Episode 2-His embrace

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After realising, that this is the same guy who saved you at the mount climbing, you could not believe your eyes. You thought to yourself,


(How is that possible, Am I dreaming? This is my chance to thank him for saving my life, I am alive, full-body-flesh just because of his bravery. I summoned You courage and took a step towards him, suddenly Kaya yanked You hand and whispered happily)


Hey, did you see him, he is so handsome, look at that body―damm...

Now, this is what I call a dream come true and I am so glad that you are going to assist him.


Yeah-Yeah, I get it, you are already getting fond of him, keep in mind we are only working together. We need to be professional, do not just drool around him.


(I didn't wanted to spill the beans about how this guy saved me at mount climbing, Kaya would think me as crazy woman and would not believe me, I just kept You mouth shut and focused on You work)

You were about to walk towards your working station until then your boss called your name―


Y/N, could you please follow me inside You office? I need to discuss things with Mr Jeon.


Oh yes! Ma'am sure, after you.

As you entered your boss office, you saw Jungkook standing, staring outside the window. His body language was powerful, his left side of the face was shinning by the light reflecting from the window, due to the reflection of sun rays, his brown eyes were gleaming golden, he looked so beautiful. You were almost mesmerised by his looks., his chiselled face was facing at your direction, his eyes were upon you, scanning you up and down.

Your boss softly called his name, " Mr Jeon". Hearing his name he turned towards you both

He came closer and said subtly,


It is my pleasure to work with you Miss―

He spoke to your boss, but his eyes were staring to you, as if he wanted you, he needed you, filled with desire. He opened his hands to shake your hand.

You were frozen by his touch, an electric shock shook you till your spine, and your heart was about to jump, as your boss spoke.


Y/N, shall we start? Are you ready to share your work with him?

You couldn't hear anything as your eyes, mind and soul was fixed upon him, you were extremely captivated by him. He noticed that you were enchanted by him, so immediately let go your hand.

You regain your senes, looked to your boss who was fiercely and disappointedly staring back at you. You realised that she was highly baffled by your unprofessional behaviour.


Y/N, shall we start? Are you ready to share your work with him?


(You stammered) Ye―s-s― ,yes, I am sorry, I am on it. Please be seated.

You struggled for a while, but in no time was ready to present your recent report. During your presentation, Mr. Jean Jungkook's eyes was fixed upon you, he was gazing you aggressively, at the same time was focussed on your presentation also

Time skips

Finally the presentation got over, you were piling up your files and papers, suddenly you felt Jungkook was still staring at you, through back of your eye tried to peek.


Mr. Jeon Jungkook, May I help you?

He was looking at you continuously with full of desire and confusion. He did not answer you and left the room.

You sighed, picked up your things and left the office room. Reached your table, mind filled with confusion,


Why did he do that? Why was he staring at me like that, and why did I reacted in that way? You head started to pound.

Kaya came and spoke with her cheerful-crystal voice,


What happened? Oh-oh do not tell me you saw his dark future when you shook hands with him? What is it? Tell me???


Stop it! I did not, he is weird, I am unable to understand, his energy is different but scary. I-I don't know. Let's just go home.

Everyone in the office started to pack and was about leave, suddenly the floor started to shake vigorously, the files started to fall off the cabinets, office window glasses began to shatter, everyone panicked, shouting,


Kaya shouted your name as you were standing under the huge painting hung on the wall and it started to shake, was about to fall on you.


Watch out, Y/N!!

As you were about to look up, your hand was yanked by someone and held tight, turning you to the other side of the wall and the painting fell down on the floor.

You looked to your side, found Jungkook holding you in his arms, staring you with furrowed eyes.



Shouted with all his strength, his deep husky voice was like a trance to me,


H-uh! Ye-ah, I a-a-m.. al-rig-ht!

He held your waist, pulled you closer, almost cutting the space between you. You were losing your mind, again felt current running into your body, cheek turning red, blood gushing, eyes were widening, heart pumping.


(Who are you, every time I am in danger, you are there to save me, why do I feel a connection to you, why did you call me MYRA, I have heard this name only in my dreams, how did you know that??)



His eyes were filled with concern, care and love, he held you tighter, as he didn't wanted to let you go.

You became still, your body wasn't responding, you were enchanted by his touch, desire, love that he showed towards you. You put your hands on his chest and moved closer to him.

He cupped your face, caressing it softly and gently,

His lips was an inch away to your lips, as if he wanted to kiss you, your heart started to jump, chills through your body, made you hungry for his touch. He gently touched your lower lips with his thumb and you closed your eyes wishing to kiss him.

The earthquake stopped, everyone was evacuated, only you two were left inside the hall, you under his warm embrace.

Suddenly, he pushed you and you fell on the floor hurting your elbow


Do not dare come close to me, what do you think of yourself? I am not interested in you, I do not want you, I DO NOT DESIRE YOU. Come out of your wildest imagination.

I am not the man that you can get.

Listening to this, and his behaviour, felt like a punch into your heart, just few moments you felt safe and secure with him and now it just turned into disappointment. His rude attitude broke your heart and tears rolled down your cheeks.


I am also not interested in you, I thought to thank you as you saved me twice, but you are just a spoiled brat.



It is better that you hate me!

He left the room, leaving you behind, wondering why is he so rude, why did you got so hurt by his arrogance and behaviour. You started to cry, the room filled with your sadness and heartache.

-Episode 2 end-

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