Hugs and No Words

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Brittany's POV:

How the hell am I supposed to answer that, I mean I can't just tell him about Derek, we barely even know each other. Right when I was about to give him some sort of excuse my phone began to that was easy. Not wanting to waste anymore time I grabbed my phone and answered it not bothering to see who it is.

"Hello?" I said

"BRITT WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!!!" My sister screamed through the speakers making me move away from the phone.

"I'm with Harry" I answered quietly.

"Oh so while I'm here worried sick about you, you are having fun with a pop star who you said you hated. You said that he was an annoying asshole that you can't stand and yet there you are with him doing God knows what!" She yelled very loudly.

"You hate me, and think that I am an annoying asshole?" A voice behind me asked with a disappointed voice. Damn, I didn't know that she was that loud. I turned around slowly with the phone next to my ear coming face to face with Harry. I hanged up the phone letting my arm fall down with the phone still in my palm.

"Well I-"

"So I am trying all this for nothing?" I honestly couldn't answer that question , I had nothing to say except,

"I'm sorry Harry" and with that I grabbed my things and left without saying another word. The flashes of his disappointed face still hunting my mind as I wait for a cab to come.

After a few minutes one finally stops and I get in telling him the address of my house. As he drives my head falls on the window and I close my eyes still thinking about Harry. Did I really hurt him that much?

I'm awaken by the voice of the cab driver. "Miss I believe that we are here" he says politely. I pay him and get out of the car heading home. As I unlock the door my sister is sitting on the couch watching tv and eating ice cream. She looks up at me and looks back down a second later. I throw my bag on the floor and walk over to the couch taking a seat right next to her.

"I'm sorry" I said. She simply ignored me so I continued. "I was just walking and thinking about...him, and I walked past the park that Derek used to take me to, and I decided to go in since it's been a while. I went to the swing set where we hanged out the most back in the day, and when I was there he" I stopped to take a breath, and noticed that Kelly's eyes were now in me. "Derek, he came out of nowhere and hh-e tried to kiss me but I wouldn't let him and so I ran but he said that he will find me wherever I'm hiding. So I went to the dance studio to try to calm down. I broke down while dancing" Now Kelly's eyes were wide. She knew that I don't cry much so this was a surprise for her. "Then out of nowhere Harry showed up and just hugged, which I didn't ask for but didn't object either. I fell asleep in his arms I think, and I woke up in his apartment. I went downstairs and we had I small tickle fight which made me smile but I remembered how D-Derek and I used to have those fights so I instantly stopped and then he asked what happened and I couldn't tell him b-because I, I just don't trust him enough. Then you called and screamed all those things that I said about him, and he heard you, and you would have to see the look on his face. It was like pain, disappointment, and a hint of anger put together. I just ran out and here I am." I end with a sight. "I'm so sorry Kelly I should've called but so much has happened and I-" I couldn't finish because I was attacked with a ginormous hug from my sister. She looked up at me with watery eyes, but instead I saying anything she hugged me tighter and we stayed like that for a while.

* * * 

Michelle POV:

I still haven't heard from Britt and I'm kind of worried about her. Right when I was about to call her I got a text message from Calum.

'Come to the balcony' is said. It's weird because I saw him today already, so what could he possibly want at this time. Not that I mind,no love spending time with Calum and getting to know him not as Calum Hood the singer, but as Calum Hood the boy who I'm totally whipped for, the normal teenage kid who loves music. Not wasting anymore time I stood up from my bed and walked to the glass doors separating my room from the balcony. I opened them slowly and let the wind tug my hair. I stepped fully out of my room until my hands were touching the barrier. I looked down and couldn't believe my eyes. There stood Calum in a tux with a rose in his hand. Before I could say anything he started talking.

"Michelle I know we know each other for not that long. But you are the only one who listens to me and wants to know that real me not the singer. You see past all my fame and you bring the real me back. I am usually really bad at those things but you make me happy and every time I think about you, which is a lot, I smile and wonder if you're thinking about me too. I wonder if every time you smile it's because of me. I wonder if you always enjoy our texting as much as I do. Michelle you make me happy, and I am real with you. You don't care about my fame, you care about me and I- well I prepared something for you so here it goes,

'Baby I, I wanna know what you think when you're alone, is it me yeah, are you thinking of me yeah. 

We've been friends now for a while, wanna know that when you smile is it me yeah, are you thinking of me yeah'

'Girl what would you do, would you wanna stay if I were to say'

'I wanna be last yeah baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss, I wanna be first yeah wanna be the first to take it all the way like this, and if you only knew, I wanna be last yeah baby let me be your last first kiss' (A/N so I am not writing the whole song because not all of you want it, and I'm too lazy haha, so Calum only sings this. I repeat he does not sing the whole song)

The next this I knew he was on my balcony walking towards me. I was frozen, tears me streaming down my face as I processes all the words that he spoke. My lips were slightly parted as I was breathing through them. I may have been stiff but my heart was beating faster than it ever has. My body was shaking a little bit as he walked closer and closer until he was right in front of me. "Michelle Elisabeth Jean would you be my girlfriend?" Tears rolling down faster. I am unable to speak so I do the first thing that comes to my mind. I cup his cheeks and bring his lips to mine. The kiss is gentle and passionate. My palms go to his hair tugging it a little bit. His hands travel to my waist and bring me closer if that's even possible. My hands leave his hair and travel up and down his arms. I break the kiss breathing heavily and look up at him through my eye lashes.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend Calum" is all I get to say before I am taken in another passionate kiss. His arm suddenly moves up and he put the rose between my curly hair and my ear. I smile into the kiss which makes him smile. We just stand there kissing in the moonlight while the wind is flying around us.

As much as I'm enjoying this I really need to call Britt.

(A/N: Adorable gif of Calum on the side ------------>)

* * *

Bitt's POV:

As Kelly is asleep on the couch I start to wonder about Derek. Why is he here and what does he want from me. The last time I checked he said that I'm a worthless slut that no one will ever care about, and now he's back. I'm scared to think about him, but I know that I can't be afraid forever. I will have to face him sooner or later. As I stand up to go to my room the doorbell rings. I look back at Kelly to make sure that she's still asleep. I quietly walk towards the door and unlock it. When I open the door I mentally freeze. Out of all the people



Anyway I would like to thank all my readers just because the last time I checked I had 247 reads which is pretty awesome. I really hope that you guys like my story and if you want to add any suggestions you are welcome to.

Thanks for reading...

Love you buttercups

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