Flashbacks and Crying

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Brittany's POV:

Today Kelly didn't have practice so we decided to stay home and watch a marathon of sloppy love movies that you usually watch after a breakup, but today was worse, today would've been Derek and mine's 2-year anniversary, but it's not anymore, yet the day just makes me feel so miserable every time I think about it. Kelly has been trying to cheer me up since she saw me in front of the bathroom mirror this morning just staring at my reflection.

"Brittany he isn't here anymore, don't worry about it" she reassured me.

"I know but I loved him so much, and he used to make me so happy a-and I-m" I tried to say but failed. I don't cry. The last time I cried was at my parents funeral. That's it.

"Britt I know you did, but you have to move on, he wasn't good for you, don't bury yourself in the thoughts of him, because he isn't worth shit, and you always did, and will deserve so much better ok?" She said. The moments like these I really am glad that I have her, she is not only my sister, but also my best friend and I love her.

"Thank you Kells, for being here for me" I smiled at her half heartedly and she returned the gesture. I really needed to get out of here ad get some fresh air.

"Kelly I think I'm gonna go out for a bit, I need some fresh air"

"Do you want me to come with you?" She asked genuinely.

"Nah it's fine I can use some time alone" I said while putting my shoes on.

"Ok just be careful" she said. I nod twice and leave the house.

* * * 

As I walked through the streets I start to remember the places that Derek used to take me, and then I remember my favorite one is just few minutes away. The Walt Disney Park. (A/N that place is made up so don't reach for it cuz u won't find anything like that) I remember how Derek an I used to always come here and he would swing me in the swing set. I remember how we used to have swinging competitions, how every time I won he would tackle me on the ground and tickle me until I can't breathe. I remember how we used to play Hide & Seek & Run which was a game that allowed us to run to different hideouts while the person was looking for us. I remember how when I ran he somehow always spotted me and did one of those cliché movements where he wraps his hands around my waist from behind, he picks me up and twirls me around in circles while I laugh. I look around and notice the swing set that I used to adore so much. I head towards it and pick my usual swing which was the first one among 4. I slowly sit down but don't swing. I push my legs back and forth but my feet are glued to the ground. My hands are wrapped around the silver chains of the swing and try to clear my mind. I start to hear some footsteps but I don't bother to look up. The footsteps get closer and closer, louder and louder until the steps come to a stop right in front of me. My eyes shift from the figure's feet to the head and as soon as my eyes connect with his, I jump off of the swing and take few steps back from him. Derek.

"Missed me?" He asked with a wicked smirk plastered on his face. The face that's once made me happy, the face that I used to touch,kiss, the face that I used to....love.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask feeling a lump in my throat as I speak.

"Oh Brittany did you really think that I would miss our 2-year anniversary. Come on babe give your boyfriend a kiss" he says casually. The way he looks at me makes me remember more of our shared moments, but I push them out and shake my head. He comes closer and takes my face in one of his rough hands tilting it up to look at him.

"I said kiss me you slut" he says. His eyes wide and angry, I know because every time he is angry his once hazel brown eyes turn a really dark shade of brown making him look really dangerous. I look into his eyes, the same eyes that I once adored, the eyes that once sparkled at the sight of me,the eyes that made me melt at the sight if them, but they don't anymore so I shake my head once more and say,

"No, I will not kiss you even if you'd be the last person on earth. I won't kiss you because you hurt me and caused me pain. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, and I will never love you the way I once did so don't come nea-" I am cut off by his lips on mine. The lips that once felt soft. The lips that I used to stare at in awe, the lips that made me go weak everywhere once upon a time, but they don't now. I lift my right hand and slide it across his cheek as hard as I can making his head snap to the left. I can see the red mark, but I use the time he is holding his face to run out of the park.

"This isn't over bitch, I will get what I want, I will get my revenge, I will find you wherever you're hiding" he yells as I run as fast as I possibly can. When I notice that he isn following me I slow down trying to even out my breath. I can't think straight and I need a way out of my thoughts which practically sound like this,

"Why is he here?"

"Why is he out if jail?"

"Did he come to kill me?"

"Did he escape prison?"

"Does he live near my house?"

"Will he try to find me?"

All those questions are running all over my head making me dizzy. There is only one place where I can relax.

The dance studio

* * * 

After I sign in I go to my usual practice room and change into my back up cloths incase the other ones get ruined or something. I take out my iPod and plug it in putting a song that fits my situation perfectly. "You Lost Me" by Christina Aguilera. The music starts playing and the words process in my head as I listen to them.

I am done

Smoking gun

We've lost it all

The love is gone

She has won

Now it's no fun

We've lost it all

The love is gone

The lyrics seem to tell the story about my relationship with Derek, I bet that he cheated on me more times then I said 'ok'. I remember when he used to call me special, tell me that I'm beautiful, smart, tell me that I'm his, tell me that he loves me. I was so foolishly in love that I didn't notice how fake the relationship was. I didn't realize that it really meant nothing. I was stupid.

And we had magic

And this is tragic

You couldn't keep your hands

To yourself

The song goes on and the memories of the first time he hit me come slashing through like a picture book. The first time he hit me was after I found him snogging a blonde bimbo at his birthday party. He told me that she made a move on him and he tried to push her back, yeah that's a pretty common excuse. So anyway I sprinted outside with watery eyes, but the tears didn't fall down. I remember telling him that he is an asshole and that he should just go back to the party and have some fun with the blonde since he seemed to enjoy her so much, and then I felt a warm sting on my right cheek. My eyes were wide as I stared at him in disbelief. I started running and he called my name but all I did was run, run, run. Then my worst fear strikes, I slowly start to break as I dance. My moves are no longer strong and powerful, they are delicate and emotional. As the salty water in my eyes begins to increase my vision gets blurry and I fall on my knees in front of the mirror. I don't hold back any longer. I bring my palms to my face and break down. I let all my emotions out. Every single one that I kept inside of me since my parents died. I let myself go and the tears just keep streaming down my face. Out of nowhere someone puts their arms around me and I wince thinking the worst, but not for long.

"It's alright love don't cry it's ok" as soon as he speaks I relax I little bit feeling safe in his arms. One of my cheeks is on his chest letting me hear his heart beat. I don't stop crying. I cry and cry as he rocks me back and forth delicately. Then after what seems like hours my crying changes to hiccups and tears are no longer spilling. "Ha-rry" I try to speak while the hiccups take the best of me.

"Shhhh, it's ok don't speak. Everything will be ok, I got you" he assures me. I relax as his palm goes up and down my spine. I don't object and just stay wrapped in his arms with my wet cheeks, and my aching head. As his hand goes from my back to my hair I start to close my eyes slowly enjoying the sensation. I calm down completely and I feel myself starting to dooze of while wrapped tightly in Harry's strong yet gentle arms. I don't care why he's here right now, I don't care that he sees me crying. All I need is for someone to hold me and make me feel safe again, and that is exactly what he is doing. As I start to fall asleep I see Derek's words flash in front of my closed eyes, and I can hear his angry voice in my ears,

"I will find you wherever you're hiding"


Hey guys so this a longer and a more emotional chapter. I hope you liked it. 

Thank you for all the support of those if you who are reading.



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