"Micah, are you still driving me to the airport?"
Today was the day, Lorenzo was leaving for California, and I had to hand over my keys to my landlord. I didn't have anything planned out now that I didn't have an apartment or a job, Joey had offered me a place to stay as well as a position as a waitress at his family's diner but I had rejected both offers not wanting anything out of pity.
Surprisingly Andy had called me once he was released from the hospital, I didn't answer of course but he didn't leave a message so I'm guessing the call wasn't that important.
I stood from my bed, stretching my arms above my head "I'll be out in a minute" I replied to Lorenzo, pulling on a coat before slipping on a pair of shoes. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" He asked, once I entered the living room
"It's better for you to go out on your own and experience new things" I encouraged, grabbing the last bag of my things before we headed downstairs to my car.
"Did you cry when he left?" Joey asked setting the mug in front of me, I shook my head "I'm happy as long as Lorenzo's happy" I stated glancing up at him, his eyes were only focused on me as we spoke and honestly it was starting to freak me out
"Have you found a new apartment yet?" I shook my head once more "I just bought an apartment for my baby brother, as well as the first three months' rent. I barely have enough to afford a hotel for the next week" he clicked his tongue
"I did offer you a place to stay" he reminded, I forced a smile on my face "I don't need handouts, honestly I don't want to be a burden" he shrugged walking over to another customer.
"How did I know I'd find you here?" I kept my eyes forward, ignoring Andy's presence beside me "being in the hospital for the past few days gave me a lot of time to think, mostly about the fact that you pushed me down a flight of stairs, but I realized that in a way I did ruin your life"
My eyes turned to him, observing the cast on his right arm that was covered in Batman doodles. "It was wrong of me to start a relationship with you, while still being with Juliet, but I really do care for you Micah"
I remained silent, thinking of all the times he's said that one line to get me to come back to him. I shook my head, looking directly into his eyes "if you truly cared, then you would accept that I want nothing more to do with you, I'll always love you Andy...but you broke my heart"
I stood from my seat, exiting the diner as soon as I could. I had no idea where I was going, but it didn't matter, I was going to start over.
I am restarting my life.
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