Chapter 32

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Authour's POV

"Please welcome, Michael Jordan." Y/N said.

(Imagine Michael Jordan coming in, wearing like this)

Jordan's arrival surprised everyone as the boys ran over to him. Jordan greeted everyone and shook their hands.

~~Last friday~~


After Mr Seo and Mr Yoo left, I looked at my watch and decided to call someone. I waited for a while and the person answered.

"Hey there my friend. It's been a while," the person said after answering my call.

"Of course Michael Jordan. Do you have time to visit my new workplace in Korea this coming Monday? Would like to surprise my students," I asked.

Jordan told me that he had no schedules and would be able to come. I was happy to hear him say ok as I asked if he could bring his basketball jersey and shoes. He did not question me and said he would try to get on board the earliest flight to come to Korea. I thanked him and said I would pick him up from the airport when he arrived.

"No worries Y/N. Anything for a friend," Michael said to me.

~~End of last friday~~


After I saw the students shaking his hand, I came forward and made my announcement.

"There is a reason why Michael is here with me. I saw how you guys played last Thursday in the friendly game. You guys need some motivation, thus I asked Michael to come down to speak to you," I explained.

The students gave a loud cheer as I looked around and asked if anyone had seen Mr Noel. Everyone looked around and shrugged their shoulders. I looked at my watch and decided to call Mr Noel. Before I could do so, Mr Noel arrived and greeted me. He gave me a surprised face when he saw Michael standing next to me.

"Good. Since Mr Noel is here, I have a suggestion to the basketball team," I said.

Everyone looked at me as I told everyone that the basketball team would play against me, Jordan and Mr Noel. My announcement surprised everyone as I warned the team that if they lost to the three of us, they could forget about the upcoming Seoul championship at the end of April and I would disband the team.

"How can you say that Mr Y/N? We really did our best for the friendly match last week," Wooyoung came forward to speak.

"Really? How can you be certain?" I asked.

Wooyoung and I stared intensely at each other as Jordan broke us up and pulled me to one corner.

"I agreed to come back to give a surprise, not play a match," Jordan told me.

"Well. I just needed to up their game. That is why I asked you to come. I'll get you anything you want," I said to Jordan.

"Anything?" Jordan asked me back.

I nodded my head and we both went back to the team as I told Mr Seo to get the boys to warm up. Mr Seo nodded his head, as Wooyoung stared at me and I smirked. I sat on chairs prepared by Eunseo as Mr Noel asked if I was serious about playing against the boys. I nodded my head as Mr Noel told me that he did not have running clothes with him.

"Don't worry. Just try your best. We can go easy on them. If they beat us, at least it will boost their confidence," I said.

Both Jordan and Noel understood me as we started to do stretching to get ready.

Authour's POV

As Y/N was doing his warm up with Michael and Mr Noel, the basketball team was doing the same.

"Alright boys. Take this game seriously. It looks like Mr Y/N is serious about what he said earlier," Mr Seo told the team.

The team understood, as Mr Seo turned to ask Y/N if he should field three players. Y/N shook his head, saying that the team can play with four players. Y/N then added that the game would be played for only fifteen minutes. Mr Seo understood and went back to inform the team about the game rules. After that, Mr Seo selected four players (Wooyoung, Chen Le and Soobin are part of the four) to play which did not include Jaty. Jay felt sad but Mr Yoo advised him that he would get the chance to play. Jay nodded his head as the chosen four players entered the pitch. Y/N entered the pitch with Mr Noel and Michael. Mr Yoo came to the centre of the pitch with the basketball in his hands. Y/N and Wooyoung then headed to the middle.

"Ready?" Mr Yoo asked.

Both Y/N and Wooyoung nodded their heads as Mr Yoo threw the ball into the air. Y/N and Wooyoung jumped in the air but Y/N managed to get the ball first. Once Y/N got the ball, he quickly passed to Michael who passed it long to Mr Noel. Mr Noel looked around and saw that the students had covered their area. Without thinking much, Mr Noel threw the ball towards the net but it bounced out.

"What the..." Y/N said.

Wooyoung grabbed the ball and the team started to run towards the other end. This made Y/N panic as he ran towards Wooyoung to block him but failed. Wooyoung quickly passed the ball to Chen Le and quickly passed it back to Soobin who scored as he was unmarked. This surprised the three men as Y/N scratched his head and decided to focus on the game. Five minutes into the game, the score was 11-7 as the boys lead. Y/N was surprised by how well the boys played as Michael told Y/N that he had let his guard down.

"Apparently so. Let's get serious," Y/N said to Michael and Mr Noel.

The game continued and with five minutes left, the score was 21-22 as Y/N's team lead. From the bench, Mr Seo made changes with Jay coming in and swapping places with Chen Le. After Jay came in, the game changed and things started to be more serious. After the game was over, the score was 35-31 with the basketball team winning the game. Y/N smirked, knowing that he had to keep his promise. Wooyoung came forward offering a handshake with Y/N accepted.


"Good job and good luck for next month's tournament," I said to Wooyoung.

"Thank you sir. We will do our best," Wooyoung said.

His response made me smile as I turned to Michael and asked him if he wanted to speak to the students first. Michael nodded his head and went to speak to the students. Mr Noel told me he liked to head back to the office first which I acknowledged. I turned to look at Eunseo who looked away. I shook my head and pulled Eunseo out of the basketball court. Once we exited the court, I could feel her trying to push my hand away.

"I want to talk to you privately. Can't you give me a chance?" I asked Eunseo.

Eunseo gave me a stare which made me flinch. I guessed she was still angry with me from last Friday as I told her that I am sorry. She gave me a suspicious look which made me think of what to say next. I let go of her hand as she asked what I wanted. I was unable to answer her as I looked down and just said sorry.

"What are you sorry about?" Eunseo asked me.

I was not able to answer Eunseo immediately as I could hear her sigh. I looked up and saw Eunseo shaking her head. I felt embarrassed as she told me to forget it. I nodded my head as I asked her if she wanted dinner with me and Michael this evening.

"I'll think about it," Eunseo answered me as she walked off.

I scratched my head, wondering if Eunseo was still mad at me.

Authour's POV

Meanwhile, Arin was studying with Mashiro and Yohan in their classroom. As they finished studying, Mashrio noticed that Arin looked rather lethargic.

Mashiro's POV

"Are you alright?" I asked Arin.

Yohan also asked the same question to Arin as Arin nodded her head. I looked at Yohan who also gave a worried expression.

"You don't look fine. Let's bring you to see the nurse," I said to Arin.

"I said I am fine! Can we just go home?" Arin shouted.

Her shouting took me and Yohan by surprise as she stood up and went off with her bag. I decided to follow Arin out of the classroom. As soon as I exited, I saw Arin holding onto the wall. I quickly ran to her, telling her that she really needs to go see the nurse. Arin shook her head, insisting that she was ok. I sighed, calling Yohan to help me. He came out quickly and helped me hold onto Arin.

"You're going to see the nurse no matter what," I scolded Arin.

I could see Arin showing a fearful face as Yohan and I brought Arin to see the nurse. Once we arrived at the nurse's office, we sat Arin down on one of the beds. She then fainted which took us by surprise. Yohan and I quickly shook Arin, asking her if she was alright. I heard the door open and saw the nurse, Miss Lim, entering the room. She was surprised to see us as she asked us what happened to Arin.

"She looked unwell when we were going to go home. We decided to bring her here," I explained.

Miss Lim nodded her head as we moved one side to allow her to check on Arin.


After I watched Eunseo walk off, I decided to wait for Michael. I waited for a few minutes and he came out of the court. I then asked him how was the talk with the team which he responded by giving the thumbs up. We walked towards my office where we had to pass the nurse's office. I saw Miss Lim entering the office which made me not think much. It was until I heard a commotion inside the office that made me decide to enter.

"Michael, don't mind if you wait outside for a moment," I said.

Michael nodded and I entered. I was surprised to see what was happening.

"What's happening?" I asked after I entered.

Everyone was surprised to see me as Mashiro told me that Arin was not feeling well. I was not surprised as Miss Lim checked on Arin. I then whispered to Miss Lim and told her to email me Arin's condition once she was done. Miss Lim nodded her head and I took my leave. Michael looked at me and asked what happened.

"A student is not feeling well. The nurse is taking care of it," I answered.

Michael nodded his head and we headed to my office. As we arrived, I saw Eunseo looking at me and she quickly looked down. I shook my head and entered my office with Michael.

"The team played well earlier. Looks like that kind of motivation really helps," Michael said.

"Agreed. I just hope they don't screw up at the competition," I said.

Michael chuckled, telling me that I should have more faith in the team. I nodded my head, saying that they just need to improve on their mental ability. Michael nodded his head, telling me that I should spend my free time checking on the team when possible. I nodded my head as I looked at my watch and asked Michael if he wanted to go get coffee.

"It's ok Y/N. I have to head back to the US tonight. It was great to see you and your team," Michael answered.

I was surprised but thanked Michael for rushing down. Michael nodded his head as I ushered him to the school gate and got a taxi.

"I'll see you again when I have the time. Thank you so much Michael," I said.

"No worries Y/N. See you soon," Michael said.

I waved goodbye and watched on as the taxi left the school gate. I smiled, walking back to my office. As soon as I arrived at my office, I saw Eunseo packing up. I was surprised as I asked her where she was going. She looked at me, saying that she was going to go for her pilates class.

"Pilates class? Since when did you sign up for it?" I asked her.

"Since when do you care so much," She questioned me back.

I was dumbfounded by her questioning as I watched her walk off. I gave a short thought and went to her, stopping her from walking. She was surprised as I asked her for her phone.

"What do you want my phone for?" She asked me.

"I just want to install an app on your phone," I answered.

Eunseo gave me a suspicious look but handed her phone to me. I was surprised but quickly downloaded the app. Once I finished setting up the app, I handed her back the phone. Eunseo still gave me a suspicious look but walked off without saying a word. I shook my head and went back to my office.

Authour's POV

A few hours later, Eunseo had finished her pilates class. Eunseo sat down on the floor and looked at her phone.

Eunseo's POV

I started to think of what Y/N did to my phone. I quickly tried to search for the app but could not find it. I sighed and looked at the mirror. I decided to take a photo and upload it onto my instagram account.

(An Example of the photo)

I smiled and left the classroom. The classroom to the bus stop was a distance but I was not worried as I have walked the path many times. It was until I felt something was not right that I turned back and saw a few guys walking in my direction. I became worried and quickened my pace. I then felt someone grabbing me by my arms and dragged me to a corner of a building.

"What... what... What do you want from me?"

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