Loving food so much, it was no surprise he wanted to share the experience with his lover. Spoon feeding you was his favourite thing to do. Often it was lollies, sweets and candy, but he also reluctantly fed you as little as possible of the other food groups so you had some nutrients in you.
Murasakibara frowned, seeing that the spoonful of tomato soup was too hot, so he carefully blew on the spoon to cool it down to the perfect temperature for his beloved.
"I know it is yucky but you need to eat it. Say aahh." Murasakibara ordered you as he put the spoon of soup into your mouth, you savoured the taste and waited as he filled the spoon and fed you again. He so until he was satisfied with how much you hated eaten that you had been properly nourished.
Now, the real feeding began. Murasakibara opened packers of pocky, chocolate balls, sour snakes, gummy bears, every variety of chips and anything in between and fed them to you by hand, before eating some himself. This was his favourite part of the day; meals.
Your body had developed quickly to metabolise food faster so soon you were just as dependant on food as your beloved, Murasakibara was. Exercise of all sort tired you now, but this was fine and even great for Murasakibara, he preferred having you in the one spot so he didn't have to follow you around everywhere, a tiresome job.
Finally, a bit after you were full, he had decided to save the rest of the candy for later. He then tucked you up on the couch with a cashmere blanket until Murasakibara was certain you were as snug as a bug in a rug.
But seeing you take such long, leisurely breathes filled him with an unexplainable anger, he felt like he had failed as a lover and protector seeing the flare of your ribs, he immediately remedied it, squeezing your chest with his large hands.
Every night he would do so, after you two had finished the night's ritual and were warm in bed, he'd wrap his arms around you tightly. The first few nights he did this, he said were the best sleeps of his life, whilst you didn't even feel drowsy through them. Back then, he had told you that it made him feel happy to hold you tight.
Now, you believed that it was your duty to serve to him as his teddy bear and even in the comforts of your home, with no teachers (or worse, male classmates) posing a threat to Murasakibara's unadulterated access to you.
To him, if he couldn't go around possessively nipping at your neck to mark you as his every five seconds, than it wasn't true love.
He ravished you to the point of no return. The petulant teenager decided that he would keep you at all costs, keeping you in an enclosed comfortable grip, but when he grew a tolerance for that and started squeezing a bit too tightly, you ran away. Unable to articulate his deep feelings of love and protectiveness towards you, he simply used the only method he knew; brute force.
When Murasakibara realised that you always backed down from your arguments when he began to get more aggressive and demanding, he used it to his advantage, not exactly understanding the intricacies of emotional manipulation but somehow orchestrating it until you grew to love his bruising hugs, his sometimes rough handling of affections towards you and his coddling of you.
Murasakibara went to the kitchen to make popcorn. The popping and crackling sounds as well as the warm buttery and salty smell made you inhale deeply in bliss, only, you felt some unease with Murasakibara being away in another room. But he soon returned, munching on a mouthful of popcorn kernels.
He kissed you on the lips and you tasted the popcorn as he decided to sit there and feed you some, kernel by kernel, checking afterwards to make sure none had gotten stuck between your teeth or were causing you any pain, also keeping you hydrated with plenty of water (equipped with straws of course, so you wouldn't choke).
Murasakibara then set up the movie as you waited patiently for him on the couch, back propped up with dozens of cushions and feet tucked in a woollen blanket.
The movie was cheesy and dumb, not that'd you ever watch anything too intellectual, Murasakibara always grew bored of those movies, and since he was the selector every week for movie night, they were never on the list. Sometimes you'd watch animations and cartoons so Murasakibara didn't have to deal with you looking at a male actor.
But somehow this time, you had managed to make him relent and let you watch a live action film. It was called 'Detergent' and was a classic YA dystopia about a strong lead young woman who overthrows an oppressive authoritarian government and breaks the system of Fractions, where at sixteen, they must choose what they want to be for the rest of their lives because teenagers are at a great point to do so and then fight to the death. She is also troubled by a love triangle, with Badboy Bale and Goodboy Five.
The dialogue was dumb and the acting deplorable. But since you hadn't seen people other than Murasakibara for so long, your attention was fully focused on the television screen and you didn't even mewl happily when Murasakibara cuddled you, stroking your hair.
This made him pout, so he decided to take action to remind you who you belonged to.
Katriss and Five were about to kiss onscreen and you were leaning forward in your seat, now having not have looked at Murasakibara during the entire film. After so much bickering and so many snarky and cruel remarks they had made to each other in their banter, you were hyped to see the star crossed lovers lean forward, brushing noses and-
All you could see now was a hand. Rough, calloused hands covering your vision as you whined, "Mura-Chan, darling! I was watching that!" You complained and Murasakibara recited new rules he had created on the spot from his jealously of how much attention you were giving to the movie character, Five.
"You're not allowed to see kissing!" Murasakibara said, "Only you and I can kiss so you seeing other people kiss is bretraying me. Don't do it, Y/N-chin."
You sighed; relenting, "Fine, keep my eyes covered for the kissing."
After what felt like ten minutes, he lifted his hands again and you found yourself watching another scene with interest and you went back to forgetting Murasakibara's existence...or at least according to him. You had only watched a single scene with your eyes uncovered when the epic battle scene between the Badders and the Gooders came one and your eyes were covered once more.
"What is it this time?" You asked.
"The violence." Murasakibara said boredly, "My precious Y/N-chin will not see graphic depictions of evil things that will scare her."
The most graphic part of this battle was a CGI dragon breathing clearly fake fire onto a green screen of people. But you agreed without a second thought.
"Yes, yes, of course." You said. "Thank you for being so concerned about me. I love you."
"I love you too." He replied.
So you stayed content in his embrace, your sight obscured by his palms and fingers.
By the time he uncovered his hands from your vision, the movie was over and the credits were rolling. Fancy white font on a black background. Seeing as there was nothing interesting on the screen, you turned to face Murasakibara and since he had eyes only for you, he was already looking at you. Specifically, your neck.
He pinned you down to the couch and kissed your lips, licking teasingly at yours. You could taste a weird but comforting mixture of sweets from his tongue. Just as it looked like he was going to take it further, he pulled back with a pout. You asked him what was wrong.
"I can barely taste you. Only the sweets. I will taste you in a better place."
Murasakibara lowered his pouted lips to your exposed neck and collarbone, with an agonisingly slow pace, he lazily kissed every inch of your neck, paying special attention to the nape before going down to the collarbone and taking a sharp bite. You gasped in shock and pain as blood oozed from your wound. But Murasakibara's darting tongue collected every drop before it could stain your skin. When he looked back into your eyes, you saw something you hadn't seen before. An animalistic, brutish hunger in his half prodded eyes.
"I may like pocky, but you are my favourite treat."
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