the end of a pointless war

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nightstar was sitting near some rocks, with errorstorm and freshleaf. he didnt adknowlegde the absence of three cats, or he did, but didnt care. he knew what this whole thing was about. he had to say, he was impressed. killerbreeze and whoever is with her are good at their job. he shouldnt have doubted classicstar in the beginning, as who he chose to fix the clans mistakes. are doing it perfectly.

his attention was brought back to the cats infront of him as errorstorm asked him a qeustion. "nightstar, why did classicstar really bring us here?" that qeustion caught him in suprise at the qeustion of his deputy. his eyes narrowed as he looked like his normal usual calm self. "a reason i dont know im afraid, we'll just have to wait and see" he said, his icy blue eyes seemingly glowing in the moonlight. errorstorm hummed. star clan has always made everything complicated. 

he had to admit, this was nice. settling down after a long trip, pretending nothing was wrong. maybe, it will always stay like this. nightstar had faith in classicstar and his followers, soon enough, all of this will be over. nightstar looked at the sunset. the sun was going down. painting the sky beautifull colors. the stars slowly appearing, as it was getting darker. in the dark, he swore he saw a red light. but as he fully focused on it, nothing was there. he paid it no mind afterwards. probably a trick of the light. or something else he didn't know about.

the sun kept going down as the sky was getting darker and darker. to the point everything was Dark except for a qaurter of the sun still pointing out from the horizon. at that moment three star clan cats appeared infront of the clan and tribe cats. one red, with black markings and stars covering her pelt. the second was white, with black markings and stars covering her pelt as well. the third was a light blue with black markings and stars covering her body like the other two. everybody looked in wonder at the three. their eyes reflecting the light the three star warriors gave off. a fourth, larger and shinier cat appeared by the three. painting the area with a blue glow. the cats eyes were pure white. but his pelt was blue, and covered in stars. classicstar, one of the leaders of the sky and leader over all clans. cats bowed before him. the clan leaders walking infront, bowing their heads in respect. a fifth cat sat on a rock behind the clan cats, the leader of the tribes and one of the leaders of the sky. but she was busy with the tribe cats. her pelt was purple, stars across her pelt and her eyes glowing white. she sat across from classicstar.

the three others looked to the sky and faded away, leaving classicstar alone infront of the clans. both leaders nodded each other. before both lifting a paw to the sky and fading away. three clan cats joined the others. as all the stars in the sky started to dance as the sky lit up. revealing its beauty and all the planets and stars. the sight was beautiful. every cat looked at the sky in wonder. all except for three cats, all sitting in the back. their plan worked. the trip to the mountains and the falling star show truly changed the clans, all were united, maybe not as one, but surely in one big friendship with each other. 

the rest of the night was filled with laughs, smiles, and cats genuinely having a good time together. even inklake, errorstorm, nightstar and dreamstar shared laughs within them. 

back in the realm of the stars, the three cats were summoned by their leader. the three went, saddened that their journey was over, but glad that they've been able to help the clans. all the friends they've made, they will miss them. 

classicstar sat waiting for his warriors, who arrived shortly. he smiled at them. "my warriors, you have succeeded in your task, I'm proud of you" he said, looking at all of them in their eyes. they bowed their heads "what would become of us now?" one asked, bluejay asked. slight hope was in her eyes. classicstar looked at her, smilling. "you will go to your homes, your real homes. I just wanted to thank you, now go, go back to where you truly belong" the faces of the three lit up. happy, happy they didn't have to say goodbye to the clans. but that they could live again, live with their loved ones, for the rest of their lives. the three disappeared back to the real world. classicstar smiled, he knew they could do it. 


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