genoflower was walking somewhere in the middle with her clan, her single red eye glowing in the sun, it was a sunny day. but it was quite cold. which was understandable, they were in the mountains after all.
she was smilling. killerbreeze's plan is really working, the clans are getting along. after some time it would all be over. the war ends and everyone is okay. but what then? what is gonna happen then? will they go back to star clan because they succeeded? she hoped not. all the friends she encountered, she wouldnt want to lose that. and she was sure the another two wouldnt aswell.
she saw how everyone infront of her stopped walking, so she stopped as well. focussing on what was happening infront of her and saw it. ah, tribe cats. those star clan powers really come in handy sometimes. she began to walk to the front. to where killerbreeze surely was. she stopped when she was next to killerbreeze and indeed. they found some prey hunters from the tribe.
"tree who are these cats? why are you bringing them into our territory?!" a white and grey she-cat qeustioned. genoflower looked over to horrorflame, dustdrop and killerbreeze. all three having backed off. tree in wasteland looked behind him. " they were sent here by the stars" he said, looking back at the two prey hunters. said prey hunters were a what older white and grey she-cat with light blue eyes, and the another was a young turtle she-cat with amber eyes. the two she-cats stayed silent, waiting for tree in wasteland to continue. "Classicstar, the leader of their skies had sent them here, the reasons are unknown to everyone, but we need to welcome them in our territory" the bagé Tom explained.
suddently all seemed to click in her mind, the starting of the clans, thats what they were on about. she looked over to where killerbreeze and her brothers were to see them stepping forwards.
ah yes.
the three sibling stepped forward. nightstar getting out of the way as they stood next to tree in wasteland. "the starting of the clans was really needed. the thribe of endless hunting and classicstar sended them there. and besides, the thribe of the waterfalls was created by cats having to run away to search a better home where they could survive" dustdrop said with a flick of his tail. horrorflame nodded. "who are you to say anything about that? clan cat" the white prey hunter spat out, her ears folded to her head. horrorflame's one eye widened slightly at that, and his jaws tightened. killerbreeze had the same expression on her face, but it not being seenable thanks to her pure black eyes. "i- you really believe that we are just ordinairy clan cats?" she muttered. the she-cat scoffed again. "well yeah ofcourse i do" the another prey hunter looked nervous by now, what was going on? "well look trough your memory for a bit, see it now? because i surely do" dustdrop hissed. "what in the stars name are you talking about?!"the white and grey prey-hunter asked. killerbreeze just stood there, how could she not have remembered? how could she fotget her kits? "how could you forget?"horrorflame whispered, tears starting to form in the corner of his one still intact eye. "touché snow tiger in jungle, i would have expected you to atleast kinda reconise them" tree said, looking at the three beside him, his eyes showing sympathy. "look closer" the she-cat now known as snow tiger in jungle looked at the three cats infront of her. it took a while but she finnally understood. "killing breeze flowing through mountain.. drop of dust on stone, horrific flame in forest fire.." she muttered. the three nodding. "is it really you three?" she asked, her eyes wide and watery. once again the three nodded. "oh my kits.. im so sorry i didnt trust you since the beginning.." snow tiger said tearing up. as killerbreeze, horrorflame and dustdrop walked over to her and hugged her. sometimes forgiving someone is the best thing to do.
hey authors note real quick! i was wondering what your favorite character was so far, and what you think of my book.
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