~Opening; ~
"Oh...(y/n)...I uh...didn't expect you here." Tea greeted you as she let go of Yugi. You gave a quick smile and waved,
"Hello...how uh, how are ya?" You asked, "You managed to defeat a penguin..."
"It wasn't just a penguin." Tea's eyes narrowed as she spoke, her voice sounding a bit irritated, "It was one of the Big Five."
"...as a penguin?" You asked as Yugi gasped,
"Oh no! Which one?! I fought Gansley who was the Deepsea Warrior!" Yugi asked,
"...I fought...a door." You mumbled to yourself,
"It was Crump!" Tea responded,
"Thankfully you won the duel!" Yugi smiled, "Now, let's go find the others!"
Tea nodded and got up while wrapping her arms around herself. With that, you, Yugi, and Tea started to head off down the artic to find a sign of the others. As you walked with them, you could totally tell Tea was dying of the cold; she was wearing a sleeveless shirt with shorts and she was literally inside ice, there's no way she's not cold. Your eyes averted to Yugi, who literally wore a leather jacket. Surely if he liked her so much he would've given her a jacket right?
"It would s-sure be great if I had hot chocolate..." Yugi shivered,
"You could say that again.." Tea agreed.
....what? Your face scrunched as you stared at the two of them; is Yugi oblivious or something?
Cocking an eyebrow, you eyed Yugi down enough to get his attention. Yugi looked at you with a questionable look as you gestured him to take off his coat and give it to Tea. You found it kinda sad that you had to indirectly tell him to do it. Yugi's eyes widened a bit, indicating he got the message as he took off his coat and gently placed it on her,
"Here, take my coat."
"Y-You're a lifesaver, Yugi! Thank you!" Tea smiled at him,
"Sure, no sweat.." Yugi glanced at you to see you give him a thumbs up. As you put your thumbs down, you felt a warmth come from your right side, as if something warm wrapped around your arm; it felt the same warmth you encountered while going through that mini-maze you and Yugi went through. Yugi smirked at this but quickly changed his face when you looked at him.
"Hey, you're worried about everyone else aren't you?" Tea asked,
"Yeah, I am especially worried about Tristen and Serenity," Yugi responded, "They are beginners."
"What a nice welcome to the games I suppose." You shrugged and got a glare from Tea,
"If they lose they're stuck here for the rest of their lives." Yugi frowned as he stared at the ground,
"You're right, but if I can beat one of them then it shouldn't be a problem!" Tea assured as Yugi seemed visibly cold. It seemed Tea didn't notice this as well.
"...by the gods, they're both oblivious." You muttered as you walked over to Yugi and rubbed his arms, "Well, for starters, we should find a way to get to them. That way we can advise them if they need help."
Tea shot a stare at you as Yugi shuddered and seemed to relax, "Thanks (y/n) and Yami."
You perked up, "Yami? He isn't-"
"aaAAAA LETS GO!" Yugi immediately yelped and walked straight forward. "They'll be fine! I'm sure they already found each other and are finding a way out of this place!"
"Yugi?" Tea's eyebrows furrowed, "Are you okay?"
"YES! 100%!" Yugi shouted back, "L-Let's go and find some way out of here to meet up with them!"
Raising an eyebrow, you followed Yugi as the warmth on your right side still remained. Despite not wearing winter clothes, you didn't feel as cold as you expected and it was mostly due to this invisible warmth.
"...hey, (y/n)?" Tea glanced at you, "...did you fight any of the Big Five yet?"
"Hm?" You looked at Tea then bit your lip, "...No...I uh, fought a door if that counts."
"....you fought a door?" Tea raised an eyebrow,
"To be fair," You defended, "Yugi and I wouldn't have been able to reach you if we didn't."
"Ah, so you were with Yugi the whole time?" Tea sounded rather annoyed,
"....yeah." You nodded cautiously. Jeez, you can't seem to understand this one, she's too complicated with you. First, she sounds concerned then she's all annoyed at you.
"I hope we can get out of here." Tea said, "I mean, we can, right?"
"Yeah." You nodded, "I'm sure we can I mean he's just a kid."
"Yeah a kid with powers that can control this whole world." Tea snarked in reply, "And at least you were with Yugi and you weren't alone."
"Hey guys!" Yugi interrupted Tea with a smile, "It's the same door that brought (y/n) and I over to you...well...indirectly."
"Coming!" Tea snapped back to her friendly self as she ran towards Yugi.
"...first off, I wasn't with Yugi at first," You mumbled, "Secondly, I think the penguin is getting in your head."
It seemed Tea heard you because she stopped and stared at you for a few seconds. You froze in place as your eyes widened a bit, your mouth covered by your hands with a small gasp,
"...oops." You muttered as Tea gave you a fake smile,
"Come on (y/n)!" Tea called out,
"Coming..." You responded awkwardly and quickly followed Tea and Yugi. The moment the doors were open, you ran inside with Tea and Yugi to find yourself in some courtroom. Thankfully, it was no longer just the three of you, as you saw Joey in the middle of the courtroom.
"By all the gods' blessings, it's Joey." You quietly praised, now you're no longer standing awkwardly with Tea.
"Huh-" Joey turned around and had a huge smile on his face, "Hey! Yugi, Tea, and (y/n)! Where have you been?"
"Uh...places." You answered briefly,
"Order! Order! Settle down! This court is still in session, in case you haven't noticed." A robotic voice interrupted as they slammed the wooden hammer on their desk. You looked up to find some...old robot man in a wizard's attire....
"Is....is he fighting an old wizard judge?" You blinked at the judge that loomed over Joey.
"Nah, (y/n)." Joey shook his head with a grin, "I'm duelin' one of the Big Five, and you're about to watch me sweep this courtroom!"
"I believe it is my move." The judge spoke as he pulled out another card.
"....I swear these guys have the weirdest forms." You muttered, "I'd rather see them in their actual appearance."
"You know," Yugi sighed, "...I actually agree with you."
"The witnesses must be seated, you're lucky I am not going to eject you." The judge gestured the three of you to sit on a nearby bench. You silently shifted and sat down with Yugi following you. He sat next to you and gave you a smirk.
"...you good?" You asked,
"mmm...." His eyes averted over next to you, then back at you, "...nope."
"That's suspicious." You raised an eyebrow,
"I know~" Yugi hummed as his eyes landed back on the duel. A little suspicious, you turned your attention back to the duel but unfortunately, it didn't last much longer as you got a wave of nausea. Clenching your fists, you leaned back on the bench and took quiet breaths. Thankfully, Yugi and Tea were invested at the duel, and Joey is occupied with the judge, so the attention won't be fully on you. Your back began to throb, by your back, it was the Seal this time that was the source. You have no idea why you're acting like this again, but now the throbbing moved to your eye. On a basic note, the Seal was having some form of the unknown episode. Whispers went through your ears, speaking in Latin and you couldn't understand any of it. Those whispers gradually increased in volume and now started to speak in both English and Latin,
"...destiny....you must follow it"
"Beware of Paradius Inc."
"Cave ab homine Orichalcos" *
"Non est pro te" **
"You will hurt them all."
You closed your eyes and covered your face with your hands. This is completely new and you have no idea what the hell is happening to you. You couldn't even hear the duel properly at this point. The whole room grew to be dizzy, you could've sworn you're going to pass out any minute now. All surrounding noises grew fuzzy as your conscious grew to be on thin ice, the voices growing stronger and louder in your head - your back and eye now throbbing due to the Seal.
"...(y/n)..." You heard an outside voice call you. You flinched as you felt hands rest on your shoulders and soon felt yourself shake. Not finding this pleasing with your nausea, you briefly looked up to find Yami kneeling in front of you, worried.
"(y/n)? Are you alright? Was it too cold out there?" Yami asked as you stared at him,
"Oh....uh....welcome back?" You greeted,
"(y/n), now isn't the time for greetings, you look pale." Yami took your hands and held them, "What's wrong?"
"I'm just...a little nauseated." You muttered,
"Nauseated?" Yami looked around the room, "I don't think I can do much for that, unfortunately," He noted as he sat next to you and gently rubbed your aching back. Flinching upon contact, Yami kept his eyes on you the whole time despite the duel still going on. You were quite thankful that no one but Yami noticed, as long as Tea doesn't-
You made eye contact with Tea who gave you a frown, then looked back at the duel.
....yeah...nevermind. You took a deep breath, it couldn't get any more awkward.
"Hey! Check out that light!" Tea broke your weird thoughts and you got yourself back to virtual reality. You looked over and saw a beam of light then came over a kid with blue hair and white clothes.
"...Is that...?" Joey gasped,
"It's Noah." Yami muttered,
"Oh God the kid's here." You hissed,
"Master? What are you-" The judge asked,
"Quiet." Noah snapped, "Time out. Stop this duel."
"What's the deal?" Tea asked,
"Noah...you can't sir! I am so close to taking this boy's body!" The judge pleaded,
"You don't deserve this prize, Johnson. Not after what you just pulled." Noah snarked,
"So that's his name.." You mumbled as you hunched forward, nausea growing.
Yami lightly chuckled, "It is," He softly spoke as he pulled you closer to him. You have no idea how Yami is so warm.
"So he is a cheater." Joey mumbled,
"Sad to say it's true." Noah turned to Joey, "The honorable judge man is nothing but a fraud who's been cheating you from the very beginning. He's been using my technology to tamper with your dice rolls." He explained,
"How about I tamper with ya face?! Mr. So called Man of Justice, ya big fake!" Joey hissed at Johnson.
"But Noah! I can't risk losing this!" Johnson pleaded, "Please, you must understand, I can't take living in this virtual prison for long!"
"Must suck being trapped huh," You sneered, wow....must suck being trapped with something for so long, can't relate.
"Your excuses bore me." Noah rolled his eyes, "I brought you five into my world with the understanding that under my leadership, you are to defeat Seto Kaiba and his friends. But if you cheat, I can't prove that I'm truly more deserving than him. For years I've lived in Seto's shadow always trying to prove I am the better one! I should be the president of Kaiba Corp, not him! And it's about time I've proven to Gozaburo Kaiba that he should've left the company to me." Noah lamented,
"...I knew it. We're caught in family drama." You groaned,
"EEEExcuse me boys, if I may interrupt this little quarrel for just a sec, the defendant would like to speak." Joey spoke,
"Sorry but this doesn't concern you." Noah declined and turned to Johnson, "Johnson, it's time for me to do something I should've done when we first met."
"Noah...please don't!" Johnson pleaded,
"Yoohoo~" Joey cooed the boys again,
"What." Noah snapped,
"I'm willing to approve Judge unfairsome as long as he continues the game fair and square. Noah, if he still wins, you still get to prove your strength, and if I win I get to prove that Joey Wheeler doesn't sit back and let dumb frauds like Johnson win the best of 'em!"
"Fine. Do what you want, just know on what you just did." Noah smirked, "The stakes of the duel still stand, oh, and before I forget there's something I need to take care of here." Noah's smirk faded, "I am not sure anyone knows as of yet, but recently my virtual world was hacked."
Everyone gasped at that,
"B-But no one should be able to even have access to this world!" Johnson's eyes widened, "What do you mean it's been hacked?"
"I got a central idea of who did it. After a thorough investigation, the hacker came from a company known as Paradius Inc., and the hacker wanted to reach one specific person who is in this room."
Oh no.
You immediately had a hunch you knew exactly what Noah's talking about.
"That person is deemed dangerous to roam around so freely in my virtual world and I am not going to risk having that attack again," Noah said as his eyes narrowed,
"But wouldn't the hacker just come back either way?" Tea asked, "I mean if they came for one person, why didn't they just leave with them the first time?"
"The person kicked them out using forces that I have still yet to comprehend, and since then Paradius hasn't been seen in my system. Not to mention there are strange after-effects going on with my virtual world's security." Noah answered, "For that, they are to be with me at all times and under close watch. Sucks to suck Yugi but your little girlfriend will be coming with me." Noah snapped his fingers while glaring at you. Bracing yourself, you were immediately sucked into a hole that randomly appeared right below you. Yami gasped and tried to grab you but was pushed back by heavy winds.
"(Y/N)!" Yami screamed as the hole vanished within moments. Yami soon glared at Noah in response, "GIVE HER BACK." He hissed,
"Not a chance." Noah shook his head, "I am not risking possibly another hack or an attack by that woman in my virtual world so freely. If she's gonna attack the same way she did, then it's going to be under my control."
"You talk as if you know who you're talking about." Noah snapped his head to Joey, "That woman is dangerous."
"How dangerous?" Tea asked,
"I do not intend wasting my time sitting here and explaining it to you." Noah snarked back, "Joey, know what you signed up for, I have experiments to do." Noah made his final remark and vanished from sight.
Yami clutched onto the rails and growled at the spot where Noah was, "I swear...touch a single strand of hair and I will make you regret it." Yami hissed to himself.
What. The Fuck.
First off, you were so nauseated, you thought you were gonna throw up but you didn't eat anything so there wouldn't be anything to throw up. Secondly, did you ask for Dartz to come in like that? No, no you didn't, so why are you the one being attacked in response?
"This..." You gulped back the urge to vomit as you slowly rose from the hard floor. You literally crashed into some new room that was filled with buttons and a huge chair that was covered with screens. "....is not how I wanted my day to go."
"(y/n) (l/n)," You heard the kid call out your name from the distance as moments later he stood before you, "Care to explain to me what the hell was that?"
"Explain what ya spoiled dipshit?!" You hissed, "The fact that you keep using holes and throwing me into diff-"
"Not that." Noah rolled his eyes, "You know exactly what I mean."
"What, you mean Dartz?" You sneered as you slowly sat up, "What about him?"
"What do you know about him." Noah asked,
"You act like Dartz and I worked together. Also, how the hell do you know-"
"It's hard to not miss someone hack into my virtual world just to talk to one of Yugi's friends, nevertheless his girlfriend."
"Wh-" You gasped, "We aren't dating he's literally in school-"
"You two seem to act as more than friends when you're alone, hell, even when you're with your pathetic friends." Noah rolled his eyes,
Well, technically it's Yami that's doing that, Yugi is literally in school and has a crush on Tea. Not wanting Noah to know about that, you kept your mouth shut.
"Anyways, back on subject. Mind telling me just exactly who you are?" Noah sneered, "And by who I mean what?"
"...excuse me?!" You hissed, "You think I am seriously going to tell you anything? You act like I know something you don't-"
"The Seal of Orichalcos." Noah interrupted as he crossed his arms, "It's literally on you. What is it? Tell me now."
You froze in place and stared at Noah in shock,
"Is that why you're wearing an eyepatch?" Noah asked as he tilted his head, his fingers impatiently tapping his arms, "Does it have something to do with the Seal? Answer me now or pay the price."
Your whole body began to shake as Noah kept pestering you with questions. How the hell does he know about the Seal? As far as you know, it's not that easy to just Google it and find the answers,
"I said answer me or pay the price." Noah sneered, "Tell me everything you know about the Seal of Orichalcos."
".....firstly..." Your voice quivered, "....how do you know-"
"You act like I didn't see some green thing come out of your back and kick some guy out or how your hand swallowed a piece of rock." Noah impatiently answered, "Secondly, my technology surpasses any technology as of yet. It may have taken a while, but I finally got my hands on some knowledge about the Seal, of course not all of it. Now. Tell me everything about the Seal."
See, this is why you don't like telling people things or accidentally showing things to people. They tend to search more into it when you don't want to.
"If I have to repeat myself about what the Seal is again, I will make Yugi suffer in so many ways that he won't be able to walk ever again. Now answer me." Noah hissed,
You simply stared at him in shock, you never felt so vulnerable to him and it terrified you. It was the first time anyone whom you've met outside your circle is aware of the Seal and you did not like that.
But...it comes to mind...when the hell are you going to tell Yami about the Seal anyway? He's literally been all over you and you didn't even think of telling him about the Seal. How has it never come across your mind until someone like Noah directly asks you?
"Fine, I'll have to give Yugi a real welcome then." Noah rolled his eyes and turned around to head to his chair. Gasping, you looked at Noah,
"You're really slow, (y/n)." Noah scoffed,
"I..." You gulped, "...I don't even know much about it besides it taking-" You paused. Are you really sure you're going to tell Noah everything about the Seal? Is Noah really a safe person to talk to about this? You recalled him mentioning in the courtroom that he's going to use it upon his own will next time the Seal acts up.
"Taking what?" Noah asked as he swiftly
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