A Troubling Revelation

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The atmosphere in Hotel Hazbin had become strangely tense since George Washington's peculiar symptoms had started. What had initially seemed like a humorous twist in the afterlife had taken on a more ominous tone as George's condition worsened. Alastor, ever the cheerful trickster, found himself increasingly concerned for his partner.

One morning, George collapsed in the hotel lobby, wracked with pain. Alastor rushed to his side, his usually unflappable demeanor cracking with fear. "George, stay with me!" he urged, his voice trembling as he called for help.

They rushed George to the hotel's infirmary, where Dr. Faustus conducted a series of tests. As the hours dragged on, Alastor paced outside, his mind racing with dark thoughts. He had never felt so powerless.

When Dr. Faustus finally emerged, his expression was grave. "Alastor, there's something you need to know. George is... pregnant, and it's not a normal pregnancy. The child he's carrying is a result of the unique energies of Hell and your bond with him. It's putting an immense strain on his body."

Alastor's eyes widened in shock. "What do you mean? Is he in danger?"

Dr. Faustus nodded solemnly. "Yes, both he and the child are at risk. This isn't a natural process, and his body isn't equipped to handle it."

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