The Next Day
Dormitory - 2 am
I finally finished the letter I made for Wakiya. But it's written in Hoji's handwriting. My eyes were tired and black circles around it starts to form. I've been doing this for 2 hours straight and I haven't gotten any sleep at all.
Jin was sleeping on my bed. He was in a deep sleep so I don't wanna bother waking him up to ask for help to deliver this to Wakiya.
Fudge, I forgot. Hoji didn't lock the entrance door to Wakiya's house. Oh well, if ever some crook sneaks in his house i'm not the one to be blamed.
Hoji's body's already stored inside my storage room. He was completely dead so I tried to preserve his body so his aroma wouldn't smell.
I stood up, picked up the letter and tuck it in my lab coat. Good thing that the dormitory doesn't have any curfew time. So I guess it'll be fine to leave at this hour.
I pulled my cap from the pile of clothes I just scatter by the corner of my room. I was too lazy to sort it and put it in my closet so I just throw my clothes everywhere.
I put my cap on and fixed my lab coat. It was really cold in my room since it's the middle of the night and I have an aircon in here. It's really cozy.
I head out of my room, tiptoeing as I do not want to wake up anyone especially Christina. She's pretty noisy and a bit of a curious loudmouth like Valt so I don't want to see her.
I snorted, waltzing down the stairs as I left the building.
By the Sidewalk - 2:12 am
As expected, it was like earlier. It was dark and scary and... Breezy. The cold north wind brushes through my hair. My hair was a mess and I don't wanna fix it. I have my cap on anyway.
It was obvious i'm the only guy walking down here. If ever I saw someone, it's probably a gang of drunkards and crazy people who would charge on me and kill me. But i'll make sure they die first.
My leather shoes made some loud noises, which calms me up a bit because dead silence feels like someone's just walking behind you. You know, like paranormal stories and stuffs. But if I were scientifically speaking, everything I hear or feel was just a kind of feeling called adrenaline and some sort of hallucinations or delusions.
"Am I almost there?"I was drowsy and everything around me looks like it's spinning. I guess i'm not really used to staying up for like 24 hours straight. I'm gonna look like a zombie by now.
I look at my tablet then back to the road. Wakiya's house was pretty far from my dormitory. But I guess I can handle it. I've drunk a 90% concentrate of alcohol and cafe mocha. Those two would probably keep my adrenaline going.
Though my throat feels a bit sour because of the awful combination of coffee and wine. I think i'm gonna vomit. My stomach had already digested those two liquids and now I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach. It's all tingly and sour.
"I regret doing that game challenge with Shu but that's my only way to keep him out of my way."I groaned, clenching my fists as I continued to walk in this gloomy road.
Some light posts are flickering, for the least it gives me the shivers and mindset that some random entity is following me. I hope it's not Shin.
I bit my lower lip in sign of pain and anxiety. What if someone's following me? What if he knows my every movement? What if he'll turn me in?
I quickly turned around, casting my knife out as I pointed at my surroundings. Everything seems clear but I feel like something's wrong.
"Nothing... I guess it was just my imagination and... My lack of sleep. I don't know."I shake my head, continuing on my way back to Murasaki's house.
If ever you're wondering where I placed Shin's body... I actually buried it on the backyard of my mom's house. Nobody will care about it anyway. Plus it probably decomposed since I buried it 6 ft underground. And it's been 4 years!
I tuck my knife back in my pocket. My hands were cold and dry. It's probably because of the cold breeze and my anxiety of my surroundings. Everything was eerie.
I could hardly see the road because the light posts from this street was flickering and if ever it's not flickering, its life is at its last days. Ya know, dim lights.
I squinted, rubbing my eyes as I finally saw the fork that leads to Wakiya's house. I glanced at my tablet and a smile slid onto my lips. Finally.
"Ayshh! Finally! I'm here!"I mumbled, running down to the left alley where Wakiya's house was.
Murasaki Residence - 2:43 am
As I took a step forward, I can feel something different. The security seems tight when 12 am passed. I pulled out my security breaker and a powder to see if there are lasers around here.
I poured an equal amount of powder on my palm and blew it around the gates. As expected. Laser securities.
I think it's automatic. Oh well.
I installed my security breaker on this electrical socket just beside this one laser. I hacked the password to turn this thing off for a while and... Eureka! It works.
I look around, trying to make sure that the coast was clear. This will be the second to the last step in completing my plan. And once I fail this, All my hard work will be shattered into a million pieces.
When I got the ring that everything's safe, I ran on the front door of their house and drop the letter as fast as lightning.
I slowly closed the door and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. I can finally go home and relax and drink some coffee and finally execute my final step at around noon.
I giggled, running to my security breaker. Uninstalling it and running back into safety. Where everything's alright... And I can finally relax...
Dormitory - 12 pm
"Wake... Up..."Jin's voice was a bit hazy and soft..."Wake up Naoki... Are you dead?"
His voice started to become vivid after a while. My eyes flicker open, Staring at him with a smile,"Oh hey Jin.."
"You overslept. I thought you're not gonna wake up... I was worried."Jin pouts. He looks like a baby and I find it cute.
"Don't worry too much."I smiled. This is the best greeting in the morning. I mean lunch. I know that he loves me...
"Anyway I cooked food for you! But it's already cold since I prepared that as a breakfast meal... Is it okay?"Jin giggled, running down the kitchen. I heard the sound of plates crashing softly. He was preparing my food and as far as I know, he's the most caring person I have ever met.(Christina's an exception. I hate her)
"Yeah... It's..."I stood up, fixing my hair and my lab coat,"Fine..."I yawned. My eyes started to get a bit teary but it's not because i'm sad nor happy. It's obviously because I yawned.
I walked towards the dining area, Jin was fixing the tables. He placed two plates and a two pairs of silverwares. He also had the food setup already.
I don't know, but I'm really hungry and I just wanna gobble down all the food Jin had prepared,"bon appetite!"
"Aww Naoki you're so adorable! I just realized it by then..."Jin said. His voice still sounds neutral but I know he's happy and i'm fine with it.
"Seriously..? Don't make me blush."I giggled, taking a spoonful of bacon and rice. Jin cooked really nice. His cooking skills were way better than mine. Even though he just cooked bacon, it's not that oily and he cut the fats real good. Probably because he's used to house chores since he's always alone. It may not look like he can do anything at all, but he's a really hard working guy.
"So how's Hoji? Have you taken care of him?"Jin asked. His mouth was still full from the rice that made his cheeks look like a mooncake.
"I've taken care of him. His body's in the storage room if you wanna see."I swallowed the food from my mouth and gulped down the water from my glass.
"What? Really? You managed to carry his body here?"Jin seems to disregard the idea of bringing Hoji's body here.
"Why wouldn't I?"I take another spoonful of bacon and rice,"Besides, I won't let anyone see his body lying on the ground somewhere."
"Didn't the guard suspects his body or something?"Jin said, wiping the rice from his lips. That's cute.
"No. I have his body placed in a garbage bag. I don't think anyone would notice that there's a body inside that thing. Unless I passed by some police or investigators."I rolled my eyes and quickly finished up my food.
"Well I think that's fine. You should really try to be careful with your moves."Jin grinned, scooting beside me as he gave me a warm hug,"I won't let anything happen to you!"
"Thanks Jin... But maybe after I win the National tournament... I might stop doing my habits... And.. Maybe Shin will finally forgive me afterwards... But..."I looked down and sighed. Being a scientist and a half killer is my expertise... And it has also become my passion... I don't know if I could still get that thing out of my system. It's weird.
"Are you sure? Can you really do that?"Jin's eyes were sparkling. I know he wants me to stop doing this because the further I go, The more danger I will have to encounter. Plus the securities are gradually becoming tighter.
"I will... Try."I smiled, hugging Jin tightly. Feeling his warm and loving care. I wish this time would stop... Because later... Will be the most dangerous plan ever.
School - 2:26 pm
I was staying by the canteen here. Ya know, to stalk the BeyClub live and see Wakiya's reaction on Hoji's disappearance. Don't worry, I won't look suspicious because I disguised myself as a Grade 4 student.
"What? Hoji quitted? But does his father knows about this?"Rantaro asked, eyes widened in surprised. Who wouldn't be? Everyone thought he'll be a loyal dog to Wakiya but he quitted suddenly.
"I haven't asked... But... I hope he's fine."Wakiya seems worried. Of course.
"Where's Shu? Have you guys found Shu?"The bluenette suddenly appeared out of nowhere, jumping in the middle of Wakiya and Rantaro.
"No. But he texted me he won't be going. He's a bit dizzy and worked out. Why don't you visit him?"Wakiya rolled his eyes and looked away.
"Okay... I thought he'll leave me just how Toko left me!"Valt cried out loud, hugging Wakiya with his eyes wet with tears.
"G... Get off me you punk!"Wakiya pushed Valt vigorously, taking a distance away from Valt as he fell on Rantaro's chest.
"Hey! Wakiya you're hurting our baby!"Rantaro said, pausing for a few seconds until he realized what he said.
"WHAT BABY?! He's an 11 year old being such a baby!"Wakiya's face turned red in sign of anger and annoyance."I'm gonna go!"
"Wakiya waittt!"Valt cried, chasing after Wakiya.
"I really have to watch Wakiya where he's gonna go so I could kill him like a fly. Easy peasy."I stood up and waltz outside the canteen, trying to follow behind Wakiya and Valt without anyone suspecting me.
I continued to follow their voice, realizing that they're heading to the school garden. I guess that's where Wakiya always go to escape those nitwits like that bluenette.
"Stop following me Valt!"Wakiya was infuriated, he bit his lower lip and he burst out crying.
"W..wakiya? sorry I made you cry."Valt pouts, pulling out his handkerchief and wiped Wakiya's tears."Sorry... I'm gonna go."
As Valt was about to leave, Wakiya hold his arms and said,"Don't leave.. It's just... I'm slowly losing all my friends... I just don't want to lose you guys too."
Psh. So much for dramas.
"We won't leave you Wakiya... I promise!"Valt said, raising his right hand in sign of a promise,"Cross my heart!"
"Really..?"Wakiya smiled, wiping his tears and finally snapping back to his old and proud self,"I mean! I just got a dirt stuck in my eye!"
"Aww!"Valt hugged Wakiya, but this time, Wakiya didn't seem to be annoyed or anything. He just let the bluenette wrap his arms around him.
Go on, savor your last moments Murasaki. Today's your last day, better make it worth it.
"Valt... Can I tell you a secret?"Wakiya mumbled suddenly, taking Valt's hands as he pulled him down to the other entrance of the school. It was the college building. Only high schools and colleges are only allowed inside. What a clever guy. I guess he got a ring he's being followed.
"If you tell me it's not a secret anymore! Waaa!"Valt was dragged by Wakiya as I pulled my uniform off and grinned.
I don't wanna use my micro drone anyway. You know why? It got stuck in a web of spiders. When you look in its camera it looks disgusting and awful.
I swivel down the garden, and to the entrance of the college building. The guard was standing behind the door as he stop to block my way.
"Appointment? Id?"The Guard seems serious. I don't think he's as friendly as the security guard outside the high school building.
I handed out my school ID(Yes, I do have a school I.D. I just don't go to school. But I pass my grades and everything so I have nothing to worry about. I attend school every exam days only.), The guard stared at me oddly and smiled,"Okay pass."
I bowed down in sign of thank you and continued on my way. I kinda lost Wakiya and Valt but good grief I heard the bluenette's voice.
I followed the voice. I was cautious when I walk because maybe one of the college students may suspect me. I hug my tablet and part my hair. It kinda gets in my vision.
I bit my lower lip until I finally get a glimpse of Wakiya and Valt. They are standing by the corner of the locker room and they are mumbling something. Though I can't hear it clearly...
"Valt I just wanna say thank you."Wakiya uttered, smiling at Valt as he pinched the bluenette's cheeks that made him groan and frown.
"Why are you saying thank you."Valt pouts, holding Wakiya's hands and pushed it away from his cheeks.
"Nothing."Wakiya giggled, ruffling Valt's hair."Now just savor these every moment because this is a once in a lifetime moment."
"What do you mean?" Valt blinks innocently, staring at Wakiya whose eyes were locked onto Valt's.
This is awkward.
What the hell.
(THE FOLLOWING PART IS RATED NST: NOBODY SHIPS THEM. I'll tell you why I ship them a bit later on!)
Wakiya holds Valt's cheeks and grin."Valt, can you tell me."
Valt raised an eyebrow, he was too innocent to experience this. Wakiya what the hell are you doing."Hmm?"
"What do you think about Shu?"Wakiya mumbled, looking right at Valt's sparkling brown eyes. I was stalking them by behind this other locker.
And no, i'm not invading their privacy so if you could please...
"Shu... Well he's a great friend an—"Valt stopped, his eyes widened as Wakiya gave Valt a few smack on his lips.
I thought it's Shu. You cheating bastard.
Wakiya quickly pulled off, Looking away as his face started to turn red."Thanks."
"W...what was that...?"Valt touches his lips and stared at Wakiya,"Wakiyaaaaaaaa?"
"Don't miss me!"Wakiya pouts,"When I'm gone don't cry!"It seems like he knows his fate.
"What do you mean Wakiya..."Valt's eyes started to turn teary. He hugged Wakiya tightly and sobbed,"You're not gonna leave me too right... Plus you DID that. So don't leave me!"
"No Valt. I always wanted to do that because you're so cute!"Wakiya smiled, pinching Valt's cheeks again."I just said those kind of stuffs because you're so cute when you're frustrated or whenever you try to cheer me up or make me proud."
"Really...?"Valt said, grinning until he shook his head and glared at the blondie,"I mean... WHY ARE YOU GONNA BE GONE!"
"Let's just go."Wakiya looked down and back to Valt,"Race you to the canteen!"
Wakiya started to dash out of the locker room until I get a glimpse of him, and our eyes met for a few seconds.
"Wait up! That's not fair!"Valt follows behind Wakiya. I don't think he saw me or something. Oh well.
My mission's cleared. Except the fact that our eyes met for a few seconds. I wish he just saw me as a normal student passing by and not a stalker.
What a bummer.
2:56 pm
I went back to the canteen to watch my subject. He might tell everyone about his conclusions that i'm gonna kill him later and I will have no other choice but to throw this tiny needle at him with poison stings on it.
"I thought I saw Naoki..."Wakiya mumbled, looking away as he scanned the room searching for me.
I pulled out a tray beside my table and covered my face with it. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't see me right?
"That's just your imagination! He doesn't go to school at these days. Only exam days remember?"Rantaro uttered, tapping Wakiya's back vigorously.
"Oh would you please stop that!"Wakiya pushed Rantaro's arms away and pouts,"Just... Whatever!"
"Boss! Did you know that Wakiya just k-"Wakiya shuts Valt's mouth with his hands and gave Valt a glare he'll never forget.
"Shut. Your. Loud. Mouth."Wakiya said, his eyes were filled with anxiety and regret. He regret doing that to Valt but he have to enjoy his last days I guess.
That's still disgusting.
"What?!"Rantaro shouted, trying to force Valt to speak a word or two about what happened earlier.
"Nothing!"Valt grinned, giggling as he pulled Wakiya beside him. "besides, we're best of friends so that's why he did that!"
"Stupid."Wakiya mumbled, his anger subsided maybe after what Valt said a few moments ago. Best of friends.
"Isn't that the reason for you doing that?"Valt smiled, hugging Wakiya tight but I guess the blonde guy's annoyed instead of comfortable.
Oh well, I might as well stay here and wait for Wakiya's friends to leave him alone after Valt thought of him only as a friend. Heh.
4:12 pm
I've been staying here for no less than an hour just to wait for the BeyClub to leave their princess alone. But I guess it's impossible.
Shu seems like he can't leave his bed after what I did to him. I hope he's too sober to remember who did that to him.
"Are you gonna go home Wakiya? It's almost 4:30. Everyone's gonna leave now."Valt uttered, scooting beside Wakiya who seems to be in a bad mood.
"No. You can go home if you want. Like I care anyway."Wakiya snorted and turned his attention to something else, avoiding Valt's murmuring and cries.
"But Wakiya—"Wakiya slapped Valt's hands and gave him a sidelong look.
"Get away!"Wakiya cried, trying to intimidate Valt to leave him. I guess he's trying to have Valt feel remorse instead of sadness when he's gone. That's great.
"Wakiya what's with you all of a sudden?"Rantaro raised an eyebrow, tapping Wakiya's shoulder.
"Nothing! I... I'm gonna go!"Wakiya stood up, running out of the canteen and back into the high school building.
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