It wasn't long before everyone in the room awoke from their unconsciousness as their souls returned to their bodies. You watched as one by one, yours and Yugi's friends slowly opened their eyes and looked around the room. Right as they started to awaken, the three knights around glowed white and slowly transformed. Startled, you watched Hermocrates, Timaeus, and Critias transform to their dragon forms.
"My Queen, hold onto me. We have no time to waste." Timaeus's blue slits narrowed,
"Dartz is starting a taboo of a ritual, he's merging with the Great Leviathan as we speak." Critias nodded its head as you hopped onto Timaeus and gasped,
"...He's....merging with the Leviathan?" You stared at Critias, "Is...Is that even-"
"It can be done, but it's a taboo as he's not the Vessel to begin with." Hermocrates answered, "At this rate, if Dartz keeps this up his soul will corrupt, and it'll be a lot harder to get the Great Leviathan."
"But-" You glanced at Yugi, now concerned for him and everyone else. With all this happening, you can't even take a moment to sit down and reunite with everyone else?
"Go, (y/n)." Yugi narrowed his eyes, "We are always here with you. We can have our reunion after."
You stared at him for a little bit. You could not even comprehend anything at the moment, you knew you weren't sure what was going to happen beyond this point.
"The world depends on you, (y/n). Go. Yami and I will try to help in any way we can." Yugi assured, "Focus on Dartz. We'll look around here."
Hesitant, you slowly nodded as Timaeus, Critias, and Hermocrates shot up towards the sky. Letting out a blast from their mouthes, they opened a path for easier access to the thundering skies and stormy oceans that rapidly crashed with the strong winds.
"He's above the clouds. Get ready, my Queen." Timaeus warned, "We will do all we can to keep it under our custody. Pull Dartz out of there and take back the Leviathan."
Heart pounding, you tightly held Timaeus as the three dragons ascended beyond the clouds. Briefly looking at the scenery, you took in the beautiful clouds before making eye contact with possibly one of the most saddest yet disturbing things you've ever seen in your life.
You finally met eyes with the Great Leviathan, but he was seeped with black goo you've never seen before, with its yellow clits being darker from the corruption the source was giving and its skin not looking as lively compared to the last couple of times you've seen it. You covered your mouth at this as you began to feel horrible - you felt your back press hard against you and your eye began to throb in pain. You felt so nauseated, you felt used and destroyed before realizing that you were feeling what the Leviathan was feeling. Right at its forehead, you noticed a figure popping from its head - his dark teal hair making himself recognizable. It wasn't even seeing Dartz like that that made you horrified - it was more than that. You could sense his soul latching and lashing against the Leviathan, holding onto the goo that trapped the Leviathan and is currently destroying it.
Dartz is literally killing this beast. This unkillable, ancient beast is being stuffed to do Dartz's actions without any type of consent. That's what disturbed you the most.
"Dartz....what the fuck!?" You hissed, "You're...you're literally-"
"Achieving means you aren't even close on doing?" Dartz let out a huge smirk, "I am one with the Leviathan..and together we will reign terror and despair among the world."
"...I...was going to say you're killing yourself." You narrowed your eyes, "....I thought the Leviathan was a monster...I guess I was wrong."
"Don't flatter yourself, (y/n). You'll soon understand what you're missing." Dartz sneered as he forced the Leviathan forward for an attack. Immediately, Critias and Hermocrates sprung into action to begin their plan to hold the Levaithan still. Timaeus didn't move as he had you on him, but he did let out more blasts from his mouth to distract the Leviathan. Dartz yanked the Leviathan forward and force him to send harsh winds against the dragons to push them back. Right as he did so, he forced the Leviathan to grab you with the goo you spotted earlier, and smacking Timaeus out of the way, it grabbed you and yanked you in Dartz's direction. Gasping at this, you felt your eye throb and glow for some type of effort to wriggle yourself out of the goo but was unsuccessful as you were face-to-face with Dartz,
"You stupid girl. You lost, (y/n)." Dartz smirked as the goo began to grab each dragon, "How can you fight me when I have at least nintey-five percent of the Great Leviathan? Did you seriously think you were going to do something? You are nothing but an ant in comparison to me, (y/n)."
The goo tightened its grip on the dragons and began to choke them. Hearing their gags, you tried wriggling yourself out as tears began to form in your eyes. Is it all going to end like this?
How is it you're fighting something that belongs to you, but you're losing?
"HAH. Look at you, crying like a little baby~. You're all alone....as you always will be, (y/n)." Dartz hummed to himself, a smirk appearing on his face, "Just accept it. I am far more worthy of being the Vessel. What sort of power can you have to turn the tides? None. You have nothing to stop me. In fact, what I'll do with you is I'll force you to go inside of the being you so claim to have and let it eat you up like a candy bar. Yes...I think I'll have the Great Leviathan do that. I'll even keep your pathetic dragons around to watch before I kill them off one by one." Dartz hummed as he forced the Leviathan to drag you inside its mouth. Letting out a loud scream, the Leviathan tried profusely to prevent this, but could not stop from opening its mouth to you as the goo that held you in place tightened before getting ready to toss you into its sharp teeth. Dartz positioned the dragons so all three could watch this occur - which the harder they struggled to escape, the tighter the grip. Fear and anxiety soon trampled your emotions as you struggled to escape from the goo that was sending you to your casket before you could even do anything. The goo soon tied itself between the Leviathan's teeth and began pressuring the beast to tightly close its mouth. Forcing you to lay down for a quicker outcome, you could no longer move in place as the goo firmly held you steady. Giant roars were heard everywhere, you could feel nothing but absolute pain and despair from both yourself and the Leviathan, as you heard Dartz let out a loud and insane laugh.
Just as the Leviathan was going to forcefully shut its mouth, three golden lightning bolts struck behind you.
Startled, you turn and watch three giant monsters emerge from the sky, you easily recognized the red serpent, yellow dragon, and blue monster.
"The...The Three Egyptian Gods-" Dartz gasped and stopped the Leviathan right in its tracks.
Although you've seen two separately, it's the first time you ever saw the three Egyptian Gods standing before you in one place.
Dartz stared in absolute shock, then growled at the three gods that stood before Dartz. Each had its own god-like aura that sent chills down your spine. Slifer immediately lunged forward and grabbed you - pulling you out of the Leviathan's forced grip on you.
"It's as I said, Dartz. You're. Not. Touching. Her." You heard a familiar deep voice hiss from Slifer. You raised an eyebrow and a small smile emerged on your face,
"...Yami?" You tilted your head and felt his chuckle send chills down your spine,
"The one and only. Who else can manage all three Egyptian Gods?" He asked. If you could see him, you would've seen a smirk on his face. You mentally thanked yourself you couldn't, because you knew if you could, you would've been completely distracted.
"Heh...as if the Egyptian Gods can help you. Didn't you know, Pharaoh? I thought I told you the Great Leviathan is stronger and more powerful than your Egyptian Gods." Dartz smirked,
"Oh, you thought I was going to have the Egyptian Gods fight you directly?" Yami asked, "Oh no, they're not going to do that. It's not in their place to do so."
"Then...what are you going to do?" Dartz asked with an eyebrow raised,
"Nothing in particular, I'm just going to have them give some of their power over to Critias, Hermocrates, and Timaeus....then have them boost up (y/n)'s power so she can kick your ass...you know, the usual," Yami responded with a shrug.
The whole battlefield went quiet for at least a minute. You slowly turned and gave a stare to the Egyptian Gods - in Slifer's direction because you had a hunch Yami would be around there. Even Dartz went quiet, giving the same type of response.
It wasn't even just the weight of Yami's words, it was how he said it.
"....the usual?" Both you and Dartz repeated the last bit,
"Can you even do that?" You added,
"Watch me. Oh Great, Egyptian Gods, hear my call." you heard him begin, "Grant the proper Vessel of the Orichalcos the power to take back what is hers."
The aura surrounding the gods started to glow as each God shifted their eyes over to you. You froze in place, watching the gods suspend their aura over to Critias, Hermocrates, and Timaeus. Feeling the power of the Egyptian Gods surge, the three dragons broke free of the goo and latched onto the Leviathan once more, and pulled at once. With a loud hiss, the Leviathan was pulled to a halt and threw you out. Before you could even fall, you were grabbed by Slifer the Sky Dragon and carefully held in place. Trembling, you slowly rose to your feet and felt a pair of warm hands hold you in place by holding onto your shoulders. Instantly knowing who it is, you watched down on the Leviathan who struggled with the three knights. Your eyes narrowed on the Leviathan, who struggled and let out screams that really did hurt you. After all, you were one with the Orichalcos - you feel what the Leviathan's feeling.
Despite the Leviathan being....one hell of a being to you, it does not deserve such...such torture. This internally destroyed you, and to make matters worse, you could also sense Dartz's soul fall into more corruption and darkness. At that point, it wasn't even the matter of you sensing it, you could vividly see his soul seep with blackness, revealing an aura that you needed to stop.
Yes, you were pissed off at Dartz, but this was a pitiful sight to see. You are legit watching a man destroy himself over a false dream.
"....Dartz, I am going to be honest with you here." You frowned as you watched the Leviathan struggle, "...Is this really how you see things should be?"
"You talk as though you know how to run the Great Leviathan." You watched Dartz sneer at you,
"...Merging with the Leviathan and forcing it to do what you want....that's how things should be run?" You asked as the three dragons tightened their grip on the Leviathan. You flinched the tighter the grip, feeling the pain through the Leviathan, "...this...this is torture, Dartz. You're torturing both the Leviathan and yourself. It's a pitiful sight."
"Hah...haha....HAHA....HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!" Dartz began to laugh loudly despite his eyes showing pain, "What makes you think I'M suffering?"
"Look at yourself." You narrowed your eyes, "You're destroying yourself, you've lost everything to be the monster that's suffering the most. No wonder it didn't choose you. It knew better."
You watched Dartz' golden-filled eyes widened, his whole upper body trembling as the tails of each legendary dragon tightened.
"M-My Queen," Timaeus spoke, "We...I think we got the Leviathan officially under our grip-"
"I know, I can feel that." You narrowed your eyes at the pain your back had and hopped off Slifer. Diving down, Critias temporarily removed himself from the Leviathan to catch you. Once he did, he drifted you over to where Dartz was, who started to freak out and continue to try to wriggle himself away from the grip of the three dragons.
You watched this man yell out any possible insults onto you. You took a deep breath and grabbed Dartz's forehead,
"You know, I was considering whether or not to make this as painless as possible." You shrugged, "But since you've been so kind to me lately, I figured I'd give you my thanks."
"...You can't." Dartz shook his head,
"Watch me." You sneered as you began to slowly pull Dartz away from the Leviathan. A giant scream came out of Dartz, as he tried pulling himself back inside only to be unsuccessful, as the three knights pulled the Levithan away from Dartz to make the extraction easier. The thundering storms grew rapidly and hovered over you as you gritted your teeth to get him out. Waves were crashing beneath you as you put your other hand on his chest to continue pulling him out. Lightning struck all around you as you continued pulling, the pain going through your whole body as you eventually made that final pull which fully separated Dartz from the Leviathan. Without thinking properly, you yanked Dartz off the Leviatiah, snatched out any form of stone he had and threw him off the beast. Luckily there was land beneath, and Dartz flew down and fell on his back, but right as he fell, a green lightning bolt struck directly onto Dartz - electrifying him and sent him unconscious. Feeling sudden relief surge through your body, the knights removed their grip on the Leviathan, who seemed to relax alongside with you. Resting your hands on its forehead, you took in heavy breaths with your vision slightly hazy.
Did you do it? Is it finally done? You looked down on the ground and made eye contact with the unconscious man. The Leviathan slowly moved underneath you to pick you up from the air and descended to the same area as Dartz, as its body slowly inverted into a card that was given to you. Confused, you stared at the white card as it slowly converted to a regular trading card...at least from the outside. You stared wide-eyed at the card that you held once you realized the Great Leviathan had granted you access to be able to summon it in a duel.
The Great Leviathan; 4 Tribute summon - ?? ATK / ?? DF. If summoned in an ocean field, ATK + DF double - attack and defense are determined by BOTH attack and def of monsters sacrificed; doubled if all monsters are DARK monsters- no trap cards or spell card boosted monsters can damage it. Cannot attack the opponent's life points directly but can attack the opponent's monsters, and each monster(s) that are sent to the Graveyard increase the Leviathan's life and defense points.
Baffled by the rules of the card, you carefully put it in your deck and stared at the unconscious man.
Imagine Dartz finding out this is how the Leviathan is to be played. Quietly laughing to yourself at any possible reaction from Dartz, the legendary dragons descended to the ground and transformed back to their knight's form.
"My Queen, the Pharaoh found this in the altar." Timaeus descended to the ground and handed you a case, "I think you'll find it very useful."
"Where did he go?" You looked up to find the three Egyptian Gods gone,
"He left once you took out Dartz." Critias responded, "He left to give us the box, along with a message."
"A message?" You looked at Critias,
"He requires you to smack Dartz for Yugi." Critias smirked,
Rolling your eyes and let out a small laugh, you took the box from Timaeus' hand. You opened to find the rest of the stones used to activate the Seal of Orichalcos, which was right above where the stones were. Realizing there are around five copies of that card, you took them out and ripped them all to shreds. Once they were ripped, you tossed the remains onto the sea which finally calmed down.
"Yeah no." You shook your head and took the stones from the case, "We're not gonna let this happen again."
Right as you took a huge sigh of relief, a blinding light appeared before you and out came two people - one was a tall elderly man who wore....what seemed to be some type of ancient clothing. He seemed to be a part of royalty, and beside him was a young girl accompanied by a dog. Raising your eyebrow at the two, you watched them run to Dartz with worry.
"Oh...my son...what happened to you?" The man mumbled,
"....son?" You widened your eyes, "...Sir....are you his father?"
"Yes. I am Ironheart," The man introduced himself and looked at the little girl, "And she is his daughter, Chris."
For a whole ass second, no, possibly longer, you completely forgot this guy actually had a family. Right as you met these two, Dartz slowly awoke. Flinching, you took a step back and the three knights wielded their swords, stepping forward to protect you.
"Dartz! Are you alright, my son?" Ironheart asked as he helped his son sit up,
"Father...?" In a completely different tone, Dartz looked up to his father,
"Yes, it is I." Ironheart nodded, "Are you alright?"
"I'm....fine...what...what happened?" Dartz asked, "Where is Iona?"
"Iona...is not here." Ironheart shook his head,
"Oh...Are you sure? The last thing I remember is seeing her..." Dartz mumbled,
"Oh thank the gods...he has forgotten everything! It's alright, my son, we forgive you." Ironheart had a big smile on his face as he wrapped his arms around his son. Your eyes widened in shock at this new version of Dartz.
"....What do you mean he doesn't remember." You stared at Dartz, "....You seriously forgot everything in the last ten thousand years?"
He tilted his head in response with confusion plastered on his face, "...I'm not sure what you mean...ten thousand years? Aren't we in Atlantis now?"
"It's...It's nothing to worry about, son." His father assured nervously, "I'm sure it's all forgiven and done, right?" He looked up at you with his face practically begging for mercy.
You were so flabbergasted at this, you couldn't help but stare at his father in disgust. Does he really think you can just sit by and go yeah! No worries, you're all good! after everything Dartz has done?
"...this man tore the Orichaclos from my back." You trembled, "...He drugged me to do so and wrongfully sealed innocent people for his own selfish desires and fantasies....and you're telling me I have to sit and forgive simply because he forgot?"
"Father? What is she talking about?" Dartz turned to his father, "What does she mean I drugged her?"
"N...Nothing son. D-Don't worry, let me do the talking-" Ironheart tried speaking,
"No..." You shook your head, "There is nothing that you and I can talk about." You glared at his father, "...You mean to tell me after abusing the power of the Leviathan, Dartz
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