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"How was the interview? Or do I call it an interview? How was the finalizing of his proposals?" Kyle barraged her with questions as they all met again, at Lara's house this time, for updates on the outcome of her meeting with Shane.

"I have already prepared gifts in readiness and anticipation of your reply," Meredith said with a delighted twinkle in her eyes. "Is it a yes?"

Lara nodded in response, smiling lightly. "It's a yes!"

Meredith squealed in excitement, both she and Kyle rushing over to hug her as tightly and as warmly as they could without choking Lara.

"Ladies! Ladies!" Lara mumbled against their smoldering hugs.

"Oh! We're sorry," Kyle apologized quickly, both of them pulling away from her and smiling happily for her.

Lara felt elated to see that she had such wonderful friends. They cared so much about her happiness, as if it were their own. She was deeply touched.

Meredith leaned forward and held her hands in hers. "Lara." She sniffed, tears clouding her eyes. "I've always longed for this day, bestie. You've been through so much—more than any lady, anyone your age, should have ever been through. I'm overjoyed at the moment that..." Her mouth parted wordlessly as she smiled and cried.

Lara nodded to her in understanding, silently communicating her appreciation for their steadfast and unending support for her through her eyes.

"Congratulations, Lara. This calls for celebration!" Kyle cheered with a scream of glee.

"Of course!" Lara agreed.

"I believe you've informed all your bosses, however many they may be, of your resignation," Meredith inquired.

"Of course. That's all been settled," Lara answered. "But the celebration might have to wait till the weekend. I am still to meet with Shane today."

Meredith and Kyle shared a look before they turned to her.

"Are you resuming work immediately tomorrow?" Kyle furrowed her brows as she asked.

Lara shook her head and huffed a deep breath. "No. The thing is, uh, I'm actually to go out shopping with him for suitable wear that would meet the standard of the company before my official resumption to work."

"Shopping. Wow! That's lovely," Meredith commented.

"But, on whose account will that be? His company has quite the standard," Kyle was saying.

"And for him to personally want to take you out for shopping..." Meredith included.

"Well, he assured me that he would be covering the expenses for the shopping," Lara told them.

Kyle tweaked her fingers in her face, a brilliant smile playing over her lips. "I knew it!"

"He's in love with you, Lara," Meredith breathed.

Kyle cleared her throat. "Love might be a strong term to use for someone of his reputation, Meredith. I would say he's attracted to her."

Lara furrowed her brows. "That makes no sense."

"It does. The pieces click together now. He undoubtedly admires and is attracted to you, Lara," Kyle informed her, holding her gaze.

"So, he does want something from me after all." Lara shook her head.

"You are beautiful. Extremely beautiful. So, it's not surprising that you've caught his attention, and he's willing to move heaven and earth, hyperbolically, to make you secure," Kyle said.

"Oh!" Lara sighed, huffing an exasperated exhale, and fell back against the cushion she was sitting on. "What do I do now?"

"What do you do now?" Kyle asked in confusion.
"This is a golden opportunity for you, Lara. You are favored by your soon-to-be boss. It's a good thing."

"It's not," Lara argued. Her mouth parted wordlessly to defend her opposition, but all she could do was suck in her lower lip and clench her teeth. "You shouldn't have told me this. I will feel more awkward around him now. I'm averse to office romance. How can I work with a clear head in the same space with a man I know is attracted to me? My boss!"

"Uhm.." Meredith cleared her throat. "The attraction part is just a mere theory. Let's not jump to conclusions too soon. He might just be a good man who feels inclined to help a damsel in distress."

Kyle nodded quickly in agreement, smiling enthusiastically at Lara.

Lara looked at both of her friends. "You think so?"

"Absolutely!" Meredith assured.

"Now, when is that time when he will be ready to go on that shopping trip with you?" Kyle fit into the conversation smoothly, changing the subject of discussion.

Lara checked the time displayed on her phone screen. "Four thirty," she replied.

Meredith and Kyle had an inquiring look on their faces.

"Four thirty!" Lara exclaimed, leaping to her feet.

"I'm not prepared." She raced to her room.

"Mmnn." Meredith looked at the direction Lara had gone.

"What do you think, Meredith?" Kyle asked with an exuberant smile on her face.

"I think our friend is about to tread an interesting path in her life's course, and of course, I will be happy to be entertained by this evolution."
Kyle beamed at her. "So will I."

"I'm sorry I'm late," Lara said almost breathlessly as she met up with Shane at the location he had texted her. Her eyes darted to the time on her watch, a soft whistle escaping her as she realized she was on time after all.

Shane had watched as she pushed out of the taxi swiftly yet gracefully and hastened her strides to meet him.

"You could have been, but you are right on time," he stated, extending a hand to the vacant seat. "Have a seat, please."

"Thank you." Her chest heaved as she settled down on the chair.

"I hope you don't mind. I was hoping you could have lunch with me before we set out. I've been holed up all day in my office with work, and I assumed the same would have been for you."

", really. I do not mind." Lara swallowed.

"I see." He stared at her.

Lara felt her insides squirm with his gaze intent on her. It would have done her good had it been Meredith and Kyle had not told her his help could have been due to the fact that he was attracted to her.

It shouldn't really unnerve her that he was attracted to her. Countless men have professed their affection and attraction for her over the years, and she has promptly avoided them.

The thought of being involved with a man scared her utterly. She believed her mother had been charmed by her father into believing he was attracted to her.

What had then become of her?

She wanted no such thing for herself. She was determined to devote her mind and attention instead to her career and build a future for herself rather than indulge in damnable involvements with men.

However, she didn't see herself escaping Shane any number of years from then. She had a long way to go before her debt was utterly repaid, and she was absolved of it and granted the freedom for which she had always longed.

"Is it just around me, Lara, or are you naturally nervous?"

"What?" Her lips parted with a muffled gasp as she raised her gaze to meet his. "I... Ah!" 


She swallowed, pressing down on her lips tightly. "I'm sorry. This is a meteoric change for me. I will get used to it immediately. I'm not nervous."

"You are not."

She licked her lip ring. "At the moment, I must admit I am, but it's just excitement. As you've said, I will get used to it with time."

"Lara, look at me. If we are to work together, we need to be comfortable with each other. Don't you agree?"

"I do. My apologies I've been acting less than professional in my conduct with you."

"You may not see me as your boss. Perhaps that's what intimidates you about my presence."

"But you are my boss."

"For a more favorable consequence, I feel you should regard me as a friend instead. Maybe that may ease you into being more comfortable around me."

"I don't think..." She looked at him. "Am I assured you have no ulterior motive for your supposed philanthropic act?"

"We are back on that matter." He sighed. "What makes you doubt the integrity of my proposition, Lara?"

She flattened her lips. "Never mind, then. I look forward to working with you."

"So do I. We had better take our lunch now unless we lose our appointment at the boutique."

"Sure." She nodded stiffly in agreement.

He called for the waiter and made orders for both of them.

"Are you friends with all your staff too? Do you cover their shopping expenses as well?" Lara asked as she sat in the car with him, headed toward the boutique.

Shane looked at her. "I wouldn't be amused if you told me you planned on a change of occupation to being an investigator."

"Of course you wouldn't be, as it is unrealistic that I would request something like that," she mumbled under her breath.

"Are you always this guarded? Is it that hard for you to accept help from others?"

"I'm not guarded, and I accept help at moments when I realize the stakes of my accomplishing a task alone are low. I wouldn't have agreed to your offer if otherwise."

"I assumed as well. So don't think too much of it. I would love to help, so I'm doing just that."

"You don't know me."

"I believe the words you ought to be saying to me at the moment, Lara, are thanks, Shane. I appreciate your kindness. Not bombarding me with questions."

"Pardon my curiosity. I apologize." She tipped her head in a light bow in his direction. "Thanks, Shane. I appreciate your kindness." She settled back against the car seat and stared straight ahead.

She guessed she would have to take him up on his word.

It was a philanthropic gesture of his to help out with her situation.

The rest of the ride to the boutique was spent in silence.

The car pulled to a stop, and her eyes widened as she saw where he had taken her.

Was he not going to the extreme with his philanthropic acts?

This boutique is expensive. Her mind reeled with a shriek within her.

She might not be aware of any recent updates about any other sector of the economy or whatever was the rage on social media, but she followed fashion magazines with close attention.

"You're coming in or not?" Shane asked over the roof of the car from the side where he stood.

Lara heaved a deep sigh, trying not to make too much of it. Kyle had, after all, said his company had quite a standard. So, of course, he had brought her to that boutique that met the standards of his company.

She swallowed dryly and walked after him into the boutique.

Minutes later, she was going in and out of the changing room, parading clothes for Shane's approval.

"Are you sure it's necessary that I go through clothes as much as these?" Lara inquired, her insides squirming even more with the awareness that the bills he would be paying by the end of the day were piling even higher.

Not that he cared; he had the money, but she did.

It felt odd for her to be lavished upon, as Shane was doing at the moment. She would have to save at least seven months' worth of her initial earnings to purchase a single dress from the boutique, yet she had lost count of how many clothes she had put on, all of which he had approved to be added to the ones he would be buying.

Shane cleared his throat and assessed the new outfit she was wearing. "Why? All the dresses look to be a perfect fit for you." He looked at his wristwatch. "We will run late if we are to keep up with this. I want all the dresses in her size packaged," he informed the manager.

"Of course, Mr. Williams," the manager said with a polite bow, her palms flat against her belly. She gestured to the attendants with her, and together they went to get his request done.

Lara bit down on her lips tightly; her brows furrowed as she mentally calculated what the gross amount of all he had bought for the day would amount to.

She shrugged lightly, resolving to yield to Kyle's advice.

She should enjoy this golden opportunity while it lasts.

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Happy weekend to you all.

Next chapter will be coming up on Thursday. #Smiles.

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