Mira really wanted to play Never Have I Ever after that, but we were already falling asleep. Gajeel fell asleep on the couch, holding Levy like a teddy bear. I saw her give Lucy a couple "help me!" looks, but there was nothing they could do. Mira and Laxus fell asleep on the other couch, while Erza lay sprawled out on the chair. When I woke up in the middle of the night, Cana was lying, stretched out on top of everyone on the mattress, so I did what any normal person would do. I pushed her off entirely. When I rolled back over, Lucy's hair started tickling my nose, and her back radiated comforting heat. I couldn't see Juvia or Gray. Wrapping my arm around her warm body, I fall back asleep.
I woke up another time that night, and felt like something was missing. Groggily moving my head, I saw Levy and Lucy talking to each other by the stairs in hushed voices. I spread myself out in the empty, warm space where Lucy was and fell back asleep.
"Gooood morning!!!!" Mira sings. "Get up people, Lucy's making French toast!"
"No I'm not!" Lucy cries.
Originally I slammed my head back down when Mira called, but after hearing food, I jump up. "LUCE, YOU'RE COOKING?"
"No, I'm not!" She says again, waving her hands. I get up and run over to her, where she's standing with Mira. I grab her hands and grovel at her feet.
"PLEASE LUCY PLEASE MAKE ME FOOD." I only look up after hearing her sigh.
"... Alright." Her face is a little pink, but I ignore it, jumping up.
"Yay!!!" I exclaim, running upstairs to get the materials. Gajeel is already upstairs watching TV with Levy. Laxus is playing cards with Cana (haha, sucker), and Gray and Juvia are nowhere to be found. Erza is sitting at the table patiently. I grab the bread, eggs, oil, butter, and syrup. Mira and Lucy slowly come back up the stairs, and I back away from the kitchen, not wanting to ruin things. Lucy's making me breakfast!!!
"Natsu, what did you do?" She exclaims, seeing the things on the table.
"I don't know, what did I do?"
"You only put out enough bread for yourself!! Don't tell me there isn't any more bread left!" She looks so serious, I can't help but laugh.
"Wait, you're making for everyone? Oh, haha. Sorry. Here," I grab an unopened bag of bread and toss it to her, which she catches. Mira and Erza help Lucy while I watch Laxus and Cana's card game. She's creaming him, being the master card player she is.
After a little, but not soon enough, Lucy's calling everyone into the dining room table. "Food's ready!"
I'm the first one at the table, claiming my seat. I grab a pile of the toast and grab the syrup. Everyone else joins shortly, but aren't as excited as I am.
"Are you sure this is French Toast?" Gajeel says, poking his with a fork.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Lucy asks, putting her hands on her hips.
Levy stares at hers, and flips it over, "mine is a little burnt. Are you sure you did this right, Lu-chan?"
"I wasn't in charge of cooking them!" Lucy stares long and hard at Erza. "You begged for the job! All I did was open the bag, and you and Mira stole the ingredients from me!!" She rolls her eyes, and Erza looks murderous, dating anyone else to judge her breakfast.
"I-it looks great, I mean!" Gajeel stammers. Lucy looks even more offended.
"So you'd lie to Erza!?"
"Lets face it," Gajeel says, biting very carefully into his toast. "You're not scary, Chubby Bunny girl." Lucy gags a little at the memory.
"It's not bad if you soak it in syrup!" I smile, coating the darker side in the sweetness. Lucy catches my eye, and I wink. Gajeel, Laxus, Cana, and Levy take turns drowning their plate in syrup. Mira, Erza, and Lucy take seats, and a piece of toast each.
"Hey, anyone know where Gray and Juvia are?" Levy asks suddenly. We all shake our heads and share blank looks. Slowly, Mira puts down her silverware and stands up quietly. We follow her lead, and follow her upstairs. The bathroom door is slightly open, but the lights are off. Mira slowly pushes the door open, but only after getting her phone ready. The same time the door swings open, Cana hits the lights.
"EEEKKKK!!!" Mira exclaims, taking numerous pictures. Juvia is asleep in the bathtub, her clothes and hair a mess. Gray is on the floor, his shirt wrapped around his head like a turban. At the same time, they blink and start to move like zombies.
I smile. "You guys missed breakfast."
Gray sits next to me, and I can't help but examine the marks around his collar. Marks that somewhat resemble hickeys... I inwardly cheer for my friend, but feel something else inside. A sort of anger..? No, that doesn't make sense. I feel a kind of tightness in my stomach that crawls up to my chest and sits there as I watch the way Juvia looks at Gray. Shaking my head lightly, I move my gaze.
"Let's go to the movies!" Mira suddenly exclaims.
"But we haven't eaten!" Protests Gray, covering his stomach as it starts to growl.
"You can have popcorn and hotdogs for a meal. We slept in, so it's already lunch time anyways." Mira starts to head for the door, grabbing her jacket and not bothering to see if we're following. She knows we'll follow her; we don't really have a choice.
As I stumble to pull on sneakers and a coat I call out, "what movie?"
Mira pauses to think about it. "I don't know. Usually I would go see a horror, but for the baby bunnies in the group," she looks at Levy and Lucy, "that wouldn't be a first choice. So maybe a romantic comedy?" I just shrug. Everyone else grabs their shoes and coats, since we fell asleep in our clothes (and I don't care, I can't say the same for everyone). Once I have my keys, I'm out the door with Mira. I can't even bother to wonder if this is another one of her silly games, something she's already planned out for the rest of us. Movies are harmless, compared to her other ammunition.
When we get to the theater to pick out a movie however, I'm reminded of something else that is not as harmless. All of the romantic, chick flick, rom-com movies remind me of one small fact that still makes me shiver.
Valentine's Day is coming up.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
I will be using le timeskip to get to the fun part in the next chapter. Please don't kill me for updating so late, I am really sorry and school is already a nightmare!!!
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