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liked by cb_97 and others
3ra_j.one so someone hacked into my account yesterday and apparently posted something about some model ? realminho_ sorry dude

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cb_97: who hacked into your account ? did they do anything else??
yanginnie: realminho_ apparently got hacked
3rachastan: oh shit who hacked??
jisungsheadset: that's wack what the heck
realminho_: it's fine, hope you catch whoever hacked you


realminho_ has requested to message you.
accept | reject

hey, this is the owner of the account right?

yeh, you're the real person right?
sorry about all the commotion or wtvr

it's fine dw too much
seen 12:49 pm


jisung rolled onto his side as he stared at the last message sent between him and his long time crush. his face was heated and probably flushed as well. getting up jisung rushed himself to his kitchen area, opening the fridge and shoving his face into the coolness of it. "han jisung. get it together. no one suspects anything"

the sound of a door shutting caught jisung's attention, causing the male to pull his head out from between the inside of the fridge and the door. he glanced towards his front door to find seungmin and felix both slipping on their inside slippers. they practically all lived in each others apartments so each boy had a set of indoor slippers, toothbrush and more in the other two's rooms.

"you know, i gotta say, you got away with it. i'm not sure how you managed to do it but i'm amazed" seungmin let out a sigh and flopped onto the boys small couch. a knock could be heard from the door and all three boys turned to make eye contact before returning their gaze to the door. "who... you expecting someone ji?" seungmin eyed the door and then looked back at the male who was still standing by his fridge.

"no? i wasn't even expecting you guys..." with that,  jisung moved himself away from the fridge, feet clad in fluffy socks,sliding across the wooden floor towards the wooden door. pulling it open carefully, jisung let out a squeak when he spotted three bodies outside the door. "uhhhhh, well this is weird" he muttered as he stepped aside to let the three boy at his door inside.

"what the hell?"

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