Shouyo Hinata's POV:
I walked aimlessly. My world feels like crumbling, falling apart after hearing the news about my dear brother.
He was just about to buy food for the both of us because I. . .
. . . I guess everyone already knows, heh. . .
Doesn't it mean that this is all my fault?. . . I'm such a failure! How did I let this happen!? Why!? WHY!? WHY!? Why. . .
This day. . . was suppose to be fun —
This day. . . was for us to relax!
To forget stress and unpleasant feelings!
And now. . . I ruined everything. . . If I didn't ask nii-san to go out then this wouldn't happen! If I didn't plan to go to this stupid park, then none of this would happen! Nii-san wouldn't get hurt! . . .
Also. . . They're here. . .
Those back-stabbing so-called 'friends' are HERE.
Can't this day get any worse. . .
First, I almost lost my older brother. . . And now. . . I confronted them HERE!
Such bad luck at the third day of our vacation. . .
I thought everything; from bad to worst. I couldn't just bare the pressure. The PAIN that I have encountered the very same day.
I wavered, gritting my teeth as I stop myself from crying. Releasing a deep breath, I stopped from my walking as I bit my lower lip. My eyes began to water as I my grip on the hem of my shirt tightened.
"Are you perhaps, Shouyo? Hinata 'Akashi' Shouyo?" A familiar voice called. A shadow of two emerged in front of me as I widen my eyes.
I rapidly lifted my head as I gulped. Could this be? . . . My thoughts raced, and is now a mess. I, myself, couldn't handle my tears as they fall. Sobbing, I pounced at the two figures as I hugged the both of them tightly.
"There, there, Sho. . . There, there. . ." Another familiar voice said, patting my back as I sobbed onto them. "To- Tomi-nii. . . A- Ae-nii. . ." I muttered between sobs, hugging them tightly and gripping their shirts.
"Don't worry, Sho. . . You're brother is fine. . . /He will be . . ./" Ae-nii, or also known as Raphael Fumiko Anderson attempted to calm me down, which did and didn't work at the same time.
|| Raphael Fumiko Anderson is one of my brother's friends. Or their both more than friends — They're best friends. He has a little brother, the same age as me — Or was he older? Or younger than me?. . . Don't know. I really don't re-call. Anyways, continuing. He was half-Japanese and half-American; he and his family settled in Japan when he was little as my brother told me last time. As far as I re-called, he studied law and anything related to that (which I think is hard —). He has raven-black hair, and has green-yellow-ish eyes. He looks intimidating, yes. But he is a softie — Sometimes. . . ||
"Rapha is right, Sho. . . You're brother — Well he doesn't look good with wounds, but his leg has a huge wound and he has burns all over —" Tomi-nii, also known as Tomioka Koharu stopped his so-called soothing (Though, it sounds like he's bickering and complaining at the same time —) as Ae-nii nudged his should with him glaring at the dirty-blonde (Tomioka).
|| Tomioka Koharu is also one of my brother's friends. His best friend apart from Ae-nii. He's an only child coming from a family full of doctors, nurses and anything related to that. And saying that he came from a line of medical professionals, he, too, studied medicine and such. He has dirty-blonde (or was is a bright blonde?) hair, along with blue eyes. He looks friendly, child-like (child-ish), yes. Indeed he is. ||
"/What the hell are you saying, dumbass!?/" Whispered Raphael to Tomioka who just glared at Raphael back. "/Soothing Shouyo, you idiot! What do you think I'm doing!/" Tomioka whispered back.
I do wonder why they are whispering to each other knowing that I can hear them since. . . Well. . . I'm still hugging them.
"/You're the idiot here! You're not soothing him! You're just making it worse!/"
/"Oh yeah!? Then why don't you do it then! I'm just merely stating facts about his brother —"
"HEY! What was for!?"
"That's for being a huge piece of shit." Raphael said to Tomioka. He (Raphael) began to pat my hair as my tears slowly began to stop falling. "Now. . . Shouyo, our dear, dear Shouyo. Don't listen to this air-head, okay? You're brother's doing fine. He's no where near emergency-state. Yes, as this air-head did mentioned; You're brother has a severe wound in his leg but that's all that it is. So don't worry now. You're brother is already at the hospital being aided. . ."
I inhaled my runny nose as I coughed with a nodding head. I lessened my grip to the two as I rest my head in Raphael's chest.
"He's going to be fine, right? . . ."
"As I said, yes. Indeed he is. So don't worry. . . We got it all under control" Raphael comforted, showing a soft, small smile as I, too, showed a small smile in return. "That's. . . Good news then. . ."
"Yes. But sadly, there's a lot of bad news proceeding this investigation. . ." Raphael sighed, his nose scrunched as his eyes squinted. "What do you mean???" I asked, letting them go and standing straight. I tilt my head in confusion.
"The damage is big. Too big I must say. I conducted that this is an act of mass murder, but I'm not too sure yet. There's nothing to show whether my theory is true or not. So if ever, investigations about this incident would be written and told as an accident."
Tomioka sighed and placed his hands of his hips. "That is indeed true. A lot is missing, and thus, this mess is even bigger away from the naked eyes. The government would keep these theories a secret and tell the public that it is an accident caused by a food stall and such. But, I do also believe what Rapha said is true."
I placed my hand under my chin as my curiousness got the best of me — I mean there's no harm in helping, right? Especially when my own brother was a victim. . .
"How so?"
"What do you mean, Sho-chan?" Tomioka and Raphael looked at me; with Raphael having a deadpan expression as if he anticipated this, and with Tomioka looking at me with a brow raised. "I mean. . . Why do you believe, Ae-nii? It's not that I also don't believe him, but I am curious for your reason!" I chirped, putting both my hands behind my back as I gave them both a smile. I do believe Ae-nii, too. But, there's a reason in everything you say or do. There will always be a reason. . . And besides reasons; what Ae-nii theorized is indeed believable — Especially at such incident like this.
There's just no way that this is an accident. It's too big to be an accident either way. . .
"Hmm. . . It's not just about believing, Sho. Sometimes, instincts are right. . . And, I think this is just too big to be a coincidence. The explosion is big. Too big, I must say. . . It's like they've planned this out — Every ounce of this." Tomioka scrunched his brows as he looked at the scene with disgust. I must say, he is right. He does have a point.
This is too much to be a coincidence. . . In fact. I think this — All of these, are part of a plan. . . A massacre. . . But why did they even plan a massacre in the first place? Will they even benefit by doing this? — Unless. . .
They're here for someone. . .
As my eyes widen of shock at what I claimed, I let out a shaky gasp; trembling at the fact that it could be true or not. And since we are living in a world full of unexpectable and unexplainable things, the thought would be even scarier.
"Sho? Shouyo? What's wrong?" Raphael called, confusion written on his face as one of his 'brows are scrunched. "Rapha? What do you mean? Shouyo's completely fine —" Tomioka stopped half-way as he turned his head towards me. Asking the same question Raphael asked.
But. . . What if. . . Just a little what if. . .
What if. . . What I thought is true? . . .
Then what should I do. . . If they planned this massacre because of him? . . .
Because of my. . . brother? . . .
No, no. . . Snap out of your thoughts, Shouyo. It cannot be. Our family isn't that well known — I guess. . . They aren't, and will not be for your dear brother.
This just cannot be. . . My brother doesn't have any enemies! Well. . . Not that I can think of. . .
It just don't make any sense. . .
"Hey —" Someone grabbed my shoulder as I flinched, looking up rapidly as sweat drip off my chin. "Shouyo? Are you alright? . . . You seem out of it." Raphael crouched to my level, speaking in a sweet tone as began to wipe off my sweat.
"I- I'm fine. . . I'm just. . . thinking of something — Nothing important, really! You guys should, uhmm. . . Go back to your jobs? . . . I don't want your bosses to be angry at you two because of me. . ."
"It's alright, Sho. . . We'll stay if you want. No need to think about our bosses. What matters here is you. . . We need to take care for you, too, you know. You're like a little brother to us. . ." Tomioka ruffled my hair with a smile ever so kind. It is true, they are like an older brother to me, but. . . I just can't steal them from their jobs. . . Their jobs are important.
More important than me. . .
"No, no. I insist. . . Please. . . Go back to your jobs, Tomi-nii, Ae-nii. . . I don't want you guys to be suspended from your work. . . Or worse. . . Fired or expelled. . ." I looked down, rubbing my shoulder.
(Author speaking with a /British/ accent: "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another 'clever' idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled.")
"Are you sure, Sho? We could just take a leave to aid you —"
"It's alright! I'll be fine, /hopefully/. . . You guys should help your crews. . . ! I'll be just around the corner! . . ." I smiled, /happily/ as ever. Please take it. . . Please believe it. . . I chanted on my brain; letting out a gulp that I hope they wouldn't notice.
I heard Raphael sighed as he looked at Tomioka who just nodded slowly. "If you insist, Sho. . . But, we'll be right back after our job is finished, okay?" Raphael rubbed his temple as he, then, ruffled my hair. "And! We'll take you home afterwards, is that alright?" I nodded at Tomioka's statement as I smiled, small rather.
"We'll go now. . ."
"See you late, Sho! . . ."
I waved at them, their silhouettes slowly dispersing as my smile completely dropped. I'll be okay. . . I /know/ that I'll be okay! . . . Right. . . ? I let my hand down; my hands being intertwined behind my back as my head, down. I walked slowly, heading towards where my other /family/ is. Where /they/ are.
It's just a wonder to me why Raion knows them. Did they have a practice match together, or what? . . . Maybe the first option. . .
I cleared my throat, gulping as I became nervous for no reason. This really is a disastrous day. . . What a nightmare. . .
I never really planned to meet them, here or there. I just didn't plan on it, and I will never ever planned on it. . . Right? . . .
Okay! . . . Plan A; I. . . I'll just tell them that I'm Shauyo, Shouyo's — I mean, my twin! Yeah, a- and I- I'll pretend that I don't know them, because. . . I'm pretending to be my twin. . . Tha- that would work, right. . . ?
Or maybe. . .
Plan B; I could. . . tell them that I- I'm disguising as Shouyo, myself, be- because Shouyo, I, am sick. . . ?
I don't think this is gonna work — I mean. . . Raion, Tetsuko, and even Aunty are there; they would notice immediately! How am I gonna act through them!? . . .
Nevermind. . . You'll never know until you try, r- right. . .
As I was so deep in thought, I didn't notice — Well, I did notice, but. . . Not that much? . . . Anyways — I heard someone called my name; a familiar voice, rather. A voice that I would always hear in practice a year ago. . . When everything is still fine. . .
When everything was still. . . fun. . .
I looked up, holding my tears as I scrunched my 'brows out of anger, or was it disgust or pity? I'll never know the answer to that. . . Not know. . . Maybe I'll know next time, or in the future? But for now, let's just focus on what's happening on the present.
"U- Uhh — Wh- Who is this /Shouyo/ you speak o- of? . . . I. . . I think you have mistaken me for someone who is called /Shouyo/. . ." I said, having the fakest and nervous smile I have ever showed. I hope. . . I really hope that they buy that. . . Sweat has begun to show up in my forehead, dripping as I still continue with my façade.
I heard — No. Not just that. I saw, someone — a group, rather, slowly walk forward as I took a step back.
Why is everything going wrong today!? Why are they walking towards me!? . . . I should've just stayed at home and eat Connie! — I mean. . . Sasha's Potatoes! — Wait- no — I mean Kurooster! — Wha- no! I- I mean Tsukishima's salty dino nuggies with Kageyama's milk and berries! I — Even my mind is thinking so odd and so wrong today! . . . Ugh. . . I- I give up. . .
"Don't lie to us. Hinata." A 'sweet' voice of a certain someone said with venom as I squint my eyes at them. "/Lie? Who are they fooling here. . . Themselves?/" I whispered, scoffing as I thought, You're just making yourselves fools here!
I, once again scoffing, glared at them; Planning to say something. . .
"Really now? Lie? Now, now. Why would I even lie about being someone I am not? Why would I even accept the fact that a mere stranger said to me that I lied even when you lot do not know me? Would that not be fair now? Listen. I do not, and never knew all of you, you misleading people." I grit my teeth as I said every single word that I spoke with venom.
I mean. . . Who do they think they all are!? They are all just peasants anyways! They do dare call me a liar!? — Wait. . . Yeah — Right. . . Right. . . I'm hiding my identity and lying to them. Now. . . Well. . .
I do not really count, am I right? — I mean. . . I do have a reasonable reason for doing these. . . Ha. . . Haha. . .
My inner Akashi is showing up — Damn this stupid blood with royal measurements! . . .
Sighing once more; I looked at them in the eyes, observing their movements. . . And their beautiful reactions. I smirked to myself knowing that I made some of them nervous, while the others; frightened. Well, well, well~ Look at their reactions! It's so. . . It's so. . . So. . . Fascinating to see!~
I let out an inaudible giggle — Eyes filled with malicious intent. Oh dear~ This would be so much fun. . . And painful!~
"Wha- What do you mean!? Do- Don't lie to us now, Hinata! We knew you long enough to figure out it's you!" Tanaka-senpai blurted out; clenching his hands as his eyes filled with embarrassment and. . . fear. . .
What a gorgeous sight, indeed, I thought to myself, though, I'm still feeling un-easy with them.
"Really now, bald boy? Have you got any proof that I am this Hinata, Shouyo you speak of? Do you have any reason to call me a name that I am not?" I took a step forward, gaining some confidence.
"I- I. . . OI! TSUKISHIMA, YOU BEANPOLE, HELP ME HERE!" Tanaka pleaded as he shouted at the tall blonde who seemed to be taller than the last time I've seen him. "What do you mean help you, you idiot? You have gotten into this mess because of your cockiness, so why should I, Tsukishima, Kei, help you?" Tsukishima smugly said to Tanaka as he took a glance at me — Probably saying that he knows it is really me and that I can't lie to him —
That beanpole really has the guts to look at me like that! Hmph! . . . He dares give me a signal that he would always, and I quote; always finds a way to know. . . That Saltyshima is unbearable!
My lips formed a line as my eyes focused on Tsukishima, and suddenly. . . I thought of a plan~
"You know, baldy. . . That tall, handsome man was right. Why ask for help if you, yourself, got into this mess with your other buddies. It would not be fair to ask help for others who are not included in this mess that you all—" I pointed out to the group, excluding Yachi, Kiyoko, Nishinoya, and Tsukishima as I continued, "— started. It is just not right. You all should know manners, as well as. . . Privacy. . ."
They all looked at me with wide eyes, except for the four (I guess you all know who these four is now). I, on the other hand, let out a smirk on my face freely, letting them see. "See? I told you lot that I am not this Shouyo. In fact. . . I am different." I turned my back against them, waving my right hand at them.
"Just remember that I am no joke, people. Mess with me, and you will mess with something— Someone worse. And the three of you. . ." I said, pointing three fingers at Tetsuko, Raion, and my very dear Aunt who did not even informed me about them. . . "We. . . Will talk later at my father's office. Understand?"
The three of them nodded, eyeing dear ol' Aunty.
You dare go plan behind my back with them. . . You completely shattered and broke my trust for you, Aunt Citrine. You should have told me who those 'company' you brought with you, and then, I wouldn't have to console to you. . .
Leaning my head as I stared at the darkish-grey sky. Clearing my throat, I closed my eyes, giving myself the strength; the confidence, and the composure to reveal myself to them.
"Oh! And, by the way. . . You all are. . . right. I am that Hinata, Shouyo you all speak of! It is a flutter that you all still remember this dear /faker/ and /liar's/ name. . ." I purred, turning my head side-ways just to see their reactions. "And. . . Please do remember that during that one year we all spent together. . . My sincere, earnest, and actual self is nothing like that naïve, and oblivious tangerine you all knew and. . . loved. . . To tell the truth. . . I lied about myself the whole year, so. . . I apologize, and you all. . . Are not forgiven. . ."
【End of Chapter Four: Resolution... Forgive Or Forget? Pt. I】
【Words: 3424】
【All Rights And Credits To Their Rightful Owners】
【I apologize for the wrong spellings and wrong grammars, especially in the translations】
Author: I am sorry for the short chapter. And also, sorry for the delayed updates of the published chapters. There is still a long way to go, given to the fact that this is just the fourth chapter of the book. I apologize for that.
As an amateur writer, I deeply apologize for the lack of updates, late updates, and such. It is embarrassing to say that I am a writer, but I could not do anything about it since I also have my private life to handle.
This author is really sorry.
I, hopefully, would update more after the school year ended since there are still a few weeks after school is done, and after it is done, there is still another week to accomplish missing assignments which the author would
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