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Adrien's P.O.V






"Gosh, what?!"

"Boy, you look as if you don't have anything to fight for anymore. Are you okay?" Plagg wondered.

"That's because I don't, Plagg... not anymore." I let out a long sigh I didn't know I was holding. I've been staring at the candles on my desk ever since I came into my bedroom, nothing but what my mother said in mind. Crossed arms over my desk, my thoughts weren't attempting to make me feel better...

Marriage? Having to choose a partner once you turn 18? I felt a pang in my heart when my mother mentioned it and I've been thinking about it ever since. I then heard the little swift of air approaching me. I buried my head in my arms to avoid contact.

"Are you drowning your sorrows?" Plagg asked.

"No.." I hesitated.

"Are you overthinking?"


"Oh boy... what's on your mind Adrien?"

I shift in place, "Doesn't even matter. When I think about it, I realize that ever since the beginning, there was no way I stood a chance."

"Well let's not give up right now, buddy. You still have a couple of months left! Who knows what you could do.. maybe attempt to talk to the princess without getting flustered?"

"Hey!" Heat rushed to my face, "I know I can talk to her without getting flustered. I just need time  though."

God this is embarrassing. I go to my bed.

"Yeah okayyyy," he snorts, " you got this Adrien I'm rooting for you."

"You're giving me false hope, Plagg. Thanks though."

There was nothing else that I wanted to do but to lay my head on my pillow and cover myself with warm blankets after this disheartening moment. I was hoping to get some rest after today but my nerves don't want to cooperate.  First Rick- I mean Plagg, and now what my mom told me... anything shocking left?

"I find it weird that you didn't really ask about me."


Plagg flies over, "What? What do you mean what? You haven't questioned what I am!"

"You said you were a Kwami." I pulled the covers over my head, too tired to care about anything. Then all of sudden, Plagg freakin goes through my covers.


I try not to scream but whatever he just did gave me goose bumps. This defies all types of physics and I don't know how to feel.

"What did you- Plagg ??! How-"

"Shhh, See? Now you're asking stuff! Let me explain everything to you. I just went through your covers!"

"I see that.. but, I don't understand how?"

He chuckles, "Well Adrien, a kwami is a spirit-like creature that embodies abstract concepts. Basically , we are immortal."

"What?.." I'm genuinely so confused. He said that do easily.

"Yep! Immortal. We're able to interact with humans because we were given a chance to inhabit special jewelry like that ring Master Fu gave you."

I look down on my hand and examine the gray ring I was given earlier. I haven't taken the chance to truly admire it before, but I realize it's a nice jewel. It's crazy to think that this ring contains the spirit of Plagg, a kwami with two arms and two legs.

"Cool thing also, I get to go inside the jewel and provide some abilities," he continues, "But that, I'll tell you later. It's late right now and I'm hungry."

"Wait," I interrupt, "Abilities? What type of abilities are you talking about?"

"Those abilities can only be activated if you say the phrase I give you, but since it's late, I won't."

"Oh," I look at the ring one more time, processing yet another surprising discovery, "That sounds interesting."

"I'm glad you think so! That's lesson one for today. Are you scared?"

I stare at him, "Surprisingly, no. Should I be?"

"Nah, it's a cool concept though. Anyway, I'm hungry. Do you have some Camembert cheese in your kitchen?"

9:40 am

"Are you ready mom?"

"Yes Adrien, do you have the basket?"

I hand her the basket that's full of pastries and bread for today's plaza fest. Thanks to the wealthy council here in the village, the people get to enjoy an event where music, food, dances, and arts are provided. It usually lasts all day until midnight, and it happens on every first day of a new season except winter.

"Are we meeting with Chloe's family, mom?" I stuff a croissant in my mouth.

"Yes honey, they found a great spot to relax in. Let's go before it's too late!"

[ Marinette's P.O.V ] before 9:40am

"Your dessert, your majesty."

"Thank you, Theresa."

The one thing I look forward to the most is having breakfast with my family. I love how it gets us to come closer as parents and daughter, and it doesn't make me feel so alone when they're gone. We also eat near each other, not apart and silent like others or so I've heard. I love that.

"How's your breakfast, Marinette?" Father asks.

"I love it! It satisfies my appetite. Yours?"

"I'm saving up for later, sweetie! Do you know what today is?"

I furrow my brows, "Uh, no? What is today?"

"It's the village festival, sweetie!" Mother chimed in. My eyes widened at the news.

"Oh wow, the ones held every first day of a new season? Are we going??" I clasp my hands hoping to hear a yes from them. They gave each other a cheeky look and faced me again.

"Yes we are! Your father has a carriage ready to leave in two hours. Prepare your things because we'll be spending the rest of the day at the village! We're invited as honorary guests today."

"Oh, is this the first time we're invited as honorary guests?" I ask.

"No, but It's the first time in a while that we go. We haven't gone down to the village on the very days of the fests because of our duties, but we found out today that we do have time on our hands. What's better than taking my family to a joyful event?"

"That's great to hear! I'll start right now." I excused myself from the table, "I'll see you guys in two hours!" I hugged and kissed them.

I run to my room and stepped out to my balcony. I began to admire the people who were adding finishing touches to the village. From what I can see, I'm sure it's absolutely pretty.

I don't know what I'll wear, though. What does one wear to the festival?

Knock knock

"Come in!"

The door opens and I see Nana come in with a smile.

"Nana! How are you?"

"I'm alright, dear ," she sits on the edge of my bed, "Are you getting ready to go to the village?"

"Yes I am, but I'm stuck on what to wear. Do you know what I should put on?" I check myself in the mirror, thinking that what I have on right now is too much for a fest.

"Ah," Nana approaches my closet, "Well, what do you have in mind?"

"Well... Nothing too extravagant? Or too simple? I don't know.."

"Hmm..." Nana's focus is now on rummaging through my closet to see what catches her eye. I proceed to make up outfits in my mind but I don't seem too satisfied with anything I come up with.

"What about this?"

She pulls out a flowy, white simple dress.

"Oh that's pretty, Nana. I'll keep it mind, can you find something else?"

"Of course, give me a second."

I check myself out in the mirror with the dress. It is indeed simple pretty, and I love it, but I haven't gone there in a while. Do I want to impress? Do I want to blend in? I don't know I'm nervous.

"Oh sweetie, what about this one?"

I turn to Nana and see the prettiest set she's holding. It's a white corset with a blouse and white pants. It's probably what would fit best with the occasion and I love it.

"Woah, this is beautiful Nana. I really like it! Thank you."

"No problem, honey. Hurry! Change so I can do your hair."

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