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ok happy reading :))

THE PRINCE | twelve.


As I watched Justin play, I couldn't help but bite back a smile as he moved up and down the field. Either I'm very conceited or he definitely stole a few glances my way. Call me crazy, but there's no way he just happened to be looking straight at me as he rides a horse — which may I add is very big.

If I wasn't so afraid of animals, I would totally want to pet it.

The game was a bit confusing to follow considering there were a bunch of muscular guys on horses as they held very long sticks hitting a ball. I don't know, sports are not my thing. But then again many things are not my thing.

"Justin was so good!" Clara said obnoxiously, clapping her heads for practically the whole world to hear. "Wasn't he Baby?"

"He was," I give her a closed-lipped smile.

"Let's go to the stables so we can speak to him first before all of the annoying paparazzi and what not," she gets up from her chair quickly. She moved quickly towards the small set of stairs that led down to the field.

"If I did not know better, I would think she was his girlfriend," Nicole muttered next to me as we stood up.

"Tell me about it," Violette commented. "But we do know better and that is only true in her head," she laughs softly.

I watched as Clara walked away with her chin up. This girl has a lot of confidence... and delusions in her head.

We whisper back and forth to each other as we walked behind Clara at a distance. Every now and then Nicole and Violette would say hi to someone causing for me to lift my head up and smile politely. They began to speak French with someone, I tried to follow along but obviously I couldn't.

As we strolled along with the unfamiliar woman, I could see that we were getting closer to the stables. My eyes were glued on the ground ahead of us as we continued to walk. I mindlessly listened to them as they spoke in French, which reminded me to learn some more French. It sounded so beautiful and elegant. I gave myself a mental note to learn more as we reached the stables.

"We will see you soon," Violette smiles politely to the woman as the woman walked away.

"It smells," Clara whines, scrunching up her face in disgust.

"It is almost like there are many horses around," Violette replied sarcastically

"Shut up," Clara rolls her eyes. "Now where's Justin?" she whispers to herself looking at the large stable.

As she looked around, I noticed all of the horses suddenly peak their head out. They're even bigger up close. I gulped nervously as I looked at the large animals. I can't. I literally cannot move my feet, it was if they were glued to the ground, withholding me from moving any closer. They all began walking further inside the stable while I stayed behind.

"Baby, are you coming?" Nicole asks turning around.

"Yeah, yeah," I wave my hand. "I'll meet you guys there," I give her a quick, nervous smile. "See you there," I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Okay..." she laughs softly, looking at me with a confused expression. I watched as she walked away as I moved slowly backward.

Neigh. Neigh.

I nearly jumped up as a loud neigh was heard next to me. I stared at the horse that moved his head up repeatedly.

Nope. No. No, thank you.

Yeah, this is not for me.

I turned around quickly on my heels to make a smooth exit. "Oh gosh," I say putting my hand on my chest. I stepped back with my eyes widened, focused on the large animal in front of me. "Holy—"

"—C'est beau, n'est-ce pas? Elle est devenue très grande," a young man smiles proudly before patting the horse gently.

"I don't know what you said, but I'm guessing grande means big...So yes, very very grande," I move my hands up slowly in front of me. My eyes were locked on the large horse. How in the world is it so big? So grande? So—

Suddenly I saw the young man stiffen. He sat up straight as his eyes watched something...or someone. I turn around and see Justin walking towards us with his helmet in his hand, and the girls closely behind him. I could see Clara was saying something to Justin, but he ignored her as he moved closer to us. Oh gosh.

"Prince Justin," the young man bows his head.

"Francis," Justin replies mimicking his actions. "Comment allez-vous?" he asks.

"Très bien. Je devrais y aller," the man replies rather quickly. He moved the reins in his hand, patting the side of the horse with his feet gently before trotting off.

I kept my back to Justin not wanting to look at him. I can just imagine the look of slight panic on my face. I knew that if I looked at Justin, I'd forget what I need to tell him and then we're back to square one.


"—I'll be right back," I call out keeping my back towards them.

Before they could stop me, I rush out of the stables. People were everywhere chatting it up with their fellow acquaintances. I could see the entrance not too far from here and that is exactly where I was headed.

I've had enough of this for the day.


I watched as Baby walked away rather quickly, leaving me alone with the girls. The girls who I didn't want to be with right now.

I'd much rather be with her.

My eyes were focused on the small vision of red from her dress. She stood out from all the rest and it wasn't just because of her dress.

"So Justin," Clara spoke up, making me turn towards them. "What's the plan for tonight? I'd think it's the perfect time to celebrate."

"I do not know yet," I say looking down at my helmet I secured in my arms.

"Maybe you can come over tonight," she suggests. "It's just us. My parents aren't here either. The only adult around is Leo."

"Who's 'us'?" I ask.

"You," she smiles putting her hand on her chest. "Colton, Violette, Nicole..."

"Do not forget Baby," Nicole whispers nudging Clara gently.

"Oh yes, Baby," she sighs before giving me a small smile. "We can invite the other guys too. Anyone really," she shrugs her shoulders.

"Yes. That would be nice. I will meet you all there," I tell her. "Thank you ladies for attending today. I will see you all soon," I give them a small smile before turning on my heels. Stepping out the stables, I could see Baby walking out of the area. She was fast. Too fast.

I wanted to go after her, I did, but of course I knew that many people were watching my every move — not including my security team.

I stopped in my tracks and was soon swarmed by a couple of photographers and reporters.

"Prince Justin! Vous avez joué étonnamment bien aujourd'hui."

Prince Justin! You played amazingly today.

"Merci," I smile looking ahead of me.

Where did she go?

"Que comptez-vous pour ce soir? Des plans de célébrations?"

What are your plans for tonight? Any celebratory plans?

"Je prévois d'être avec des amis ... en privé," I reply half-jokingly.

I plan on being with some private.

"Ravi de vous voir les gars," I say patting one of their backs as I pushed passed them.

Nice seeing you guys.

I weaved my way through the crowd, moving passed several familiar faces. My security stood with their hand held in front of them. They stood on each side of the stairs that led to the house.

"Did you do it?" I ask one of them. I had given him a task that I wanted to do myself, but do to the wandering eyes, I had him do it for me.

"Yes," he nods his head. "The message has been delivered."

"Thank you," I breath out.

I went a few steps up the stairs and then turned around. Seeing I was able to see the whole venue, I looked around subtly for any signs of red.

As I was about to give up, I saw a flash of red. I grew more attentive, more aware, as I watched her move towards a large black car. Leo stood beside the car, opening the door for her. I watched as he reached in suit pocket before pulling out a cream envelope.

They began to speak, guessing about the envelope. Leo handed Baby the envelope and then closed the door behind once she was safely inside.

"And now we wait," I mutter to myself.



For the first time in hours, I could finally breathe. I reached down and slowly unbuckled my shoes. Now my feet can finally breathe. I let out a heavy sigh as I scooted more on the bed.

I close my eyes as I throw my head back against the pillow on my bed. This day was overwhelming for me and it really didn't need to be. Justin was all I could think about. It's driving me nuts. I hate falling in like with someone. Once I catch any type of feelings for someone, they tend to fill my mind twenty-four seven.

I look over to my side and saw the envelope laying on my bed. I wanted to open it the minute I got in the car, but I wanted to wait until I was only.

I grab it gently looking down at my name that was written on the top in calligraphy. I rub my finger against it gently. I could feel the texture of the envelope against my finger. Gaining the courage to finally open it, I gently ripped open the envelope, pulling out the letter in the process.

I haven't received a letter in God knows how long. This was nice. I sighed again as I opened up the letter. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that someone took the time to write me this.

Dear Baby,


I laugh softly and continue reading.

I wanted to write you this letter because this is the only way I can talk you without hiding. I'm writing this as my family prepares for our polo game event. We have this every year, so I'm not in a hurry to go downstairs.

It has only been a couple of days and I see myself wanting to be with you more and more. I don't know why, but I do. There is something about you. I ask myself as I write this: Why do I like her so much?

And it's because you're different.

In just a couple of days, you have managed to make me happy and keep my mind off the stressors in my life. I thank you for that. But every time I think of you, I remember that you're just here on holiday. You're only here for three months. Three months. That's all I have.

I don't know what's going to happen at the end of those three notes which makes me nervous. You make me nervous. I realize that I can't control you leaving, but I can control how I spend my time with you while you are here.

And so, I want you to meet me in front of your villa tonight at ten. If you decide not to come then I understand. If you do come, I will be very very happy.

I hope you see you there.


I exhaled sharply, moving my hand against the side of my face causing my hair to move against my hand. I didn't know I needed to receive a letter from him until now.

He gets how I feel. He knows exactly how I feel.

And he's right.

Neither of us can control when either of us leave at the end of the three months, but we can control the time in between.

I grab my phone from my bedside table to check the time. It was only four o'clock meaning I had a lot of time to spare because at ten I plan on meeting Justin.

I have to.

I want to.




I'm finally back (at least I think I am).

School is so ugly and stressful. Just add writer's block to the mix and you'll just be over it. That's exactly what happened to me.

I have written so many versions of this chapter because I was strugglinggg. I'm happy with this one though, so we good.

I hope you guys are still there lol and don't hate me.

If you didn't notice, I changed the way I put the translations because I saw how the queen SodaMahone was doing it and I liked it better soo I changed it. 

ANYWAYS, don't forget to vote and leave a comment!

Thank you guys for reading <33

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