You woke up with cold sweat running down your face, your back lightly stung as you quickly sat up. Your ears rang as you stared out into the view to find it was still the middle of the night.
'What the hell was that?' You thought to yourself as you wrapped your arms around yourself and stared at the bedsheets. For some reason, even though whatever you saw seemed scary...it almost seemed welcoming.
You shook your head as your face fell to your hands, this room is suffocating you, maybe you need some fresh air or something. It took a while, but you slowly left your bed and made your way outside. Winds brushed through your entire body as you walked to the night sky. You silently stood by the entrance for a bit, staring at the empty battlefield with blank eyes already recalling the last duel you saw.
You were referring to the duel between Mai and Marik.
You stared at the field, already feeling the same feeling you felt as you watched Mai's life points get to zero and Yami rushing to protect both her and Joey. The anger you felt...you never felt that before in your entire life. Not to mention the weird dragon that appeared in your dreams appearing before you in some kind of smoke. Your eye darted over to the clouds, time setting you back to remember the growl and its yellow slits staring at you. You still have no idea what that was.
Taking a huge quiet sigh, you lean forward against the railing and stare down at the view of the city which was covered by the clouds. The winds pushing through your whole body, sending you shivers down your spine but for some strange reason, you loved it.
It felt so nice being alone, you could see why at first Mai didn't want friends.
Mai....you really wanted to see her but you knew it'd break your heart even more seeing her condition. You took a deep breath at the cold air, taking in the silent area with nothing but the winds.
"You'll catch a cold." You heard an unknown voice call you. Startling you, you immediately turn to find the source of the voice to find a tan man standing before you. His head was covered with a white turban that came with a long white scarf that went across his chest and wore a light nude robe that came with a long golden key that oozed millennium energy.
"...that's a Millennium item isn't it?" You stared at the large golden key as the man nodded.
"Indeed it is, Queen (y/n)." The man confirmed.
You scrunched your face, "....Did...did you just call me-"
"Queen (Y/N), I can't help but be concerned for you." The man narrowed his pale blue eyes, "You are in danger and you shouldn't be here."
"But...I am..literally in a tournament?" You raised an eyebrow, "Unless you're referring "here" to outside, like, right here, understandable but-"
"The Seal is getting impatient." The man's eyebrows furrowed as you turned pale,
"...I...do not know what you're talking about." You crossed your arms and looked back at the view uncomfortably. How the hell does this guy know about the Seal? Is knowledge of the Seal just some bargain sale or something? You carefully touched your eye and turned pale when you realized you forgot your eyepatch.
"...My Queen, I am Shadi, an ancient spirit who has guarded the tombs of Egypt for over 5,000 years." Shadi introduced himself as he bowed in one knee. Blinking in shock you looked back at Shadi with wide eyes,
"....You.....you look at least 20 though-"
"Listen, my Queen, your life is in danger." Shadi spoke sternly, "The Seal is growing impatient and the Great Leviathan is starting to arise once more."
"...sorry come again?" You blinked,
"You must take the Great Leviathan and make sure it doesn't go to the wrong hands, as you are the rightful owner." Shadi continued, "Or else the world is to fall in the clutch for despair and vengeance."
"Oookayyy...uhh.." you uncomfortably shifted, "Wh...what's up with the bow-"
"My Queen, it's time for you to separate paths from this tournament, for there is much evil to come that only you can conquer." Shadi looked up at you with a stern look, "Even if you do not know of anything I am saying, I know deep down you know just what to do, as so does the Seal. It is your destiny."
"...pardon?" You squeaked as your heart sank, what in the world is he going on about this destiny?
"You cannot waste time here, you may risk the lives of those closest to you and you may not even realize it." Shadi looked up, "But not to worry, for if done correctly, the Great Leviathan will come at ease with its rightful owner and all will be calm."
You rubbed your eyes as you stared for far too long, and as you did so you nervously chuckled, "I'm...confused. Shadi what are you-" You look up to find no one bowing before you. Shadi is gone and the sun slowly began to rise to start the day.
"...what...the hell was that." You bit your lip and stared at the spot where Shadi was. "...I...I am here for tournaments and playing card games. What the hell is he talking about?" You laughed at yourself in disbelief, "....Great Leviathan? What in the world is a Great Leviatha-"
You paused and stared at the floor as a quick image of the beast in your dream popped up in your head. Gasping, you recalled your dream and covered your mouth with your hand.
Rightful ownership to the Great Leviathan? Is the Great Leviathan the giant beast I saw-
You got the horrible feeling of being watched and you quickly looked around the area to find nothing but darkness and the clouds hovering over the city. Your heart began to speed in pace as you clenched your chest, already terrified. What a great start to the day, you hoped nothing could get worse from here!
Just as you thought that the entire blimp began to rumble. Grasping onto the rails, you stared at the floor in absolute shock - one thing after another, no time for breaks you assume. Once the rumbling stopped, you ran back inside the blimp and straight to your room to get your eye patch and dueling set. After quickly changing clothes to a long-sleeved baggy green shirt and black leggings, you quickly walked to the piolets to see what the hell was going on. On the way, you saw Kaiba rush out,
"You felt that too, right?" Kaiba asked and watched you nod, "Come on." He grabbed your arm and rushed you over to the central room.
"What is going on?" Kaiba asked
"We're losing control of the ship." Mokuba answered, "The blimp is changing directions on its own!"
From the frontal view being a tall, sharp building, you could see the building slowly leaving sight of being the main location.
"That's impossible, how can that happen?!" Kaiba hissed,
"I don't know!" A security guard responded, "It's as if the auto pilot was reprogrammed!"
"Then shut it down?" You compromised,
"And do it right now." Kaiba hissed as the doors opened once more,
"Hey, what's up with da turbulence?" Joey asked,
"Yeah, some of us like to sleep past 5." Tristian groaned.
The blimp continued to turn around which caused another rumbling,
"The autopilot isn't responding!" The guard spoke,
"Make it respond!" Kaiba hissed,
"What's happening?" Yugi asked,
"Uh, location issues." You briefly answered,
"It's rejecting every command I give!" The guard warned, "What should I do?"
"I pay you good money, now do whatever it takes to get us back to Kaiba Corp Island." Kaiba responded,
"That pile of junk?" Tristan asked,
"Hey! That isn't a pile of junk! That's where our company started!" Mokuba glared at Tristan,
"That's the final dueling sight?" You asked,
"It is," Kaiba responded, "It was built from the ruins of my step father's empire. It symbolizes new over old."
"Kaiba Corp wasn't always a game company, before, under our stepfather's rule, it gave high tech weapons of war, This changed when Seto took charge. That island used to be the central headquarters and Kaiba tore it down and built the Duel Tower in place as the start of the new Kaiba Corp." Mokuba explained,
"Mokuba enough. We don't talk about personal business like this." Kaiba glanced at his brother.
"I think we hit a soft spot." Joey mumbled as Serenity approached you
"(y/n)?" Serenity whispered and you turned to look at her,
"Mhm?" You asked
"...Are you alright?" Serenity asked with worry,
You blinked, trying to remember what happened to have Serenity ask such a -
Oh shoot with Mai, you walked out the door.
"Oh..." You perked up, recalling how you walked out, "...yeah, yeah don't worry too much about it." You assured,
"We got it Mr. Kaiba." The guard spoke, "The unknown signal is coming from outside, someone hacked in the mainframe and changed our destination coordinates."
"that's new." You blinked, "I thought security was major top-class."
"It is!" Mokuba nodded as the ship began to descend rapidly. Out of reflex, you wrapped your arms protectively around Serenity to make sure nothing happens to her and stared at the view as the blimp headed towards the ocean.
You have no idea what's happening or why the blimp is acting like this -
A thought popped in your mind, what if the Seal is doing this? You recalled Shadi's words from earlier;
"You cannot waste time here, you may risk the lives of those closest to you and you may not even realize it."
Is he referring to now? Like, right now? Is the blimp sinking and acting like this because of you being here when you apparently shouldn't?
Just as you thought that you felt your eye sting and felt a push up from below the blimp. Within moments, the blimp was in stable condition but still heading to an unknown location.
"What was that?!" Joey yelped,
"We were being sent to the sea but something unknown pushed us back up." The guard explained,
"What like a bounce house?!" Tristan narrowed his eyes, "This is the literal sea, what could make us bounce?"
"I didn't do this for you. I did it for your safety."
You perked up and touched your eyepatch, so it wasn't you who is messing this up?
"I have no time for such foolishness. Leave once the blimp lands I will take care of the rest."
"What? Right now?" You accidentally asked out loud and covered your mouth once you said it.
"Huh? What's that?" Joey asked as he looked at you.
"Oh..." You blinked, realizing you were still protectively holding Serenity, and let go of her, "...Nothing."
"Th-Thanks (y/n)." Serenity thanked,
"yeah no problem." You nodded as the screen blurred from the building to some kid with blue hair.
"Greetings duelists." The boy spoke through the cameras. For some reason, he talks like he's some rich kid.
"There is nothing wrong with your television set. I am in control now." The boy sneered,
"Identify yourself right now." Seto hissed,
"Always making demands now, are you?" The boy sneered and smirked at Seto, "I've been observing you, and it's finally time to put you in your place, Seto!"
"...what in the? What is this some form of family feud?" You sneered,
"We are not related." Seto glanced at you,
"You two do look alike though." You looked at the boy then back at Seto, "Just he has blue hair-"
"We are not related." Seto repeated himself with a blank face as he stared at you.
"I will be taking charge now, and the first thing I will do is end this little card game." The boy snarked,
"You won't get away with this!" Mokuba sneered,
"I already have." The boy replied,
"I demand to know your name, Kid." Kaiba hissed,
"Hahhhh, demanding as usual." The boy rolled his eyes, "Very well, my name is Noah, and you and I go quite a long way back, Seto."
"Like the ark?" You tilted your head and got a light elbow from Joey.
"Wrong time." Joey tried his best to hide his laughter.
"So there is family drama.." Duke whispered,
"We're not related to him," Mokuba responded to Duke.
"Enough with the games." Kaiba hissed,
"My little games have merely just begun, Seto!" Noah replied and immediately left the screen. You couldn't help but sneer at Kaiba; Noah looks a bit too much like Kaiba....and certainly acts like him.
"....you sure you're not-"
"NO (y/n)." Seto stared at you, "We are NOT related to him."
Just as he said that, the water ahead began to rumble and suddenly a high-tech metal fortress appeared before everyone. It kept rising into view as the blimp got pulled into the location,
"It seems like we really are playing his game." You sighed, looks like you can't do any destiny at the moment.
"Are we gonna be safe, Joey?" Serenity asked as the blimp got inside the fortress,
"Yeah, as long as I am here you're good." Joey held his sister's hands.
You were honestly too tired and confused for this bull. First some ancient spirit tells you there's some giant beast that's gonna ruin the world and you have to claim it cause you're the "rightful owner" and now some kid has some issues and is not letting the tournament continue?
As soon as the blimp landed inside the fortress, Noah came back online, "Thanks for dropping by, Seto. Now you and your friends must leave the blimp."
"We didn't drop by though-" You blinked
"And if we say no?" Kaiba asked and Noah giggled,
"Refusal isn't an option thanks to my stun phasers!" Noah smirked in reply as weapons sprung from the walls of the fortress.
"...Stun phasers?" You raised an eyebrow, "What the hell is a stun phaser?"
"It stuns you." Duke responded.
"Wh..." You blinked in confusion, "...He..he could've just used guns.."
"This kids nuts!" Joey gasped as Kaiba began to leave the ship,
"Wait! Kaiba!" Yugi called out Kaiba and tried to follow,
"This is my battle Yugi. No one is to leave the ship." Kaiba hissed,
"Wait, Seto!" Mokuba ran to his brother,
"Mokuba I said what I said. No one is leaving the ship. Noah, any objections?" Kaiba asked,
"Just one." Noah replied as the stun phasers began to hit the ship. You blinked and watched it bounce back despite everyone ducking and covering
"...but...it isn't even hitting us...and it's not even dangerous..?" You blinked,
"Care to reconsider your decision, Kaiba?" Noah asked as the guns pulled to a stop, "Now, let me say it again, start from the top. Seto, kindly exit the ship with your friends."
And so it was done, you and everyone else left the blimp.
"But....it's basically stun guns?" You muttered to yourself,
"Leave this to me and we'll be out of this in short time." Kaiba mumbled,
"Hey, this is our business now so its best if you get over yourself." Joey snapped,
"Now, please walk straight ahead and down the hall." Noah instructed as the door ahead began to open.
"Serenity, stay here." Joey turned to his sister,
"No. We're siblings and I am not leaving your side." Serenity shook her head
"And Marik is still inside." You mumbled to Joey as you counted heads. "You sure you want her to stay?"
"Crap you're right.." Joey mumbled as everyone walked down the halls.
"Just what do you want from us, may I ask?" You asked,
"All will be revealed very shortly." Noah responded as the door ahead opened to a large dark room.
"This place is huge..." Tristan mumbled,
"Is there anybody here?" Tea asked as the lights went back on to have 5 elder men standing before you and everyone else.
"It...It can't be!" Kaiba gasped,
"You didn't think we'd come back now did you, Seto Kaiba?" The man in the middle spoke, "We're here for revenge!"
"....what in the-" You squinted at the men, "...hold on...are these those guys who tried to take Kaiba Corp like a while ago?" You recalled how your grandpa first told you about Seto Kaiba.
"Mhm." Mokuba nodded,
"Wha?" Joey looked at you,
"Yeah, all five of them are here." You recalled, "What were their names again?"
"Gansley, Crump, Johnson, Nezbitt, and Leichter." Mokuba responded,
"Oh yeah they trapped Kaiba in the Cyber world!" Joey recalled
"...they did what?" You turned to Joey
"Almost right. They were hired by my stepdad as the board of directors, but that wasn't enough power so they tried to destroy me using my own virtual technology and take over my company." Kaiba explained,
"Yeah, then we trapped them in the virtual world instead of Seto." Mokuba nodded,
"......what?" You blinked in shock, honestly at this point you'd take in hearing Yami wearing a bikini at some virtual beach -
....wait what?
"You thought you've seen the last of us? We've wandered for what seemed like an eternity wondering for our revenge." One spoke,
"We managed to find the answer by hacking into Kaiba Corps' main frame." Another added,
"We found we had the same enemy, which was Seto Kaiba, from which Noah graciously added us to his system." Another spoke,
"...So this is all virtual?" You asked,
"Yes, and that's soon to change once we set our own game."
"Which is?" You tilted your head,
"The game is simple; we send you to our world and we challenge you to a duel. If we win, we can go back to the real world using your body." One answered,
"...HUH?" You gasped
"Aww hell nah!" Joey hissed, "No one's takin' my body again!"
"Now then, shall we commence our special game?" One spoke with a grin,
"Ah, before we forget, we must say that we plan to separate each and every single one of you - so you're all ours with no help!"
Just as one of the Big Five said that, a black hole opened right below you. Before you realized it, you fell inside the hole which closed right up before anyone could catch you.
"Ego ad unum omnes occidit una ex eis."**
** =I am going to kill every single one of them
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