the story of the clans

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The three, dustdrop and horrorflame where guided back to the air clan border. Keepnose and colorstar excorted them there.

"Thank you for fighting off those wolves" colorstar thanked them. "Its no problem really, its our duty to protect each another" killerbreeze said. "but then why does everyone seem to hate each another, like that creamy cat at the gathering" keepnose descriped inklake. "well, lets just say that the moon clan- i mean we dont really like the sunclan" "and we dont like the moonclan" 

"ooh.. why?"


"a long time ago, when there where no clans, only one big thribe of cats. 4 kits where born, nightkit, dreamkit, deathkit and glitchkit. they where the bests of friends. always playing togever, and always going on adventures. they where the 4 of the thribe of cats. the thribe of endless hunting. 

when they became apprentices, or lets just say softclaws. nothing changed. they always went on patroy togever, and always fought side by side. the night before their sharp claw ceremony, they all dreamed of the same thing, 4 cats. a yellow one, a purple one, a cyan one and a red one.  they knew it had something to do with them. that they where the cats in their dreams.

so at their cermony. when nightpaw became nightmoon,  dreampaw became dreamsun, deathpaw became deathtouch and glitchpaw became glitchfur. they decided to go on an journy. they met many cats on their journy who decided to follow them. until they eventually found the most beautifull place they have every seen. it was surounded by mauntians, it had a huge lake in the middle which devided 4 pieces of lands equally. "the 4 cats decided this was the perfect place to make the prophecy true. one of the cats got one piece of land, nightmoon got the rocky and forest one, dreamsun got the side with the heath. deathtouch the pine forest and lastly but not least glitchfur had the side with the mauntians. 

the side who you have right now"

"wait really?"


the 4 cats named themselfes, nighstar, dreamstar, deahstar and glitchstar. on each piece of territory the new leaders created clans, the moon clan, the sun clan, the shadow clan and the glitch clan. each of the followers picked a clan who suited them the best. and i, and my brothers freshleaf and errorstorm chose the glitch clan. the 4 clans got along pretty well. and helped each another when needed. until an group of cats broke into the clans territory, they called themselfes the blood clan. because of their trait of murder. they wanted to take over the clans and their territory. and ofcourse the four leaders didnt want that. they fought bravely for their territory and lives. 

the blood clan tried to take their territorys one by one, but that didnt work. so there was one big battle, between the clans, and the blood clan. it was a bloody battle, many deaths occured. glitchstar was killed in the battle, and so was the rest of glitch clan. exept 3 cats, me and my brothers. the glitch clan was gone, but that wasnt the end. the blood clan wasnt going to stop with one clan. but this time, the clans werent going to loose another one. so they fought harder, fulled with rage towards the bloodclan, because they murdered their dear friend and his clan. 

eventually they won. the blood clan lost to many cats to understand they didnt stand a change. so they fled, and were never seen again." genoflower finished the story of the clans.

"but i dont understand, how could they hate each another because of a fight they won?" colorstar asked confused. it was almost dusk by now. "because they were devastated by the death of their brother in arms. nightstar didnt take it well i have to say. he accused dreamsun or dreamstar of his death because they didnt help even tho she was the one to notice it first" killerbreeze meawed standing up. "we should get going, they will be wondering why it took us so long" the she-cat already walked through the border. "hey wait for us!" horrorflame said running after his sister along with dustdrop.

"well since they decided to leave us, want us to take you two to your territory?" colorstar offered. "no sorry, get some rest, we know our ways" bluejay declined their offer kindly. "hm, alright then, have a good night, but how did you know we where attacked by the wolves?" colorstar asked curious. "oh, you probably find out later"



kinda rushed i know im sorry but i was sick so didnt bother to do anything.

word count: 772

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