Chapter 10 - Secrets

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Chapter 10 - Secrets

"Harry, why does it bother you to talk about this?" Louis questioned. It was Saturday again, and we had moved onto genetics.

"Because sexual reproduction is awkward." I explained.

"Are you telling me you've never had sex?"

I felt myself blushing already, as the question came out of his mouth. "That's private."

"C'mon Harry, who am I gonna tell?"

"Your friends."

"I will not! Don't you trust me?" Louis asked, sounding insulted.

I nodded in response. He went behind his best friend's back to save me from getting my butt kicked. I had no reason not to trust him.

"Good, now answer the question. Are you a virgin?"

"Yes," I mumbled.

"You've at least kissed someone though right?" he questioned.

"Yeah!" I said. The truth was, I've kissed one person. A girl, and it was a small peck. I hardly counted it as a kiss. "Not that it was any good."

"Why not?"

"Because it was with a girl." I mumbled.

"Wait, what?" Louis asked. "I didn't know you were gay."

"That's because it's kind of a secret." I admitted. "I've only mentioned it to Liam."

"Your secret is safe with me." Louis assured me. "I would never tell anyone a secret like that."

"Thank you." I said, hoping he was telling the truth.

* * *
Louis's POV

I was glad that Harry trusted me. I mean, I never considered myself hard to trust. I would never tell secrets like the ones he told me. Zayn would most likely hang it over his head, and try to kick his ass again.

"How did your tutoring session go, baby?" Eleanor asked. It was Sunday, and we hadn't hung out outside of school in a little while.

"It was good," I admitted, "I feel like I'm actually learning something."

"That's good." she said. "You really need the help."


"What? It's true." she said, and we both laughed. "I missed you, Lou."

"Did you really?" I teased.

"Want me to show you?" she asked, and I nodded in response.

She connected her lips to mine, climbing on top of me, instead of sitting next to me on the bed. I instantly leaned back, so we were lying down. She placed her hand on my jaw, as she increased the pace of the kiss. She grinded into my crotch with her own, creating a moan in my throat.

My phone vibrated on the table, as I started to kiss her neck. Eleanor reached for it, and unlocked it.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Harry." she answered. "He asked if you're on for next Saturday."

"Tell him yes." I answered. I needed a better grade, and it wasn't there yet. Eleanor typed at my phone, then set it back on the table. She reached for my shirt, and pulled it over my head. She reached for her own and whipped it off, and reached around her back for her bra buckle. I could tell she was really needy right now, because she was speeding things up. I kissed her collarbone, and down to her cleavage, as I reached for the button on her jeans.

* * *

"Did you hear the news, Lou?" Zayn asked me, with a big grin. This gave me a bad feeling.

"No?" I replied.

"Your little buddy Harry is a fag." he said, as he began to laugh. Fuck.

"Where did you hear that?"

"Eleanor and her friends are telling everyone." How the hell did Eleanor find out?

"You're the one who told her right? I knew you'd betray that fucker at some point." He said, giving me a clap on the shoulder.

"No," I admitted, "I had no idea."

"I'm sure." Zayn said, walking down the hall. Great, my girlfriend is telling everyone, and Harry is going to kill me.

I walked the halls, looking for Harry. I needed to explain that I didn't tell her.

I found him, standing by his locker. Thank god Liam wasn't there. I'd never be able to get through to him.

"Harry!" I said, as I walked up to him.

"Don't even talk to me." Harry said, pulling books out of his backpack.

"But I-"

"Lied to me." Harry said, shoving his bag into his locker. "You promised me you wouldn't tell anyone, but now a lot of people know. Liam was right about you."

I don't know why it hurt so much, but his remark made my stomach feel like it had dropped.

"Harry, I didn't tell anybody." I said. "I swear on my own life."

"Then how does everyone know?" I'd never seen Harry angry, and it scared me.

"I don't know." I admitted. "I haven't talked to anyone all weekend, except for Eleanor."

"I can't believe I thanked you for listening to me, when you just used it against me."

"When did you thank me?"

"I texted you yesterday."

"I never got any text, Harry."

"Jesus Christ, would you stop lying?" he exclaimed. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone. He handed it to me.

Harry: Thank you for listening to me. I've never really felt comfortable enough to tell anyone else that I'm gay.

Louis: You're welcome!

"I never sent that text." I said. "Holy shit, Eleanor sent you that text." I said, in realization.

"Why would I believe that?"

"Because we were getting 'busy' and she checked my phone for me."

"What does 'busy' mean?"

"We were making out, and my phone buzzed." I explained.

Harry pressed his hand against his head. "Well she's told the whole school now."

"I'm sorry, Harry." I said. "I swear, I couldn't imagine telling anyone."

"It's fine." he mumbled. "Can I just have some space, please?"

I nodded. I couldn't tell if he was still mad at me or not. I was glad he knew it wasn't me that told, but how could I control Eleanor reading that text? If I knew what it said I would've stopped her, but I couldn't have known. I just felt sorry for Harry now.

Hey guys, how are ya?
I really need to write more, I love it. Especially when I get good ideas.

Tell me what you thought of this chapter!! What do you think is going to happen now that everyone knows Harrys secret?

Love you guys ☺️❤️

-Amanda Styles [3/10/15]

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