"Shauyo?" He called out, tilting his head as his brows furrowed in confusion. The silhouette behind Shouyo looked back and forth, confusion, also shock lacing his face. "What are you doing here, Shachin?"
"Wha- Who- There's —"
"It's best not to question it, Koushi. But, it is better if we are the ones who will introduce him to you—"
"There's no need for that, Sawamura. I know him. . . Shouyo already told me. It's just that. . . I just couldn't believe that there really is a carbon-copy of Shouyo. . ."
"Seeing is believing they say. . ." Shauyo remarked, smirking at the silver-headed male as Sugawara smiled back at him. "Koushi. Sugawara Koushi, Shauyo-san."
"Pleased to meet you in this state of yours, Sugawara-san."
"I've seen enough in the side-lines, and I have already opened my eyes. I just regret being so blind. . . that I didn't even notice the small details before. . . And now, it's too late. . ." Sugawara's smile dimmed, releasing a chuckle afterwards. "There is no such thing as late or not. The past may not change, but the future can." Shauyo calmly smiled as he eyed his brother, Shouyo, who just smiled bitterly at him. "That is, if you make the right decisions. . ." Shouyo finished, looking down at the ground as he let out a sigh.
"Darn this. . . I could not believe this is really happening. . ."
"Suck it up, Sho. It is happening. Whether you like it or not."
"Well, of course I am sucking this up, Shachin! You made this happened! You should've just called me!" Shouyo slumped his back, pouting. "You think I didn't? Check your phone, Sho."
Shouyo did as he was told. He checked his phone, opening it — Only to be met by dozen of missed calls on his lock screen. "Oh"
"Well. . . For starters, I apologize for missing your calls. . ."
"Apology accepted. Now, going back to our main discussion," Shauyo grunted, letting out a grin as he eyed the opposing group. "Since Sugawara, Daichi, Asahi and Nishinoya broke the 'curse' — I believe they have every right to know what we, brothers, are planning."
"Plan? What plan? I didn't know we have a plan—"
"You're not in, Shouyo. It's between me and our older brothers."
"But why!?—"
"It's because if we told you about the plan, you would be against it. And we cannot let that happen." Explained Shauyo which Shouyo gaped his mouth. The older twin stumbled as he let out a gasp. "I see. . . You don't trust me enough. . ."
"NO! Sho, it's not like that! We do trust you!—" The younger twin defended but was cut off. "Don't try to make excuses now, Shauyo. I know why. . . It's because I would forgive them, right?. . ." Shauyo went silent, eyes big as he gulped, thinking how he would resolve this problem which he brought to himself. "Answer me, Shauyo. What I said was correct, right?. . . RIGHT!?"
Shauyo flinched, breaking his train-of-thoughts as he stared at his older twin.
(Note: Shouyo is much more older than Shauyo for a couple of minutes)
"Shouchin. . . please. . ." the younger pleaded, gulping once more as he stared at the ground. "Please what, Shauyo?" Shouyo glared at his twin. Both lost in their own world, forgetting the company they've got.
As someone cleared their throat, Shauyo and Shouyo averted their gaze from one another. Though, Shauyo did feel guilty, but he has no time for that, for now that is.
"I'm sorry for getting in the way of your fight, Shouyo, Shauyo, but I'm sure that the two of you are forgetting that we are still here." Sugawara scratched the back of his neck, chuckling as he let out a nervous smile. "But either way. . . Shouyo still hasn't forgiven me, or them. . ."
Shouyo chuckled, a small smile crept into his lips as he replied to the silver-headed male; "Even though I still haven't forgiven you, Koushi-senpai, Daichi-senpai and Noya-senpai, it does remind me of the olden days. . . I miss them. . ."
"Wait. . . What about Asahi?—"
"Oh! Asahi-senpai didn't even say or do anything. We all know that he's just scared. He may look scary, but he is a softie!" Shouyo purred, smiling brightly as he changed his expression once more, but now, a sincere one.
Asahi blushed a deep-red, scratching his cheeks sheepishly. "I. . . Erm. . . I- I don't really know what to say. . . Thank you, Hina- Shouyo. . ."
"What is there to thank for, Asahi-senpai? You sure deserve it. Even though you didn't defended me, you are just being you which is pretty normal!" He chirped out. Sugawara and Daichi laughed, Nishinoya fell on the ground and laughed his heart out. Tsukishima let out a snicker as the rest restrained to laugh.
On the other hand, Asahi's cheeks reddened more in embarrassment, laughing with them awkwardly.
Shouyo walked past through Shauyo, whispering in his ear; /"We'll discuss what needs to be discussed later."/
Shauyo remained silent, reflecting what happened this certain day. It took some time before he regained his calm state. Shauyo looked around, the laughter dying as a certain girl decided to ruin the atmosphere that is created.
"Uhm. . . Excuse me, but I believe that we should be going home now. . . It's getting late after all. . ." A high-pitched voice remarked, stepping out of the crowd. You think I would let you do this, huh, Hinata Shouyo? After all my hard work, I won't let you ruin it.
The Hinata twins looked at her dead in the eyes, hoping that she would just disappear. Even though they are at odds now, they would surely wish for the same thing, after all, they are Hinatas.
"That bítch would always ruin what is fun. . ." Shauyo murmured which Shouyo agreed to. The group who sided with May agreed with her with nods until one stated the obvious. "Wait. . . If Mrs. Michiya and the two already left. . . Then who would bring us home?. . ."
Everyone looked at each other as they pondered the same, Realizing it now, what would we do?, soon after, everyone looked at their previous captain. "Don't look at me. I don't even know. And just a reminder, Tanaka took us here, so why not ask him."
"HAAAAA!? ME?---"
"It is you that brought us here, so yeah. What's the plan, senpai?" Tsukishima said.
The Hinata twins looked at each other, smirking as both already thought of a plan. "Well. . . since May is right and the fireworks display got cancelled. . . Then we should go home now, Shouchin. There's nothing to do here now. And besides that, our family must be worried." Shauyo started, looking at Shouyo with knowing eyes.
"I guess you are right, Shauyo. Mother and father must've been worried by now. It's best if we go home now."
The twins held each other's hands by their pinky, walking away slowly as they were once again stopped. "Wait! Your house must've been in Miyagi, right?. . . Why don't you be a dear, Hinata, and take your school mates with you."
Shameless. The opposing group; Tsukishima, Yachi, Nishinoya, Kiyoko, Asahi, Sugawara and Daichi thought. "I'm sorry, Ma(e)y(lyn). . . But our rest house is near here, so there is no need for us to go to Miyagi prefecture. That's way too far." Purred Hinata, a grin making its way on his lips as he continued; "But. . . Tsuki, Yachan, Shimizu-chan, Noya-senpai, Koushi-chan, Dai-chan and Azu-senpai can come with us if they want to."
"We have a match in three days! Why would we want our players with the likes of you!?"
"Well, their decision is not made by you, it comes from them." Shouyo, followed by Shauyo, turned around and continued. "So? What do you guys say?" The twins looked at the group whose looks are dumb-founded. "Uhmm. . . Sho. . . I think you broke them. . ."
"That clearly isn't my intention. . ."
"Then why are they broken?—"
"Beats me, Shauyo. Beats me."
"Say. . . While we're waiting for their answers, don't you think this happened before?"
"Déjà vu? Yep. . . I sensed it. . . Somehow, this is all familiar, and I don't like it. . ."
"Yeah. . . You're right. . ."
A moment of silence bestowed upon them. The group whom they are acquainted to is still malfunctioning while the others are either scowling or thinking of a way to go home.
"And somehow. . . I don't like the silence. . ." The older twin murmured, looking around.
[Meanwhile — In the University of Tokyo Hospital]
Inside a private ward; There lies Hikari.
The said male has been on the ward for an hour or so. Bandage covering his neck, arms and legs — On the other hand, let's just say his body is covered with the white clothe. His burns are already treated as it needed and so was his wounds, all stitched up perfectly.
His fingers flinched as his eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the light. Where am I. . . Hikari thought. The first thing he saw was the blinding light and the white ceiling.
The injured-blond yelped as he attempted to sit. "Seriously. . . What happened—" He let out, holding his head that is throbbing in pain. "Ah. . . Right. . ."
As Hikari slid his legs off the bed, wincing, the door burst open, revealing his family. "Fa-ther?. . . Mot-her. . . ? Wha-t are you—" He spoke, his voice, cracking, as he cleared his throat.
"Oh my poor, poor baby!" His mother, Aelia, pounced at him, hugging him tightly at the process. "M-moth-er — Yo- Yo-u're cho-king m-e—" For crying out loud! I may not have died from the explosion, but I would certainly die from your hug, mother!, Hikari can't help but thought.
"Mother, you should stop hugging Hikari by now. He is turning blue." Shouto, the golden child along Shouyo, stated with his calm, monotone yet poisonous voice. "I'm sorry! I just couldn't help it!" Their mother looked at her eldest, then looked back at Hikari, saying; "Forgive your dear mother, my sweet pea. . . I was just so worried! We came here as soon as possible after hearing the news! Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? The doctor said that your injuries aren't that serious but even so!—"
"Mother, I am fine. A few injuries wouldn't kill me." Hikari held his mother's hands, giving her a soft smile that soon turned into a frown. "But over all. . . I don't know about Shouyo— Huh!?" Hikari looked around the room again and again, noticing that his dear brothers aren't there. "Wa- Whe- Where's Shouyo and Shauyo!?"
"Shauyo volunteered to fetch Shouyo with Léo. Though, it has already been quite some time since he took off." Explained Shouto, looking at his wrist-watch. "How. . . could you. . . leave Shouyo. . . In Shauyo's hands!? Are you insane!?" The second eldest glared at the elder one, gritting his teeth as the elder only looked at him, unfazed.
"Be reasonable here, Hikari. We all know that Shouyo is older than Shauyo for a couple of seconds or minutes. There is nothing to worry about. Both are responsible. They know their duties more than anyone." Shouto retorted, looking at Hikari in the eyes as he let out a 'tsk'. "In fact. They can take care of themselves perfectly. In addition, your favoritism would be the end of you. Someday."
"Y'know. . . I always found you annoying. . . with your correct remarks and such. . . It makes me want to. . . crush your skull. . ." Hikari scowled at the older latter who just rolled his eyes. "I will wait for the day it would likely happen. Just do not be so sure that you will win. Because I. . . I would not hold myself back this time."
"Are you belittling me, huh, Shouto!? You're just jealous because Shouyo's much more greater than you!—"
"Firstly. I am no where near jealous for Shouyo. Secondly, who said I'm belittling you? You are just being delusional. It is very unprofessional of you. Third and foremost, you are just adopted, so you have no grounds talking to me like you are superior. May it be by blood or by rank, you are nowhere near me." Shouto maliciously countered, looking down at the patient that just clenched his fists.
"Shouto! That's too much!— Kenji! Say something!" Aelia clung into her husbands arm, tugging it. Kenji, on the other hand, let out a sigh, massaging his forehead. "Boys. That's enough." He once more sighed as he looked at the boys that just argued. "But, Shouto is right at some point though, Hikar—"
"Right? About what? The point that I was adopted?" Hikari sharply looked at his 'father', glaring at him as he looked at the clean sheets that are wrinkled by his doing.
"That was not what I was referring to, Hikari. Shouto is right about Shouyo and Shauyo being responsible. Shouyo and Shauyo are not to be taken as kids anymore. Both of them are independent. They know how to handle—" Kenji stopped, eyes widening.
But it's not just him whose world seemed to stop, the whole family felt it, too.
They stopped. No one dared to talk. It's as if they were paralyzed. It's as if time stopped. The Hinatas felt as if a wave-like-feeling rushed through them.
"Shouyo. . ." They all whispered, rapidly looking at each other with knowing looks. "Did you guys. . ." One of the twins, Seíjun, said as the other, Sachìo, finished with; "Felt that. . . ?"
"It's just like. . . the time when Shou-nii or Sha-nii was. . ." Emma looked at the floor, 'brows furrowed together as she looked up with widened eyes. "crying. . ."
"It can't be. . . Sha-nii was suppose to deliver the news that 'Karu-nii is alright. . . There's no need for Sho-nii to cry devastated. . ." Reasoned Natsu, hiding behind Sachìo's leg.
Though, she was right, of course. This news was a good one, so why is Shouyo crying?. . . Why was he even crying?
"That is unless. . . Something else happened, of course. . ." Shouto rested his chin between his thumb and index. "Maybe. . . Just maybe. . . He met SOMEONE. . . Or he met THEM. . . Though, this is only my assumption, him meeting them is no coincidence. . ."
Shouto looked at Hikari whom just growled at him. "You know something, don't you, Hikari? Something happened before the two of you arrived at the place."
"Don't looked at me like that, Shouto. I don't know anything other than mother's sister, Citrine, wants to meet us at the Disney World/Place. When Shouyo messaged her, letting her know that we are near/already near the place, he mentioned that she has—" Hikari stopped mid-way, his eyes widening once more at the realization. "company. . ."
"Mommy. . . do you think Aunty. . ." Natsu looked at her mother, Aelia, who just stood their, hair covering her eyes as her gaze darkened. "Kids. The car. Now."
"But mother! What about Hikari's legs? We can't just force him to walk and run around with the condition he is in!" Sachìo reasoned, stepping up. "He just finished his treatments. We could not afford for it to worsen as it already is, mother." Seíjun crossed his arms, looking at Shouto whom just sighed. "To be precise — Hikari's wounds would take about a month or two or more to heal at-most. Him moving too early, especially after treatment would just worsen his wounds. And if that, indeed, happen, it would result to an infection, and it would likely deepen the wound." Shouto explained.
Aelia hesitated, looking at Hikari who just stared at her. "Then. . ."
"Then we'll ask for a wheel-chair. Or, one of you could carry him." Kenji stated as the room went quiet.
"We'll take the latter."
"Sachìo! Get the doctor!"
"Wha- Why me!?"
"You are just right behind the door, Sachìo"
"Ugh! Fine!"
"C'mon! Quickly now!"
"We can't afford to lose too much time!!
[Back To Shouyo]
"You sure this would work, Sho?. . ."
"Affirmative. I mean. . . It did work last time?. . ."
"It did but. . . who knows if it could happen this time? Especially when you're just using crocodile tears."
"This is the only thing I could think of, Shauyo."
"Geez. You've gotten dumb."
"Tell that to yourself."
"How rude of you to say that to your twin, Shouyo."
"I can say whatever I want. And no one can stop me."
"Hmm. . . Mother can stop you, as well as father and Shouto-nii—"
"Alright, alright! I know and get it! So stop. It's not like you're one to talk. . ."
"HAH!? What did you just say!?"
"They're. . . bickering again. . . ?" Tsukishima eyed the redheads, his 'brows furrowed in annoyance. "That's pretty normal. . . For them. . ." Yachi shivered at the thought of the past, slapping herself from thinking any further. Sugawara laughed, waving his hands up and down. "Both of them remind me of a certain duo—"
"Please, Suga-san. Don't finish your sentence any further. Seeing those two small-fries bicker already makes my brain ache. Adding up would make it explode."
"Tsukishima! Don't be like that!" Sugawara chuckled, slapping Tsukishima's back. "Koushi! Leave Tsukishima alone."
"What if I don't want to, Sawamura?"
"Then. . ."
"Then what?~"
"Then. . . you'll get it later. Don't test my patience, Sugawara Koushi."
"Ew. . ." Asahi covered Nishinoya's eyes as Nishinoya keeps on peeking. "Ca- Can you please get a room?. . . A lot of people here aren't in relationships, Daichi. . ."
"Don't be like that, Asahi! Nishinoya is there with you! And Tsukishima has Shouyo! Other than that, Yachi has Kiyoko! What's there to worry about?" Sugawara smiled, patting Asahi's back.
In mentioning Tsukishima and Hinata, the two boys blush as both looked at each other, averting as soon as they make eye contact.
M- Me!? Wi- With Tsu- Tsukishima!? The bea- beanpole!? The- There's no way. . . Ri- Right. . . ?, Shouyo thought, covering his blushing face with his hands and sleeves. "Seriously, Shouchin. You get fluttered too easily."
"I'm not!" Shouyo retorted, still blushing. "Then. . . You're in love?~" With that, Shouyo's cheeks reddened more; a deep shade of red spread across his cheeks to his ears. "I- I'm not. . . M- Me and Tsu- Tsukishima are rivals. . . There is no way I would fall for him. . ."
"Hmm. . . Whatever you say, Sho. Whatever you say."
"Wha- You still don't believe me!?"
Shauyo shrugged, "Hmm. . . I don't know what you're talking about, Shouyo."
"Ugh! I hate you!"
"Love you, too!"
On the other hand, Tsukishima stood there, not moving. His face red from either embarrassment or the rapid beating of his heart. Meanwhile, Yachi giggled, eyeing Tsukishima as she took pictures of him of being a tomato.
Good tea, happy friends!, Yachi innocently smiled, scrolling down her phone's gallery.
It didn't took quite some time for trouble to come knocking again. If there's no trouble, there's no tea, right?
[Back To The Hinatas]
"Come on now! Get in, get in!"
The car was crowded — The two adults, Aelia and Kenji sat at the front while the youngest, Emma and Natsu sat in the second row with the twins, Sachìo and Seíjun.
However, the third row has a certain competition going on without Shouto noticing. To say the least, he did notice it but paid no mind. "Hikari. I advice you not to glare at me like that."
"And? What'd you gonna do? Kick me out? Lower my rank? Hah. You can't even fight a roach," Hikari snorted. "How can you even fight me. You're just a good-for-nothing-bastard." Whispered the injured-blond.
Though, Shouto did not say or do anything, it is his job as the eldest to remain calm and collected. If he did something uncanny, he would label it as unprofessional and he would likely face the
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