Chapter 2:- Official Meeting

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The day had finally came, the day you were going to fight Goku and Vegeta. They were both to stand against you the most, but you weren't fazed about that. You went into a wild green field. You purposely raised your ki so they can sense it and come to you. You sat down on a small hill cross-legged, crossing your arms as well. Your hood was up, you didn't want to show your identity just yet. You kept your ki raised up for a while until you started to feel another ki, several of them. "Well this will be interesting." You thought, looking at the sky.

"The fun is about to start."

Earlier that Day:-

Goku and Vegeta were training in Beerus' planet with Whis. Goku kept on pushing Vegeta everytime which made him pissed off, "Ugh, Kakarot stop pushing me around you idiot!" He said as he hit Goku in the back of his head. "OW! What was that for? I didn't mean to push you!" Goku exclaimed, rubbing his head. The Saiyan prince groaned in frustration, "You do it on purpose because you always want to be the top warrior!" He yelled. "Don't say that! I'm just training! I did nothing on purpose!" Goku protested.

"Yes you do!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you do!"

"No I'm not!"



Both of them pulled back their fists ready to punch each other, but someone interrupted them, "Now now, there's not need to fight each other. It can be used as a weakness." Whis said calmly and he floated toward them. "What do you mean?" Goku said, tilting his head to the side. "If you continue to fight like this, your enemies will use it to their advantage knowing that both of you will be distracted." The angel explained which made Goku widen his eyes and Vegeta to cross his arms and look away, "Then what should we do?" Goku asked. Whis smiled, "Find something you both have in common and agree on." He uttered. Vegeta snapped his head toward Whis," There's nothing in common between me and this idiot, so drop this idea!" Vegeta said, pointing his finger toward Goku.

"You will find one someday. Now that's enough training for both of you, let's take a break."


Both Vegeta and Goku said in unison. Whis chuckled, "See? You both kind of agreed on something." He said and flew away. "This is just annoying." Vegeta thought as he followed Whis. "Oi Vegeta..." Goku yelled, flaying beside his friend, " you think we can work this out?" He asked. "What are you talking about?" Vegeta asked. "The topic Whis mentioned." Goku said, now floating in front of the short Saiyan.

"We have nothing in common and if there, I'm not going to tell you." With that he flew away.

"But Vegeta..." Goku pouted, "...We have to if we want to defeat our enemies." He added. "We can if we train." Vegeta stated which made Goku sigh. The both flew back to the ground in silence until they were met with Whis who had a serious look which made Goku and Vegeta look at each other in concern. "Something has came up." Was all Whis said. "Hm? What's going on?" Goku asked.

"A new power appeared on earth." Beerus said while yawning and stretched his arms. "Huh? What power?" Goku asked again. "Miss Bulma contented me and said that your friends sensed a new power, it's as high as your power Goku. However, the new comer did not attack yet nor brought anyone with them." Whis explained, making Goku gasp in shock. This was weird for someone as strong as Goku to appear, they were either stronger or weaker. Also it was strange for someone to not attack yet and has no help with them. Maybe whoever had come to earth, came in peace.

"What?" Goku exclaimed completely shocked. "We need to go there now!" Goku said with an excited look.

"Very well."

With that, they made their way back to earth.

Time skip:-

After a few minutes, the three males arrived to the earth. They were met with all of the Z fighters and Piccolo was the first one to speak, "Took you too long to show up." He stated with a frown. Goku laughed nervously, "Hehehe, sorry for that." He apologized. Piccolo sighed, "There is no time to waste, let's go." Everyone flew up, all except Whis, "Whis san, aren't you coming?" Goku called.

"Unfortunately I can't, I have some tasks to do. Good luck with your fight." And with that he disappeared.

Everyone then went to the direction where the power came from. It took them about an hour to arrive to the location and someone immediately took their attention. There, on the small hill, sat a small figure of a female. She wasn't looking at them, but she spoke up, "Finally you came, I started to get bored." She calmly said as she slowly stood up and jumped down the hill to the ground, the others followed her. "Who are you?" Asked Piccolo.

"My name is Y/N." You said blankly.

The name clicked something in Vegeta's mind, "Son, have you met Y/N? She is---" He shook his head to push away the memory, "Tck, just a useless memory." He thought. You looked up and saw a ship landing down and out came a blue haired woman with a lavender haired boy. You immediately recognize them and growled, "After I finish this fight, I will kill both of them." You thought with a venom consuming your mind. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, "Let's not waste anytime and get over with this." You said, pulling your hood down to reveal your H/L black hair and black eyes.

"Wait, are you a Saiyan?" Goku asked. You give a barely noticeable smile, "A full blood one too." You said, crossing your arms. This made both Saiyans shocked. All of the Saiyans in planet Vegeta were extincted, how come another one survived. Another thing that made Vegeta shocked was that she looked tad familiar, who is she? What's her goal here?

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