Ship(s): Alador x Some fuckin' dude named Jaiden I made up
Fifteen year old Alador Blight, top Abomination student and very distant from his peers. He doesn't want to be distant but it's hard too with parents and a close friend who doesn't want him to be not to mention something he feels that feels so...forbidden.
Everyday he can't help but stare at this boy in the front of his class, he's a great magic user, friendly, a dork, sweet and overall a goofball with a huge love of all possible magic but he's limited by his coven. This boys name is Jaiden. Alador smiles a bit and soon his name is called. "Alador Blight! Please come up." He looks at his professor. "Huh?" The professor grabs him by the arm, "I've been calling you for the past five minutes are you okay my boy?" Alador gets up. "Yes, sorry." He steps to the front of the class and he exhales. "Abomination. Rise." He says simply yet there's power behind his words while the monster rises behind him. "Very good, now may you make it walk around the room?" Alador nods.
"Yes, Abomination, walk." He commands as he holds his hands out, he scans the room before he remembers that Jaiden's watching him, he looks over at him even if with just his eyes, Jaiden chuckles, smiling at the young Blight...but upon doing this Alador feels heat raising to his cheeks as his Abomination crumble to the ground. "Mr. Blight?" The professor asks. "Wha-Oh no." Hhe tries to save it but that's smile is now ingrained into his mind and he can't keep a hold on it. "I-I don't know what happend I-I'm-" He sighs in defeat. "I'm sorry my mind is all over the place these days.." The professor nods, "That's okay, C+ please sit." "Yes sir." He sits down and then Jaiden goes up to present.
"Abomination. Rise." He speaks with the same power as Alador had and he wipes the floor with his presentation and gets an A+ by the end. Alador watches the presenation in awe, smiling at the work and hard focus he has, adoring every second of the amazing power, he's always loved and adored this track. Jaiden sits down after receiving his grade but as he sits he slides a note back to Alador. "Good job Blight." with a magic moving drawing that flashes (cutie). Alador's face goes a bright deep red. "I need to leave, goodbye!" He grabs his bag and flees the classroom, retreating to the bathroom...not realizing he entered the girls restroom. He jumps into a stall and sits on the floor, not the most sanitary but shush he's freaking the hell out.
He looks at the note, he reads that magic word over and over, wondering if it's even supposed to be there, is it even about him? Why is he feeling this way? Isn't he supposed to feel this way only around girls? Why doesn't he look at Odalia like that, after all their families say they're supposed to marry so why doesn't he feel this way about her? Why Jaiden? Sure he likes Odalia a bit like that but not to this extreme! He tilts his head against the wall. "Ugh...why am I like this?" He puts his hands over his face, groaning.
"You know this is the girls room right, Alador?" A familiar voice says. "Lilith?" He asks, "Yes, and why are you in here?" Alador's face just gets more flushed. "I am so sorry...I-I wasn't paying attention I-I'll leave-" Lilith goes into the stall with him. "Nope, you're staying what's wrong? I know you're never that red and completely okay." Alador sighs. "Well know how I'm supposed to marry Odalia? I...I don't know if I want to do it because..I mean I like her but I think I like...this one.." He gets quiet. "I like this my class, Jaiden, you probably know him he-...he gave me a note, he told me good job on my Abomination that failed and then it flashed 'cutie' I don't know if it was for me, I panicked then ran out of class." Lilith chuckles, "Oh is that all? You like this boy in your class? Well that's okay...though Odalia have you ever heard of bisexuality?" Alador nods.
"Yes but I always heard it's wrong, it's a phase, you'll cheat on anyone you like, you'll never be happy or full-" Lilith groans, "No, no! It's okay if you're bi. That isn't anyone else's business! Like-ugh here...I maybe shouldn't be telling you this but my sister, she's bi and she's been happy in a lot of relationships. She hasn't cheated once...I like girls actually...but I don't feel...I'm an asexual lesbian." She puts it simply. "So's okay, you don't need to hide or feel bad. You're you and that's all that should matter...also if I'm right Jaiden is on the Grudgby team? I had to quit because...well they found out I liked girls. Maybe we could go and watch practice? See him in uniform? Maybe I could see Tonya.."
Alador chuckles. "Fine I'll be gay with you." They get up and the see girls entering the bathroom. "Uhhh...we won't ask." She says and Lilith and Alador leave to go watch Grudgby and yes, Alador is watching Jaiden the whole time. "Okay I didn't think I'd like this but...he's hot as shit." Lilith nods, "Hell yeah he is Tonya." Alador smiles, "I could set you two up you know?" Lilith blushes, "No, no I couldn't possibly-" Alador laughs a bit. "Watch me do it. I will Clawthorne!" Lilith smiles, "I hate you!" "For goof reason!" They both smile at each other before returning to the game and Jaiden ends up throwing it a bit too hard and hitting Alador in the stands, "ARE YOU OKAY UP THERE?!" He yells, running up to the stands and Lilith gives a thumbs up. "YEAH WE'RE FINE!" She throws the ball back. "IS HE HURT?" Lilith checks. "NO!" Jaiden nods before going back to playing.
"Are you okay Alador?" She asks and Alador nods, "Oh wow...sports...he better hit me like that again." Lilith looks shocked. "ALADOR ARE YOU CRAZY?!"
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