard. Once I came out of my room, Eunseo had stepped out of the bathroom.

(what Eunseo wore coming out of the washroom)

I was surprised to see what Eunseo was wearing which made me wonder why Olivia passed me that set of clothes.

"Why do you look surprised? It feels comfortable to wear like this at home," Eunseo said.

"Am I? You look good in it," I said.

Eunseo looked away which made me chuckle. I then approached her and asked if she wanted to eat anything for dinner. She nodded her head but told me that she would do the cooking. I agreed as we both entered the kitchen and Eunseo started to look inside the fridge. I also looked and saw that there were not many items inside except for eggs. I decided to open the top cabinet and saw two packets of ramen left.

"Looks like we can only eat ramen tonight," I said.

"Sure. I'll do the honours. You can just sit and wait," Eunseo said.

Authour's POV

Y/N nodded his head and took a seat at the dining table. Eunseo started to cook the ramen. As she was cooking, she started to think about what happened inside Y/N's bedroom which made her chuckle. She turned to look at Y/N who was using his phone. This made Eunseo smile as she turned back to cooking the ramen. Once she was done, she served the ramen into two bowls and brought them to the dining table.

Eunseo's POV

"Smells good," Y/N said.

"Thanks. Let's dig in," I said, feeling excited.

Both of us started eating and I would occasionally peek at Y/N. He looked so cute eating the ramen which made me chuckle.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

I looked at him and shook my head as he just continued eating. Once we finished eating, he offered to clean up. I let him clean up the dishes and as he was doing it, I took the opportunity to hug him from behind. My action seemed to surprise him as I told Y/N that I really liked him.

"I know but.."

I turned him around and placed my finger on his lips, telling him that I did not want to hear his excuses. He nodded his head and went back to washing up the dishes. I continued hugging him from behind and once he was done, I followed him to his bedroom and we both sat on the bed. I hugged him and looked at him.

"So we are a couple now?" I asked him.

"I guess so since you are hugging me on my bed?" He replied.

He had a confused look when he answered me which made me chuckle. From there I knew I had managed to get Y/N to be my boyfriend.

Authour's POV

The next day, Eunseo woke up and prepared breakfast for everyone. When Olivia walked out of the bedroom, she was surprised to see Eunseo preparing breakfast.

Olivia's POV

"Unnie, why are you preparing breakfast today? Feels suspicious," I said.

"Is there a problem? My mood is good today," Eunseo unnie replied.

I shook my head as I sat down at the dining table and started eating. I heard a door open and turn to see that Mr Y/N had come out of his bedroom. I greeted him and he greeted me back. He gave me a surprised face and asked me who prepared breakfast. I pointed at Eunseo unnie which made him nod his head and sit down. He slowly ate breakfast which took me by surprise.

"Mr Y/N, you seem very quiet today," I said.

"Really? Maybe because I am tired," Mr Y/N said.

I could hear someone chuckle which made me realize it was Eunseo unnie. I shook my head and continued eating. Once I finished eating, I decided to leave for school first.


Once Olivia had left, Eunseo stood up and cleaned up the dishes. I got up and prepared my stuff. Once I got my stuff, Eunseo seemed to be done. Before I could leave the house, I felt her grabbing my hand and asking me if we could have fun first.

"We can't do that now Eunseo. We have to go to work," I said.

The moment I said that, Eunseo showed an unhappy face and walked out of the house. I shook my head and followed her behind after locking the door.

Authour's POV

The day in the school went smoothly. Eunseo tried to enter Y/N's office many times, much to his frustration. As for Soobin and Arin, the couple met at the rooftop of the school during their break time.

Soobin's POV

Arin noona and I sat down at the rooftop as we held hands. I looked her in the eyes and noticed that she looked very tired. I asked her if she slept late, to which she responded by shaking her head. I felt worried and asked her if she had problems sleeping. Arin noona shook her head again but told me that she had been waking up in the early morning and vomited. This surprised me as I asked her if it was the first time that happened.

"No. It happened early last month. Don't worry, I am really ok," she answered.

The moment she said that, I grabbed noona and asked her if she was pregnant. My question surprised her, telling me to stop joking. I looked at her dead in the eyes, telling her that I was not joking. I could see fear in her eyes, as I sighed and told her to just follow me after school ends. She nodded her head and we walked back down to the ground floor.

Authour's POV

The rest of the time at school went quiet. Once school ended, everyone started to pack up. As Soobin was packing up, he noticed Jay packing up but showing a nervous face. This made Soobin approach Jay, asking him if he was alright. Jay nodded his head, saying that he was just feeling sleepy from sleeping late last night.

Jay's POV

"Alright, take care and see you tomorrow!" Soobin said.

"Thanks brother. Go have fun with Arin sunbae," I chuckled.

Soobin laughed and took his bag, leaving the classroom. I sighed, feeling jealous. I took my bag and walked out of the classroom. The moment I was nearing the gate, I saw someone standing from a distance that seemed familiar. I looked carefully and realized the person was Ryujin. She had looked towards my direction and started walking.

"H... hi there," I said, feeling nervous.

Ryujin did not say anything and linked arms with me. This took me by surprise as she told me to follow her which I did. I followed her to the bus stop and we stood there, feeling unsure what we were doing.

"I'd thought you would contact me first when I saved my number in your phone," Ryujin said to me.

"Er... I was kinda busy. Sorry," I said, hoping it could ease the tension.

The next thing I knew, Ryujin chuckled and told me to relax. I nodded my head, still feeling nervous as she flagged down a bus, telling me to board it. I nodded my head and both of us boarded the bus. Once we took our seats, I asked Ryujin where we were going. Ryujin told me just to follow her and I agreed. The ride was so short that we alighted after two stops. When we alighted, there was a shop right in front of the bus stop. She walked to it and I followed.

"Is this your favourite place to visit?" I asked her.

"Yes. This place sells nice kimchi jjigae (stew). You should try it," Ryujin said.

I nodded my head and we were both greeted by the store owner.

"Hi there Ryujin. Who is this guy? Your boyfriend?" the store owner said.

Her question surprised me as I looked at Ryujin who just hugged me and nodded her head. I was pretty confused and a little worried at this point but I just decided to play along. I smiled and Ryujin pulled me to the table facing the bus stop. Once we took a seat, Ryujin helped order two bowls of Kimchi jjigae. She then helped set up the utensils on the table and poured water into a cup.

"Have a drink," She said.

"Thanks, I guess," I said.

I drank the water and looked at her. Ryujin also drank water from another cup as she looked out of the window. Looking at her made me realize how pretty she looked. I looked away, trying not to stare at her too long. The food was soon served and we started to eat.

"So, how old are you?" Ryujin asked me.

"I was born in the year 2000. How about you?" I asked.

"Oh! I am one year younger than you. So I can call you oppa right?" She asked me back.

I was surprised by the question but I just nodded my head. She smiled, which made me smile. As we were eating, I saw two familiar figures entering the shop. I looked carefully and they were Lia and Nakyung. I was surprised to see them that I looked away and pretended not to know or see them.

Ryujin's POV

"What are you doing?" I asked Jay oppa.

Oppa did not say anything but asked me to keep quiet. I looked around and saw two girls walking past our table. They soon stopped at our table to look at Jay oppa. The girls looked so pretty up close that I covered my mouth.

"Jay? Is that you?" the slightly shorter girl asked.

I turned to look at him and he just looked up at them. He waved at them and they just asked him what he was doing here. Jay oppa did not say anything and that shorter girl asked him who I was. I stood up and introduced myself. The two girls introduced themselves as Lia and Nakyung.

"So Jay, how are you acquainted with Ryujin?" Lia asked.

"I'm his girlfriend," I said, cutting in.

The girls were surprised and looked at Jay oppa, asking him whether what I said was true. He just nodded his head and I knew I got the best out of him. Lia and Nakyung chuckled and told us to have a nice meal. After they walked off, I looked at Jay oppa who just quietly ate. I chuckled, seeing how shy he looked.

Authour's POV

Jay and Ryujin went shopping after finishing lunch. Three days later, it was the semi-finals of the Seoul championship. As the competition was held on a Saturday, not many people attended the game aside from the important people. As we all know, Y/N attended the game. Eunseo and Olivia followed Y/N to watch the game.


When we arrived at the court, I looked out for where SK high supporters would sit. I saw a signboard and told the girls to follow me. We sat down as I could feel Eunseo holding my hand. I smiled at her, asking her if she wanted to go for dinner after. She nodded her head and I gave her a kiss to her cheek.


Eunseo and I turned to look at Olivia who just looked away. Eunseo then asked Olivia why she said that. Olivia did not say anything and I told Eunseo not to pick a fight. Eunseo then turned to me, nodding her head. We decided to focus on the pitch as we saw the players from two teams arriving.

"Hey Principal,"

I turned to the source of the shouting and saw an older man standing up waving at me. I waved back and he just told me to prepare to watch SK high lose. I did not know who this guy was but his comment made me chuckle.

"Crazy," I said.

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