Movin Out

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The two weeks between the girls returning from their trip and to moving out had flown by. They'd consisted of late movie nights, a lot of baking and teaching Eddie and Quinn how the Tozier's 'live it up' as Richie had put it. Now, however, the day before the girls moved out to live on their own with Wren and Ivy (they still had about three months before school actually started but Wren had suggested they move in early to try and learn how to live parent-free) Richie and River found themselves last minute shopping in the mall. Richie was trying to enjoy his last full day with his daughter, silently fighting off the anxiety ridden thoughts that so often entered his mind. River was having the same battle but they were enjoying eachothers company. Quinn and Eddie were setting up the going away party back home whilst the two shopped.

"I need tampons." River awkwardly announces. Richie just shrugs. He'd never been weirded out by periods, he knew they were natural occurrences and he often cared for River when she was on. He would give her chocolate and ice cream and hug her if she wanted a hug or give her space if she preferred that. They often would watch rom coms on Netflix, a blanket over them as they ate junk food. River was going to miss it.

"Right, well, I'm going to Barnes & Noble so you can go to the CVS and grab some tampons." Richie states and River grins at him, the two heading off in separate directions.

In truth, Richie was getting River a leaving gift. It was a surprise that he would give to her tomorrow before she drove away with Quinn, finally using the car her grandparents had gotten her as a graduation present. River was able to drive, Richie just couldn't afford two separate cars, so they shared his but he did most of the driving.

Standing alone in the teen fiction section of Barnes & Noble, Richie's anxiety ridden thoughts finally catch up and almost plague his mind. He just stands and silently stares blankly at the different books, the titles blurring together as his chest heaves. He wants to fight off the oncoming panic attack but the burning in his eyes is letting him know that won't be possible.

"Can I help you, sir?" A worker asks and Richie blinks back tears and looks at her. She's a teenager, probably just younger than River.

"Yeah...I'm just getting a gift for my daughter." Richie responds with a forced smile, tears threatening to spill.

"Are you okay?" The worker asks and Richie nods. She takes the hint that he wants to be alone and so she walks off. Richie sighs and manages to calm himself down. Breaking down in a Barnes & Noble was not on the list today.

He gets two copies of the book he was looking for and then he heads over to the cash register, apologising to the worker for finding him in the state he was in. She just shrugs with a kind smile and hands him his bag. He smiles back, pays, and then finds River waiting for him outside, smiling at him.

"Okay, one more store. This way." He states and she follows him, running a little to keep up with his long strides. Being 5'4 with a 6'1 dad could be difficult as Richie was quite literally a giraffe.

River's eyes go wide as they get to a jewellery store, Richie walking in without a second thought, River scrambling to stay by his side. Richies looking at the engagement rings. River stands in silence as she looks aswell, glancing at her dad, who has a content smile on his face as his blue eyes scan the different rings.

"You're proposing to Eddie?" River asks and Richie grins." Oh my god. Dad oh my god. What the fuck? Are you ready for that?"

"Yeah I'm ready." Richie states and he looks at his daughter, who has excitement swirling in her blue eyes." I really love him, Cece, and I'm buying this ring to propose in the future. I'm too scared to propose right now but whilst I have the money, I'm getting him a ring. Do you want to choose it?"

"Wait really?" River asks and Richie nods, smiling. River grins and looks at all of the rings, her dad watching her with a soft expression.

Richie chuckles slightly as he watches River and her friends dancing to Lily Allen, Eddie perched on his lap as they drink beers. It was a going away party. He wasn't going to get drunk. He'd already been warned by his mom not to get drunk, plus, there wasn't that many people. Just Richie and Eddie, Ben and Beverly, Mike and Bill (who were now a couple), Stanley and Patty, Wentworth and Maggie and the kids who weren't kids anymore.

"Dad!" River calls out as Grace Kelly by Mika plays. Richie and Eddie place their drinks down and then go over to their daughters, dancing with them and grinning.

Richie used to dance to this song with River all the time. Back when she was small enough to lift up and throw onto the couch. She used to love that. He used to pick her up, no problem, and launch her onto the couch just to hear her endless giggles. She used to say things like "you are very silly dad." and "do it again!" and every time she would burst into a fits of laughter and Richie's heart would swell with love.

"Ready?" Richie asks as the song starts to end. River looks at him, confused, but he has a mischievous smirk on his face as he lifts her up bridal style.

"DAD! DAD NO! PUT ME DOWN!" River shrieks as he places her into a fireman's carry over his shoulder before dropping her down onto an empty spot beside Bill on the couch. She laughs loudly and Richie grins." Surprised you didn't throw out your back, old man!"

"Who are you calling old?" Richie asks with a laugh, looking at Eddie, who laughs as he dances to Honky Cat with Quinn.

The rest of the night continues like that, laughing and joking around and dancing and having fun. Eventually, everyone leaves and the Kaspbraks and the Tozier's change into their pyjamas to have one last family movie night. They settle on watching Bridget Jones's Diary, Richie and Eddie cuddling with the girls either side of them.

By the end of the movie, River is fast asleep, pressed against her fathers chest. He smiles and plays with her hair tiredly. Then he glances at Eddie, who's sitting with his head resting against Quinn's, both of them asleep and snoring. Must be a Kaspbrak trait to snore. Quinn is leaning against her fathers chest and Richie smiles. They look peaceful.

For the sake of it, and due to not having done this since River was a child, he lifts his daughter up bridal style and carries her upstairs gently with a smile. He places her down on her bed and tucks her in, kissing her forehead softly before he heads off to his own room.

The next morning is filled with dancing to the Glee versions of songs (Glee having been a show Richie and River used to watch together back in 2009) and Richie laughs as River loudly yells the words to I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance. Eddie complains his neck hurts as they help the girls pack up. They'd been to the apartment the week before and set everything up, so they only really had a few of their belongings to take with them. Richie picks up River's last box and hauls it into the trunk of her car, which is a red 2016 Honda Pilot—— a better car than Richie had and a better colour. Richie always wanted a red car but he was stuck with the same lump of shit he'd been driving since his last year of college.

"We better go. Ivy and Wren are already there." Quinn states as Richie closes the trunk with a sigh. She puts her phone into her pocket and smiles at her dad, who drags her into a hug.

"Call me when you get there." Eddie says, kissing the top of her head. They weren't good at goodbyes and so that was there farewell. A quick hug and a kiss and Quinn was already in the passengers seat.

River and Richie was different. He rushed into the house to retrieve her present and she waited anxiously, fiddling with the hem of her T-shirt, which had once belonged to her grandfather. It was a Tozier thing to pass down T-shirt's through generations and this particular one had belonged to her grandfather in the mid-70s and her father in the mid-90s. It was a Kinks T-shirt and River loved wearing it. She'd paired it with black sweatpants and her hair was up in a messy bun. Comfort clothes for moving day. She was movin up and movin out as Billy Joel would say.

"Here you are." Richie says, clearly on the verge of tears, but River wasn't about to mention anything. She just smiles and takes the book from him.

"The Perks of Being a Wallflower?" She asks, overcome with emotion. She'd been wanting to read it and watch it for years. Richie smiles.

"Yeah and I have a copy so every night we can read it over FaceTime and when you come and visit, we can watch it on Netflix." Richie explains and River throws her arms around him. He bites his lip as tears threatening to fall. He clears his throat and pats her on the top of the head." H-hey, what's all this, babe?"

"Thank you, dad." River sniffs, also on the verge of crying. Richie kisses the top of her head lightly.

"Y-you better go. Don't want to be late." He says as they dislocate out of the hug. River smiles and nods.

Eddie wraps an arm around Richie's waist and the younger man leans his head against the older mans shoulder as they watch their daughters drive away. Richie starts to cry and Eddie manages to hold it together. It's the same in the car. River's playlist betrays her and starts playing Someone to Stay by Vancouver Sleep Clinic as their dads become specks in the distance.

Eddie thought that he would be able to sleep that night. Richie and River had read a few pages of their book together and Richie had seemed cheerful when he went to sleep. But no, a few hours later, Richie had woken due to a particularly bad anxiety attack. Eddie sighs as he rubs gentle circles into Richie's back as the younger man throws up into a bag.

"Get it all up, Rich. It's okay." Eddie says softly as Richie retches once more, the sound of vomit hitting the paper bag filling up the room. Richie coughs and spits the remainder from his mouth and then retches once more." It's okay."

It's the same half an hour away, in the loft apartment the group of four were staying in, except River wasn't being sick, she was struggling to breathe. Wren was sitting with her, helping her through breathing exercises on their bed.

"It's okay. In and out, Cece. In and out." He says, rubbing her back gently as she follows his instructions." Everything's going to be okay. I promise."

He grabs his phone and gets up his moms Facebook, scrolling back through the years. River calms down and they lie back under the comforter, Wren wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him, ignoring that she's trembling. Instead, he finds photos of them from when they're younger and that's enough to relax River. She laughs at a few of them, especially the ones of her dad. Wren grins and kisses her temple gently. He was happy she was okay again and he was glad he was prepared for her anxiety attacks. He knew this wasn't going to be the only one.

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