Late Valentines Day Special!!!

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Includes: Third year Hinata, Tsukishima, Kageyama, Yamaguchi and Yachi || Oc || Ships


"Hi- Hinata-kun! Ca- Can I talk to you for a minute?..." Asked a girl with teal hair and a pair of a beautiful turquoise eyes. Stuttering as she averted her eyes from Hinata to the ground while holding on to her hand-made chocolates behind her back. "Uhhhm... Sure?—" Hinata answered, shutting off his mouth the moment the girl smiled happily and dragged him away. Away from their classroom. And...

Away from the other students.

As the two of them arrived at a place surrounded by trees covered with snow that's starting to grow their green leaves once more, the girl let got of Hinata's hand as she walked back a few meters away from the ginger. "Soooo... What are we going to talk about, uhhm... Miss?..." Hinata asked, looking at the female in front of him in puzzlement as he tilt his head a little.

OH. MY. GOSH. HE LOOKS LIKE A LOST PUPPY— GAAAAAAAH! HELP ME, KAMI-SAMA! I CAN'T STAND HIS CUTENESS!!, The female thought as she stared into the ginger in front of her, being mesmerized by the mix of hotness and cuteness that is before her very eyes, flesh (body) and soul.

Hinata, being the dumbass he is, didn't know that he's adding more simps into his cycle (both fictional and reality ;) ), but he didn't know what to do as he was weirded out by the sudden action of the teal-haired female who was looking at him with stars— or maybe, planets in her eyes that's like revolving around the sun. That's why, the only thing that he could think of was faking a cough, and that is what he did as he said, "Uhhhm... Miss, no offence... But... You're being weird..." With that, the female went back into reality and quickly let out a , "Sorry!—"

"It's okay! Really! But, can you answer my question first? I still don't know who you are..." Hinata said, scratching the back of his neck as he let out a nervous chuckle. The girl just looked at him in awe with a caring smile on her face as she thought, Why do you have to be this pretty, Hinata...

"Oh! Right... You still hadn't met me yet even though it has been months—" "Sorry..." Hinata apologized. Ever since he and the other first years became third years, they have been a lot more busier than ever. Starting with assignments and tasks, to club activities, festivals and personal life. Since that they are already third years, they also need to think of what college or university they'll take after.

"Ah! Don't be! I know you're pretty busy, given to the fact that this is your last year here in Karasuno... Uhm... My name is Emiko Chinami, by the way! I'm the new transferee— Well... I'm not exactly new... Months have already passed by, so yeah... Haha..." The girl, Emiko, introduced herself as she let out an awkward laugh afterwards. "Oooh~ So you're the new girl everyone's talking about ever since the school year began. The second year female who transferred from Tokyo to Miyagi. Am I right?" Hinata happily chirped with his infamous bright smile that could bright up anyone's day. "Yep! That's me! Can't believe someone still talks about me given to how many months has it been since I transferred!" Emiko let out a heart-felt laugh as the ginger stared at her in amazement.

"So, Emiko-san. What do you want to talk about?" Hinata once again asked the female who only smiled at return. Emiko brought out the chocolates she held dearly to and hand it over to Hinata who looked at her stunned.

"Oh! Do you want me to give those chocolates to Kageyama? Haha... I'm sorry to break it to you, Emiko-chan, but Bakayama's already taken by Yachi-san" Hinata informed with a tone that never changed, but something is wrong with that tone of his, but Emiko just shook her head, ignoring the sorrowful-like tone in the ginger's voice.

Hinata, with Emiko's shook earlier, got into thinking once again, guessing possible candidates here and there. "Is it for Yamaguchi? No, no... Everyone already knows that he's dating Kenma... How about Tsukishima? But he's already dating Kuroo-san... But is it?..." Hinata guess again, but to his un-lucky luck, Emiko once again shook her head as she tried to hide her laugh.

"Hmm... Who could it be—" Hinata pondered with a pout but was cut off-guard by Emiko, herself, with a laugh full of joy. "Silly Hinata-kun! It's for you, dum-dum!" She laughed as she wiped her imaginary tears of joy. Hinata, on the other-hand, looked at her dumbfounded as he sulked besides a tree on how many guesses he tried, but the answer was just him, himself all along.

"C'mon now, Hinata-kun! No need to sulk over such trivial thing!—" Emiko started, trying to un-sulk the sulking tangerine who suddenly felt down all of a sudden. "At least you tried, right? That's what matters, right Hinata-ku—" She continued, trying to cheer up Hinata who has been sulking ever since he knew the answer. "It's not that, Emiko-chan! All of my guesses are incorrect! I feel like a disgrace as a senior!" Hinata cried as he looked at the seemingly tall girl behind him (Well, Emiko is only tall because Hinata is sitting fyi). "And please, just call me Shouyo! Or maybe Shouchan... What do you prefer??" Hinata asked, jumping up as he stood up giddily like his sulking didn't— Or maybe, the right word is... NEVER happened. "O- Oh! Su- sure! In return, please just call me Chinami, Chichan or Namichan!" Emiko said, walking back of few meters as she was bewildered of the sudden change of the ginger's attitude.

Damn... Shouchan... You change too fast-, Emiko thought, scratching the bottom of her lips that formed into an awkward smile. Emiko then, gave Hinata the bag full of chocolates, which Hinata happily took after saying, "Thank you!"

"Happy Valentines, Hina- Shouchan" The female said with a smile ever so sweet on her face. Her hands are behind her back, holding each other tight as she wait for the right time to confess her bottling feelings inside of her. "Happy Valentines too, Namichan! Thanks for the chocolates again!" The ginger blurted out as he ate the chocolates one by one. Emiko took a screen-shot of the moment in her head as she saw Hinata happily munching in the chocolates she gave him. "Is it good?" Emiko asked, wondering what Hinata's feedback will be like. "Hm?" "I mean the chocolates. Is it good? How does it taste like?"

"Oh! Right! The chocolates taste sweet! It's delicious! You're a great cook, Namichan!" Hinata responded with his usual smile. Emiko looked at him and smiled as she corrected him, "Shouchan, it's not cook, it's baking, and thank you for you're feedback" "No problem! But, say, why me?" Hinata stared at the latter's turquoise eyes full of curiousness. Emiko was surprised of course. She never really thought that Hinata was this dense to get curious on such matter, especially by the fact that everyone knows that Hinata Shouyo is both a cute and handsome motherfucker, but also, a stupid one. "You really don't realize it, don't you..." Emiko whispered as she began to explain...

"You see, Shouchan... I've been eyeing you since I've first laid my eyes on you... And I... Fell inlove with your luminous, ginger hair... I fell inlove with your amber-hazel eyes... Especially that bright smile of yours that could lighten up ones day... And... When I heard from other students that your still single... That gave me a little hope, and a little courage to confess..." Emiko said. Her cheeks, reddening with blush as her eyes were half-lidded as she stared at the snowy ground.

"What... are you trying to say, Namichan...?" Being totally confused, Hinata slowly backed-away, being weirded out of Emiko's expression. "Namichan... Are you okay? You're red... Do you have a fever?..." The ginger asked as he looked at the teal-nette with both worry and caution. Everything just seemed wrong when Emiko started to blabber about her feeling towards the ginger. But that's just not it. Hinata totally understands that feeling, but he just don't understand WHY she would like a guy like him. Not only that, something just feels wrong when Emiko said 'inlove'. It's a funny thing really. Hinata never really experienced any kind of affection to others like romance or just a simple crush, in fact, he never had any of those.

But, there's this one time he actually felt this so-called feeling love blooming in his heart. And that was 2 or 3 years ago.

It started when he was a first year. When the team and him we're having their training camp in Tokyo. That time, Hinata and Kageyama had their very first fight, that's why they didn't get in contact with each other for a few days. And that's when Hinata realized his feelings for the blueberry. The two of them are rivals. Team mates. Friends. Best friends. Heck! Even other people thought that the two of them were dating, and that made Hinata's heart jump in delight every time. But... That was until Kageyama announced that him and Yachi started dating at their last days of their first year. Of course, everyone rejoiced! No one knew about Hinata's unrequited feelings for the king. They never knew that he was unconsciously hurting when the blonde and the raven started going out with each other.

But still. Hinata remained happy for the two of them. He thought that those feelings of his were just a phase because Hinata and Kageyama had been together for so long, yet he still thought it wrong. That was until their third year. Hinata realized that his feelings for Kageyama back then till now weren't just a phase. It was real. Every thought about it made Hinata's heart ache. Hinata can't deny it any longer. HE feels jealous of Yachi, that's just normal for people, but he just let them be.

The ginger started to avoid and ignore Yachi and Kageyama, but he also ignored Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. Nobody know why. Everybody knows how close Hinata and Kageyama are, and everyone feels envious of that relationship of theirs, but it's also a cute and wholesome sight to see. With this sudden ignorance coming from the human version of the sun, everyone wondered. It's not a normal sight to see the tangerine ignore his closest best friend all of a sudden in thin air, especially the other four. They were the closest group after all. But Tsukishima caught up to the drama and understood some parts, yet he didn't tell the others. And that's a relief when Hinata knew. Tsukishima not-so-completely understands the situation, but he understands the one-sided love that the tangerine have for the king. And he also, respects Hinata's privacy even though after all the drama they have been together.

And that's when it hit Hinata, after so long, he chose to keep those feelings of his away. Away from people. Away from society. And away from the world, only keeping it to himself which pains him the most. Hinata never really understood why he likes Kageyama. It made him wonder to the extent he thought that this secret of his would be revealed to everyone. And that one quote didn't help at all. /Secrets Won't Be Secrets For Long/.

Remembering everything that happened from the past, Hinata's once curious look, saddened which made Emiko wonder. "Shouchan? Are you alright...?"
Hinata looked at the female, a sad smile on his face as he said the words out off his 'annoying mouth', "I'm sorry to say this to you, Namichan... You're a nice and great person... but... I need to reject you—" "No, no! It's alright! We just met— No. We just met up today! I totally understand why you're rejecting me. We don't know each other enough, but I can wait!—" Emiko said. Cutting off Hinata which shock the ginger to the extent he felt bad.

"It's not just that Namichan... It's just that... Someone already stole my heart and I can't... still... move one from him..." Hinata explained. Looking down at the ground as he tightly grip the bag of chocolates in his hands.

Emiko looked at Hinata, frozen as she still showed a caring smile on her face. "It's okay Shouchan... I understand... That person would be delighted to know that they've got an admirer such as yourself" She stated. Sadness in her voice as she looked at Hinata with caring eyes. "I don't think they'll be delighted, Namichan..." Hinata said. Tears filled up his eyes as he hold them all up. "What do you mean? Everyone would be delighted to know that they have one AMAZING person having a crush on them!" Emiko argued. The female heard a faint laugh coming from the ginger as she just stared at him. "It's because... the one I like... already has a girlfriend..."

As Hinata said the one he likes has a girlfriend, that was the time that it struck Emiko. Does Hinata likes boys? Or does he mean that the girl he likes already has a girlfriend, meaning the girl he likes is lesbian or bi? Or maybe Hinata is bi... Was the questions present in her head. "Girlfriend?"

"Mmhm... Girlfriend... I've known him longer yet he fell inlove with our manager..."

Girlfriend? Manager? in Volleyball? He did say he knew him longer... "Is it Yachan and Kageyama-san?" She said quietly, but Hinata heard it. "Yes... It's them... I've only knew my feelings for Kageyama when we're at a training camp in Tokyo in our first years. Then I keep ignoring my feelings thinking it was a phase when I knew Kageyama and Yachi were dating, so I kept my distance from them..." Explained Hinata as he sat on the snowy ground. Emiko looked down as she did the same and looked at the ginger in sorrow. "I see..."

"But it's all in the past know... I can just move on, but I don't know if I keep trying hard enough... Can you help me... Emiko Chinami?..." Hinata looked at Emiko with a smile ever so sad that it's hard to believe that this is the living sun that they all have been talking about. Emiko looked at Hinata and with a smile, she agreed.

The two enjoyed each other's company as they skipped their whole schedule and tell stories about each other.


Happy late valentines, everyone! I hope everyone is doing alright!

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