"I'm....I'm going with him."
"No you're not." Papa shook his head, "You think I am just gonna let you waltz out of here knowing Dartz is soon going to follow?"
"It's not guaranteed that he'll know quickly if (y/n) sneaks out with me." Yami compromised, "If we do it right, Dartz will not even realize she's gone until we're right at his door."
"And if that doesn't happen?" Papa sneered, "He's not a dumb man. He'll probably notice a lot sooner than you think."
"The more reason to take her with us." Yami's eyes narrowed, "It's safer if she's on the move with us than her staying here."
Papa's eyes narrowed, "And what makes you think that?"
"If she's on the move with us, Dartz will have a harder time catching her. It's safer than her staying here, it'll be easier for her to be snatched." Yami answered.
"If that doesn't happen?"
"And if it does?" Yami rebutted, "You can't keep her here forever. She needs to face Dartz."
"With the risk of her being taken? No way." Papa shook his head, "I don't think you understand what could happen if Dartz gets her."
"I know." Yami's eyes narrowed, "I know what will happen. He will use (y/n) to pull out the Leviathan and abuse it to fulfill what he believes he deserves and destroy this world."
Papa's eyes narrowed on Yami before glancing at you, "...and what makes you think I can trust (y/n) to you, Pharaoh of the puzzle?"
Yami's eyes widened as you felt him go stiff. Even you were shocked at Nathaniel's response, how is it that he knew about Yami?
"How did you-"
"You think I don't know?" Papa's eyebrow furrowed, "I'm not a skeptic like Kaiba. Besides, the way one of your friends talked about you made it very clear."
You bit your lip and looked at him, "Papa...please."
His eyes locked with yours and went quiet,
"I..I need to go." You bit your lip, "Y...Yami's right, I need to go-"
"And how can I be sure you're safe?" He asked,
"...I'll protect her." Yami responded, "...If Dartz takes her, I will never forgive myself as I would betray both yours and (y/n)'s trust in me."
Papa took a heavy sigh and stared at Yami, ".....and may I ask how are you going to take her without him noticing?"
"If I may, I would like to speak with my friends about that. I have an idea, but I want to talk about it with them. Where are they?"
Papa walked into the elevator and pressed a button. He turned to look at you and Yami as the doors closed,
"You better protect her." He mumbled,
"She will be safe with me." Yami's hand tightened on yours as the elevator went up a few floors. The doors opened and Papa escorted you and Yami down the hall and towards two large doors. You tensed as you approached these doors, feeling the stones you needed inside the room. Before walking in, he took out an eyepatch from his pockets,
"Kaiba is in there. I don't think you want someone like him seeing you." Papa glanced at you. You instinctively took the eyepatch and put it on before he opened the doors. Inside was a large television that displayed stock results, and inside the room was the normal crowd; Tea, Duke, Tristan, Joey, Mokuba, Kaiba, and two new people whom you haven't met before. One of them looked around Solomon's age but looked to be a professor, while the other seemed to be a teenager with blonde hair and pink glasses. They were all accompanied by Cassandra and a few other agents as everyone looked over at you.
"(Y/N)!" Joey shot up from excitement as he smiled widely at you, "YOU'RE OKAY!"
"...somehow..." You mumbled, a little flustered at the sudden massive attention. Yami lightly squeezed your hand and looked at the screen,
"What happened?"
"Dartz bought my company. That's what happened." Kaiba seethed. You stared at Kaiba with your eyes going wide,
"Dartz bought your company?!"
"Yeah, he did. He used Paradius Inc and bought a little of our stocks, and soon took over." Mokuba added,
"And I'm going to get my company back." Kaiba sneered, "Whether Dartz likes it or not." He stood up, "I believe we're done here. Thank you again, Nathaniel."
"No problem, Kaiba." Papa narrowed his eyes, "The only thing I ask for is you take (y/n) with you."
Kaiba glanced over to you before locking eyes with Nathaniel,
"Dartz is after her, and Yam- Yugi has brought a very good point to me. Although I trust Yugi in his assurance on protecting her, I feel a lot safer if she were also with you."
Feeling a little offended at how your papa is treating Yami's undying trust, you narrowed your eyes at him, ".....Yugi can do just a good-"
"Don't take it offensively, (y/n)." Papa turned to you, "I trust him, but I haven't seen or heard of how Yugi keeps his word. At least with Kaiba, I can rest more at ease."
"I can promise you her protection, as I have been since she came in Kaiba Corp." Kaiba nodded his head and smirked at Yami, "Friendship isn't gonna protect people, and neither will magic that doesn't exist"
Yami's eyes narrowed, "..Kaiba, everything that's happening correlates to-"
"The Seal of Orichalcos." Kaiba rolled his eyes, "All for some field spell in a children's card game."
'Sometimes I wish that was the right way to look at it.' You raised an eyebrow at him as Papa rolled his eyes,
"Anyway, we'll take measures to make Dartz believe (y/n) is still in here. As for everyone else, figure out a way to hide her as you leave."
"I can take them back." Cassandra said, "We can pretend we're kicking them out."
"I can use my trunk in my car." Duke compromised, "If I can get my car, I can bring it here and we can put her there. Cause I mean, we're here for far too long to even project the 'kicking us out' gig."
"How will Dartz even know (y/n)'s not here?" Tea raised an eyebrow,
"His goons." Cassandra responded, "They're obsessed with us."
Kaiba rolled his eyes and took your arm, "You guys are dorks. Leave this all to me." He smirked as he took you outside the room with Mokuba following.
"It seems you already have a plan?" You tilted your head, "Why not tell them?"
"The more people know, the probability of Dartz thinking you're here will be thrown out the window. Especially with a loud mouth like Joey." Kaiba responded as he took the elevator.
--Ten Minutes Later, elsewhere--
Dartz hummed as he tapped his fingers on the table, his eyes glued to the screen before him. He had Rafael insert cameras all over "The Card's Chalice" to keep an eye on things, not to mention he forcefully put someone on constant watch to see activity - and recently he found black cars run in the building.
"They're all in such a panic....I bet the Pharaoh and his goons are there." Dartz hummed as he leaned back on his chair, "Even better, we get to hit two birds with one stone." He laughed to himself as he held a part of the Orichaclos stone in his hand as though it were his treasure, his eyes soon locking onto peculiar activity near the garage entrance
"Oh?" Dartz's eyebrow quirked as he put the camera on full screen, his eyes perking upon seeing the brunette boy, "Since when did Kaiba join them? Ah, he looks so mad, I think he found out I bought Kaiba Corp~" He smirked and watched Kaiba and Mokuba go in a convertible car. Dartz watched him turn on the car and drive off, "He's probably going to go to his company headquarters nearby to try and get it back. Aw, poor thing...." He rolled his eyes, "He isn't getting it back until I get (y/n). After all, I did send him that message earlier." He smirked then lit up, "Ooh, what if he has (y/n)?" He paused the live feed and went back to watch Kaiba more closely before narrowing his eyes,
"No....no I don't think Nathaniel would be that trusting and give her away so easily...besides, it doesn't look like she's with him. Ooh! Maybe he's mad because he didn't give (y/n)..." He mumbled in thought as he went back on the live feed to see Yami and his group leaving through the front entrance.
"Ah! If it isn't the Pharaoh and his goons! Just as I predicted!" Dartz clasped his hands together with joy and stared at them, "...and they not only look disappointed but also appear to have no (y/n)! Well well well, looks like Nathaniel is one dumb man for keeping her." He smirked, "All the easier for me to snatch. I'll have Valon break in and take her....Mai is too sensitive and doesn't appear to do her job correctly." He sneered at Mai's lack of loyalty then shook his head and rested his head on his hands, "This is way too easy, I should celebrate....what should I do..." He hummed before cracking his neck, "I know...I'll corrupt some people with the Orichalcos and make them my servants. That'll be fun....can't wait for (y/n)'s reaction to that. I can already imagine the stress and horrors she's going through...it's what she deserves."
He smirked at the group, not even aware of what was really going on at that very same moment on the other end of the screen. He wasn't aware the moment Kaiba was far enough, he put the car in park, got out of the car and banged on the trunk and watched it open.
"We're clear." He said as Mokuba hopped in the back with a giant smile,
"You think he suspected it?" Mokuba asked as you popped out of the trunk and sat in the passenger seat next to Kaiba. You shook your head as you fixed your hair,
"I don't think so." You answered as Kaiba whipped out his phone and put it on his ear as he turned on the car once more.
"Have they left?" He asked as you heard a voice come from the phone, "...Tell them to meet at my condo."
"You have a condo?" You raised an eyebrow,
"Well, he calls it a condo." Mokuba responded, "It's more like a tiny house."
"Tiny?" You sneered at Mokuba who playfully stuck out his tongue. Quietly chucking of your sly comments, Kaiba silently took you and Mokuba over to his "condo", which was gated and was the size of long two-story house. You sneered at Kaiba,
"Tiny my ass." You mumbled as the gates opened and Kaiba drove in to the garage.
"What's the estimated time for Yugi and everyone to arrive?" Mokuba asked,
"If all goes well, in about fifteen minutes." Kaiba responded as he got out of the car. You got out as well with a raised eyebrow,
"But it didn't feel like fifteen minutes-"
"Because he sped." Mokuba interrupted you,
"Ah...gotcha." You nodded, "...I hope they keep up the act."
"I'm sure by now they stopped the act." Mokuba shrugged, "I mean, we haven't gotten any calls from Nathaniel that things didn't go well, right?"
Kaiba nodded as his maids opened the doors for him to walk in. "Nothing unusual was noted around. Now I can use this time to make Dartz pay for stealing my company."
"Yeah!" Mokuba cheered in reply,
"Shouldn't we wait for everyone else to show up?" You got a little nervous now knowing that Dartz could keep watch on everyone. You weren't sure how they were going to act and how perceptive Dartz really is.
"They'll be fine unless Joey slips up, which I am betting will happen." Kaiba rolled his eyes,
"Or Tea.." Mokuba rolled his eyes,
"I forgot about her...not gonna lie." You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly. You didn't even look at her at all when you walked in the lounge area earlier. Sitting on the couch, you straightned up and stared at the clock that slowly ticked. It became the slowest fifteen minutes of your life, your leg bounced out of anxiety and your fists clenched. Biting your lip, you would occasionally stare at the door and back at the clock until Mokuba swung by and sat next to you,
"Sooo, was Yugi with you?" Mokuba asked,
"Hm?" You looked at Mokuba,
"Was Yugi with you?" He asked again,
"Oh...yeah, he was." You nodded before catching a smirk on his face,
".....Sooooo?" As though he was anticipating a certain response, Mokuba's eyebrow quirked and his smirk grew, "...What happened there?"
"Wha-" You blinked in confusion as Mokuba gasped,
"....Don't tell me you didn't kiss him." Mokuba stared at you in shock. You gave him the same look, from which Mokuba groaned loudly and slammed his back against the couch,
"(Y/N). SERIOUSLY?!" Mokuba whined, his hands rubbing his face, "THE CHANCE WAS RIGHT THERE!"
"You had SO much time." Mokuba frowned, "you could've even made out with him-"
"M-M-MOKUBA!" You squeaked with your face turning red as Mokuba kept his frown on his face. "Wh-What goes on in that little head of yours-"
"The fact that TWO people are LITERALLY THIS CLOSE-" He nearly pinches his fingers together, separate by around a centimeter, "and NOTHING is happening! At this point I'm just gonna push the two of you together!"
You stared at him in absolute shock; all these monsters are coming to life, and everyone is dealing with a force that's far more powerful than the puzzle wrapped around Yugi's neck. But the one thing Mokuba is obsessing over is how you and Yami haven't kissed yet.
You didn't even properly establish your feelings with this spirit and Mokuba is far more obsessed with that than you are. Mokuba slid off the couch with a loud groan as he laid on the floor in silence.
"....(y/n)...I'm gonna scream."
"You've been screaming." You raised an eyebrow as the front door bursted open. Jolting you and Mokuba, eyes laid on the source and you easily recognized who was outside. The whole conversation you had with Mokuba slipped your head and you shot up from the couch,
"Oh! You guys made it!" Mokuba chirped as he sat up from the floor with a smile on his face, "Let me get Seto!" He bolted off the floor and ran over to Kaiba. Without thinking, you ran straight to the man's arms with an embrace he graciously accepted.
"I was so worried," Yami mumbled as he stroked your hair, "Kaiba didn't say anything, and I didn't know whether or not things would work out."
"Trust me, I thought the same." You nodded in agreement with your heart racing, "Were you followed?"
"No." Yami shook his head, "We weren't."
"(y/n)!" You heard Joey happily call you. Making eye contact, you slowly pulled away from Yami's grasp (you hesitated) as Joey crashed into your arms.
"You're alright!" Tristan came forward with a smile on his face, "We were worried it wouldn't work out! Kaiba didn't tell us anything!"
"It's as I said, probably cause of Joey." Duke shrugged,
"Where's Kaiba?" The little blonde hair girl asked, "We need to speak with him-"
"Right here." Kaiba walked in the room with Mokuba, "We are getting ready to establish things before we head to Paradius."
"We're going there?" You gasped and watched him nod,
"I want my company back. I will not hesitate."
"I will help." The girl came forward and you stared at her,
"....and you are?" You asked,
"Oh- hi Vessel - oh, I mean (y/n) - well, uh, hi." The girl nervously repositioned herself as she stared at you, "M-My name is Rebecca, and this is my grandfather Professor Hawkins."
Rebecca? Why does that sound familiar? You slowly nodded at Rebecca's introduction as she quickly walked over to Kaiba.
"Hey..." You heard a familiar female call out to you. You turned and made eye contact with Tea as everyone walked inside the house.
"...Hi." You greeted,
"...look....I want to tell you something." Tea mumbled, "...I...Look, I sorta understand why you'd...not tell me, but I want to let you know that I wouldn't have treated you any different if you did tell me."
.....what kind of talk is this? You narrowed your eyes at her until you heard a familiar chant in your ears that soon followed with pain on your eye. You stiffened in shock, the last you felt this pain was earlier when the monsters came to life-
"Uh...okay...thanks...uh...excuse me." You politely excused yourself and quickly made your way over to the nearest room. You tore off the eyepatch and stared to find blood brimming your eye. It was exactly as you predicted; Dartz is doing something with the Orichalcos again, and it certainly won't be long until you hear monsters hanging around.
'does this mean Dartz realized I'm no longer with Papa?' You thought as the anxiety and fear slowly crept up on you. Is this Dartz's way of calling you? You gingerly touched your eye and wiped the blood off your eye, if there was anything that should be done, it's that you needed to leave and take care of this - just as you did before until that one guy nabbed you and made you duel. Just as you caught wind of this, you quickly turned and halted in your tracks when you saw Yami standing before you. His eyes widened once they made contact with you.
"...what's going on." Yami's eyes narrowed as he took a step inside the room,
"...I...It's Dartz." You clenched your fists, "....He's bringing back those monsters again."
Yami's eyes narrowed and he bit his lip, "...Then we have no time to waste, we must find Dartz and put an end to this-"
"I will." You stepped forward as Yami's eyes widened, "...I...I should go take care of this."
"....No. No you're not." Yami shook his head, "You're not going anywhere alone. I promised your grandfather."
"No - Yami," You bit your lip, "This...I get the whole we need to fix Paradius with Kaiba Corp, that I do, b-but....I feel the Orichaclos should be only my matter." You felt terrible telling this to him, but you honestly felt that this whole thing should be focused on you.
"...(y/n). That seal took Yugi from me." Yami clenched his fists, "I am going with you."
"That's putting you in danger as well." You frowned,
"Then so be it. (Y/n), I finally have you in my hands, I'm not letting you go that easily." Yami shook his head and took another step closer. "Remember what I told you earlier in that room? We're doing this together, we're resolving this as one."
You felt your breath going heavy, you were NOT used to this sort of affection.
"I don't...I don't get it." You shook your head and stared at Yami, "...why are you refusing to let me go? I thought you understood why I came in the first place."
Yami's hand quickly cupped your cheek and pulled you close, planting his lips onto yours without hesitation. Freezing in place, your eyes went wide as he pulled away and rested his forehead on yours with his eyes closed,
"....because I love you." He whispered with his hands shaking, "...and I'm scared. The thought of you being in Dartz's hands scares me. He already took Yugi....I can't lose you too."
You stared at him in absolute shock, did he just kiss you? Your heart pounded as Yami slowly pulled away - the warmth he gave still intact with your body as he turned to leave the room.
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