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Sorry guys I thought I posted this last week I have been working on the other chapter and sorry if the writing not good I am planning to look over this chapter and rewrite some things but with that said please enjoy.

You and Nicholas wake up early at six  because you both had school that morning. You both stretch to realize what happen yesterday was not a dream and did in fact happen.

"Yeah I know we probably should have talked about this yesterday but what are we going to do about them" he said while rubbing his eyes
" well I guess the only thing we can is give it to the ladybug or the cops to deal with it" he said while looking at Duusu sleeping in a bowl
"Yeah your right "
After a few second of comfortable silence you and him busy out laughing.
"Bro imagine if I did that , like how stupid would you have to be to do that"

"Right and with the cops this day in age we would have been Screw
For sure"
After your guys start getting ready for the day you hear her grandma  call you guy for breakfast
" that are cue we should go before she gets mad and think  overslept" he while scratch his back
"Yeah don't remind me of last time"
As the memory shiver down your back

"Then we should go before she gets mad" Duusu said while finna fly through door before you grab her by her tail
"Wait a minute Duusu you should probably stay her so you don't freak her  out " said while turn her  around
" Oh come on please I promise I will be really really quiet you won't even notice me there please"so finish while looking at you with small puppy doll eye.

"Don't do that"
"Stop that" Nicholas chimed in
"Your not changing our mind"
"Fine you can come but you have to stay hidden"you said while pointing a finger at her.
"Deal now let's go"

You and your friend walk out to be greeted by his grandma.
"There you are I thought you guy overslept" she finish while she pointed a wooden you spoon at the both of you.

"NO"you said in a high pitch voice
"I mean no there no need" you said as you both sat down at the table
"Good at she pulled out a plate of pancakes off the counter and puts it on the table.

"Here you go some of my homemade pancake made with almond milk.

"Almond!" Duusu shouted while flying through the table revealing her self
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" She said while throwing the wooden spoon in her hand at it l.

"Damn it Duusu this is why we told you to stay hidden" you said while pinching the space between your eyes.
"Opps my bad" she said with a goofy  expression her face
"Okay granny you might want to sit down for this while we tell you"Nicholas said while gilding her to the seat

The next few minutes you guys explain how you acquired the miraculous and who and what Duusu is.
"Ok so let me get it straight your a kwami who grants power to who ever wears a brooch?"
"Well the brooch whoever that brooch I can grant them powers"

"Yeah sure whatever that makes sense" she said with a believable look before stand up.
" well Duusu if your hungry there is plenty of pancakes for you. She finish before going into her room
" huh that went better than expected" you said as you took a bit of your pancakes
"For real thought she would had a heart attack"

After you guys finish eating you two finish getting dress and Packing up and getting ready for the school day.
"Aye man you seen my text book for history" Nicolas asked  you before you instinctively  threw it to him since it has happened multiple time before.
"You leave on your desk every day how do you keep forgetting" as you put your own books into your bag.

"I don't know man , but let's go my grandma dropping us off at school"he finish before throwing up his bag on to his shoulder.
"Yeah alright"you said as you do the same

"Soooo,where are we going"A  eccentric  voice can be here coming from behind you
"Me and Nicholas are going to school,you are staying here"you finish as you jestered the room with your fingers.
"What no please let go with you I promise I will be real quiet" Duusu said with pleading voice

"Oh yeah like you did at breakfast ,yeah no way"Nicholas chimed in with his arms crossed.
"Yeah I know I am sorry but please I know I can do better this time.
Beside for you to active/transform you need me to be with you" as they finish in a singing voice

You and Nicholas thought for a moment but ultimately decided to let them come with you  one condition that he stayed in the bag at all time and don't make a sound and Duusu flew straight into the bag the was at his hip.

"You better stay there unless I tell you to come out" you finish
As both of you walk out the room to see his grandma ready to drop you off.
"Y'all boys ready" she says as she picks up her car cars that are at the front door
"Yes  ma'am" you say as your leaving the front door and going to the car

After a few minutes go by of guys sitting in the car the grandma shoots a questioning look before asking

"Hey where the little blue bird I saw this morning"as she adjusted her rear view mirror.
"Well we were going to leave him at of but they weren't budget so-"you were cut off by Duusu flying out of your bag
"I had convinced them to let me go as long I stay out of sight and quiet"

"Duusu what did he just say"your friends says to the flying peacock.
"Huh,oh my bad" they fly and sit on Y/n shoulder for the rest of the ride until they reach the school

As the pair start heading in side of the building they hear someone yelling in the distant.
"WATCH WHERE YOU GOING DUPIN-CHANG!"you guys start looking to were the screaming was coming from and see the girl that you stole the phone as from and the blue haired person you met on your first day.
"You almost made me drop my very expensive phone"as she starts texting back on her phone

As you and Nicholas and we're snickering by want she said because you knew that the case was not.

Your friend and him go to check up on the girl
"Aye you good we heard screaming"your friend said
"Huh oh it you guys,um yeah i accidentally bumped into her" she rubs the back of her neck
"Yeah at least you did not do it on purpose and hey also I don't think we caught your name?"as he gestures you and him
"Oh I am Marinette Dupin-Chang" she puts her hand out for both of you to shake then you notice her ear rings.
"Nice ear rings by the way" you spoke your first words since this interaction.
"Huh,oh thank you well class is going to start so I am going to go"she runs off hiding her earrings.

"Weird,why is she trying to hiding her jewelry" you both start walking to class.
"Really,  your the one to talk"he feels the brooch that hidden under your jacket.
"Ok wise guy let's just go to class"

The rest of your day went by pretty normal Duusu kept her end of the deal and stayed hidden and quietly while you guys were in your last class until you hear something happen in the distant and everyone lookin at the window to see what happened as we seethe hero's fighting someone called storm weather and they starting to lose.

"Aye man this is your chance"he nudged your shoulder.
"What are you taking about?"
"Dude they clearly need help this could be your debut fight"he starts shaking you as you refused but he just kept going.

"Fine I will help them."you say while picking up Duusu from you bag and carefully putting them in your jacket pocket.
"On my own terms.
,I will help by sending out a amok to somebody so there a sentibeing to help while I stay out of it  deal?"you put out your hand for him to shake
"Deal!"as he shakes eagerly

You put up your hand for mrs bustier to see
"Yes Y/n how can I help you " see turn away from the window
"Yes  can I go use the bathroom"
"Yeah of course"as she try's to get her student to stop looking at the window

You walk out the class and hear to a room near the entrance that you Assumed was the boiler room
As you pulled Duusu out of your pocket
"What are we doing here?"they tilts there head in confusion.
"We're going to help ladybug and chat noir" as you look to see Duusu fly out of your hands
"Yeah time for some action!"they start spinning in a circle
"Ok come down let's get started"in to a deep breath before looking at a clam down Duusu.
"Duusu spread my feathers!" 
After a few seconds of blue light you see that your in your hero suit.

"Ok now to find somebody"you pull out your fan and make your amok  while listening to Paris to find some one.

After a few minutes you few someone

"Come on ladybug I know you can do this I believe in you"
You recognize that voice It was Alya Césaire she was filming the fight.

"She perfect,go my little amok and give life to a being that can help"as you sent of the amok a one minute later it reached it target showing a blue outline on your face.

(You expect its a guy)

"Alya Césaire I am the owner of the peacock miraculous I feel your sense of hope and justice and your want to help ladybug and you can, just accept my power and I can give you a sentibeing that can help"

"How do I know I can trust you"she says as you can feel her trying to fight it.
"Well i am not forcing you to do it,it's your choice I am just giving you a option to help them you can always reject"

She went quiet for a bit before answering
"Fine I accept"
"Great let your emotion give brith to a sentibeing.
(It looked like this)

(And had wings and tail like this)

The fox took off and heading straight for stormy weather.
And before finding her and hitting her with a fire blast sending her to the ground

"Huh my lady what is that" chat noir looks at the flying fox confused
"I have no idea but we should tread with caution"

Stormy weather tries shooting shots of wind at the fox to no avail.
The fox grew bright orange blinded her before pining her to the ground. The fox grabs the umbrella and throw it in the air before shooting it with fire to break it and letting the akuma go.

Ladybug and chat noir catch the akuma.
"well I guess that done but where did that thing come from"ladybug then taps her yo-yo letting a white butter fly come out.
"I don't know but look" chat point to the fox flying in a direction. "We can follow it and see where it goes"
Ladybug nodded and started following it.

You started talking to the sentibeing about them just getting the phone from so he can put the amok in something else do it free.

"Alya good work now in a few moments the fox will come back put the phone in the small portal the fox makes so I can transfer the amok"
"Will I be getting my phone back?"
She questions

"Of course I have no need to keep your phone"
A few moments the fox arrive it it mouth starts growing red ready to throw the potarl before getting kicked to the side of the building by ladybug

"Don't worry your safe we will destroy it so won't harm you" chat noir starts spinning around his staff

Ladybug and chatnoir both start running to attack the fox.

"Defend your self by any mean Necessary" you say to the fox as it throws a portal from it mouths and jumps through to land behind them.

And shoots them with a wave of fire at them before spread it wings ready to fly.
It starts to fly but then it gets wrapped around a poka dotted rope and dragged back down to the ground.
It shoot more fire trying to hit it target but keeps missing and hitting build and setting them ablaze.
It try's to blind Ladybug but before it does alya come up

"Hey wait ladybug it amok its in my phone"she starts to end the recording and hand her the phone

You being a little mad about her betray "hey what do you think your doing ,why did you give them it" you started to grip your fan
"Your causing destruction you need to be stop,do it ladybug"just as she says she snaps the phone releasing and capturing the amok

"NOOO!" You punch the walk with your hand the has the fan in it
"I am sorry my friend" you mourn the lost of a sentibeing before detranforming and heading back to class and taking and sit before notice everyone was looking a something in the class room.

"Yo nick what's happening" he turn to you with a shocked look
"Bro what did you do" he says with a worry expression
"What are you talking about I di-" he cuts you off by turn your head to face the broad she had the news on.

"Today where here on the scene where ladybug just defeat stormy weather and a magic fox.
Ladybug care to shed some light on us" she hand the mic to her

"Stormy weather was a Akumatized victim but the fox was a sentimonster from a the peacock owner.
We don't know who they are and what their goals but we will stop this new villain And bring them to justice"she hand the reporter back the mic

"Well you heard it here folk there a new villain on the loose, are they working for/with hawkmoth we don't know but we of the people of Paris put our faith in the hands of ladybug and chatnoir.

You were shocked by these works and the way the hand branded you to be the villain and in the moment you only had one thing to say


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