nobody requested this, this is just a random one-shot so you can see how I write!
Genre: Fluff at the end
Relationship: Romantic
Emphasis on something
"Y/n.." Luz said in a whisper, before she hugged you tightly, there was a minute of silent hugging, this was the moment, you knew you couldn't hide it anymore, and what's a better time than now? "Luz, there's something I want to ask you.." you said, releasing from the hug and avoiding eye contact, though Luz could see that your face was turning pink
"I could have just died, I realize now that opportunities should be taken before its not possible anymore. Luz.. I really like you. Will you, will you go out with me?"
Luz was wide eyed and she started fidgeting with her hands before she responded.
Wait wait wait back up a minute.
So how did we end up in this situation? This situation that would decide if you should hide in your room for the rest of your life or be the happiest person alive?
well, the cause of all this happened earlier today.
"Oh for Titan's sake what are you hiding?!" Boscha interrogated you. You were in the same friend group as her, but you didn't want to be. When you first enrolled at Hexside you thought Boscha was nice, and the only reason you two became friends is because she thought you were like her after she saw a misunderstanding you had with another student, she thought you looked down on the nerds like she did. But you didn't, and its to late to turn back because Boscha would make you miserable if you left her group, plus you were actually friends with Amity.
"Boscha, I'm not hiding anything!"
"Oh please, spare me the lies. You're obviously acting different lately, and I keep seeing you around that human more often! ..I'm starting to think its intentional." Boscha looked at you with suspicion.
you and Luz were becoming best friends, for a human, she's pretty magical, pretty smart, pretty creative, pretty funny, pretty cute, pretty... and you're daydreaming about her again, truth is, you really liked her, but you couldn't tell her, how could she ever like you back? she closer with so many other people than she is with you.
"Boscha, don't worry about that, its none of your business."
you told her, calmly walking away even though you were panicking on the inside.
Don't get things wrong, you would be happy finally not having to deal with Boscha, but you just want to sort out things with Luz first, if you and her do end up dating then you won't have to worry about Boscha anymore.
"Y/N!" you heard a familiar voice call out to you.
"Oh- hi Luz!" you said happily "Hey Y/n, I was just wondering if you could do a big favor for me."
"oh uh, sure! what do you need?"
"well.. Eda's out doing some weird witchy stuff again, and King and I are going to be going on a mission!"
"a.. mission?"
"yup! don't really think about it much, ok? but uh, long story short nobody trusts Hooty alone so I was wondering if you could maybe pretty please watch the owl house while were gone? Eda would kill me if I had to leave the owl house alone, but she would kill me a little less if I had you watching it! please?" she looked at you with puppy-dog eyes. This is sort of crazy but since you're a SIMP and would do anything for Luz, what's a better choice than to agree?
and now, your at the Owl house, doing absolutely nothing besides enduring the outbursts Hooty has. You've questioned if you should actually try talking to Hooty, everyone is so mean to him, but Titan, he's just so annoying. But, what else could you do?
You just had a brilliant idea
"Hey, Hooty? could you tell me anything about what Luz is interested in?"
"Ohhhh I seeee, You're finally gonna try making a move on her, Hoot Hoot!"
"Pffffffftttttt whattt nooooooooooo.... maybeee.....yessss..how did you know?"
Titan... What were they thinking? they're going to get themselves killed, King is always reckless when he looks for demons.. and if this demon really is that dangerous, Luz will get hurt, I can't let that happen.
you finally got the forest, you've been walking through it for about six minutes, and those six minutes were filled with the same thing.
"Luz? King?"
"Can either of you hear me?!"
but, it was to no avail, no one responded to you.
though you did hear pretty disturbing screeches after you yelled. It's kind of hard to keep your cool after hearing something like that, and you're pretty sure thats the dangerous demon their looking for. But you need to focus on finding Luz.
"there it was again, that screech, but it so much louder now
It's right behind me, isn't it?"
I look straight into its eyes, filled with fear, if it didn't kill Luz it's definitely gonna kill you.
"Luz, if you can hear me.. please help!"
you said as you started running through the damp forest, before the demon started chasing after you. "It's fast, ugh, I can only go so fast on these stupid legs! I can out-run it for now but I'm going to get tired eventually, Titan, please don't let me die"
after awhile of running you've made a good distance from the demon.
you hear two voices shouting at you, it was Luz and King!
"Luz! Titan I'm so happy to see you!"
"It.. it knows we're here.."
"yes yes yes! we finally found it!!" King shouted in happiness. You and Luz looked at each other before grabbing king, hiding and making a plan.
you three are in a bush now with stomping surrounding you, the demon looking for you
"alright, so here's the plan. King, you stay here where your safe, Y/n, you're gonna have to run out and distract it, I know you haven't done it a lot but you're gonna need to use the cage spell Amity taught you to temporarily trap it, and then I'll come in and use a big light glyph to put it to sleep, because you said that demon is nocturnal, right?"
King looked at Luz bitterly, probably because she babied him again, but of course he listened to her. "Yeah, they're nocturnal."
"Great! this should work!" you said
you immediately stood up and ran out of the bush, putting the plan into motion.
"Hey! I'm over here!" you yelled, the demon turned to face you and started running after you, you did the circle for a cage spell, this is just a temporary trap for Luz to use a light glyph on it, so the demons already cracking the cage.
Luz ran up to the cage and pulled out one of her light glyphs, she pressed on it as the paper turned into light, she held the orb up to the demons face.
"And.. sleep!" Luz said with a grin on her face
the demon was still banging on the cage..
"King.." Luz looked at him with fear 'T-the demon.. is nocturnal.. right..?"
"Yes! at least.. thats what I read.."
"Is there a chance that what you read could have been wrong!?" you questioned him.
Before King could respond, The demon broke out.
"AH!" you screamed out loudly, it grabbed you and now you were at its mercy
"This is the day I die! I thought I had a chance before but it's over! I couldn't tell Luz how I felt about her.."
you started sobbing because who wouldn't in this situation, you were trying to get free but it only made the demons grip on you worse.
As you were crying your tears started to get the demons arms wet, and it screamed... huh thats strange. What if, what if this demon get's hurt when it gets wet?
"KING!"you screamed at him
you choked as the demon gripped you tighter.
"I think so! at least from the implications the book made!"
"Well clearly we can't fully trust that book, but its worth a shot!"
"Yeah but uh.. where are you going to find enough water to take it down?!" King asked.
"Luz! you could do an Ice glyph and melt it with a fire one!"
you throw her your Palisman
you could feel your body starting to break under pressure, if this goes on for any longer you'll die..
Luz looked at you with her classic look of "I'm definitely going to save you" it's one of the things you love about her, her determination.
she grabbed ice and fire glyph papers out of her backpack and took your Palisman.
"Β‘Oye! Β‘QuΓtale las manos de encima!"
"You did it Luz!" King giggled. "And now, we can trap it!"
Luz laughed along with him for a little before she turned to you.
"Y/n, are you ok? please be ok.."
"I'm fine, Luz, you have nothing to worry about."
"Nothing to worry about? I could have just lost you! you were this close to becoming as purple as a grape!" she said, making a pinching gesture with her hand.
you laughed quietly but you could see that Luz really was worried, like she wanted to cry.
And this is how we got here.
"Y/n.." Luz said in a whisper, before she hugged you tightly, there was a minute of silent hugging, this was the moment, you knew you couldn't hide it anymore, and what's a better time than now? "Luz, there's something I want to ask you.." you said, releasing from the hug and avoiding eye contact, though Luz could see that your face was turning pink
"I could have just died, I realize now that opportunities should be taken before its not possible anymore. Luz.. I really like you. Will you, will you go out with me?"
Luz's eyes widened and she started fidgeting with her hands before she responded.
"I never thought.. I never thought someone as cool, or as amazing as you could ever like a weird human like me.. Yes Y/n."
she said the last part quietly before getting excited
"Yes, I will go out with you!"
"Aside from the fact I almost just died, this is the best day of my life!"
Luz grabbed onto your hand. "Come on, lets go home."
you nodded your head, your face still bright red.
"King! we're going home!"
"But- but I still need to keep wrapping up this demon!"
"I think we know enough about it"
"Fine then, me and Y/n are just going to go home without you~" Luz teased.
"Wah! wait for me!"
"thanks for walking me home, Luz."
"of course! thats what people who date do! and we're doing that now! yup. dating."
you chuckled and kissed her on the cheek
"see you tomorrow Luz.'
Luz was holding onto her cheek as she waved goodbye.
The end! there's my writing.
sorry if my Spanish in that little part was bad, I don't know it to well, I only know what I know because of my mom and grandparents.
Word Count: 2345
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