I stopped, staring at the guy passed out in front of my apartment door. Slowly walking over and turning him to look at his face "Lorenzo" I said shaking him, he slowly opened his eyes meeting mine
"Hey Micah" his raspy voice whispered as he looked around, I helped him up on his feet letting him lean on me for balance. I unlocked my door and grabbed his suitcase walking him to the spare bedroom
"We need to have a serious talk in the morning" I said slowly running my fingers through his short hair, he groaned closing his eyes before he passed out again.
I went to my room pulling off my jacket and taking my hair down from the bun I had it in for work.
"Micah are you awake yet?" Joey's voice rang from my kitchen, I groaned turning over coming face-to-face with Lorenzo. I jumped back in shock, his eyes following me
"Why are you in my bed?" I asked as he sat up, I got out of bed going to stand in front of him, he stayed quiet staring into my eyes "Lorenzo, what am I gonna do with you?" I asked holding his face in my hands
"Why are there men's shoes in here!!" Joey yelled his heavy footsteps rushing to my room, the door swung open and I turned to face him "oh, it's Lorenzo...I thought it was Andy" he panted leaning against the doorframe
"Why would Andy be here? I haven't spoken to him since we broke up" I said going to my closet "you broke up with Andy" Lorenzo asked I nodded taking out a baggy shirt and a pair of shorts "five months ago" I admitted
"Six now, actually" Joey corrected smiling at me, I smiled back heading to my bathroom for a shower.
"Can we talk?" Lorenzo asked pulling me into his new bedroom, I gave him a suspicious look as he locked the door. "That guy, Joey, he's acting...weird"
"You don't know him" I stated, "Micah, he acted normal until I asked about Andy, and his entire mood flipped" I sighed rubbing my forehead "Joey doesn't like Andy, but I'm not with him anymore so it shouldn't matter" "why did you break up with Andy?" he asked raising an eyebrow.
I stared at him for a moment crossing my arms over my chest "Why did you drop out of college?" he let out a long sigh "why didn't you tell me you were dropping out and more importantly why did you go to Andy for a place to stay rather than me" Lorenzo sat on his bed holding his head in his hands
"I... didn't want to disappoint you" he mumbled into his hands, I sat next to him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders
"Nothing you ever do, can disappoint me"
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