~Chapter 26~

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"No, no, how could you?" I whispered, "please tell me this isn't true, please tell me it's April fools" I begged

"I'm sorry..."

I ran out of the room crying, how could the Draco Malfoy, mischievous but cute boy have the dark mark?

I ran to my room where a string of Polaroids with pictures of Draco and I hang above my bed.

After a while, I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked

"Scarlett, it's me, Draco"

"Entering the girl's dorms again?"

He just shrugged, "look Scarlett, please don't tell anyone about... that, ok?"

I nodded, "I swear, but, why Draco? Why?"

"My father made me" he then leaned in close and whispered so quietly, "but I don't want to".

Dear mother and father,
I want to ask you something important, were you supporters of you-know-who? I wanted to ask because I want to be a

I stoped writing for a second, was I really going to say this?

A death eater, I won't do it without your permission though

Love, Scarlett

I sealed the envelope and gave it to my owl, Hermes.

"Deliver this home" I said

Next morning

The owls flew through the windows of the great hall, screeching. I found Hermes and he had exactly what I wanted, the letter from my parents.

No way are you becoming a death eater, it's too dangerous and that's final
Mother and father

That was all they had written

"What's that?" Draco asked looking over, "they're right Scarlett, you shouldn't, it's too dangerous"

"But then why are you doing it? I don't want to lose you"

He looked away.

I walked down the snow fallen streets in hogsmeade,

"Butterbeer?" Draco asked


We walked into three broomsticks, in one of the seats was Ginny Weasley, snogging another boy.

"I'll order, you grab two seats" Draco said walking over to the counter, I did as I was told and sat down near Weasley's sister, I then spotted Potter, Granger and Weasley.

"Who are you looking at?" Draco asked following my line of sight, "Oh, it's them"

We talked about you-know-what-draco-is over our butterbeers

"Why couldn't you say no?"

"I can't, the Malfoy tradition is like this"

"You could die"

"I will probably die"

"No! Draco! You won't"

"Shush, look at the chances though, I probably will"

"Tell me why you will

Then suddenly, Draco inturrupted us.

"Sorry Scarlett" he said checking his gold watch his father gave him, "I have to go now, you can finish my butterbeer"

"But where are you going?" I asked

"Explain later"

"Do you have to go now?"

"Yes, sorry, I wouldn't leave you if it wasn't important" and he ran off without another word.

I felt like he was trying to avoid me but I remembered what he said at the beginning of the year and shrugged it off, he wouldn't hate me, at least... not now.

"Malfoy ran off did he?" An annoying voice said, it was Weasley. "I feel sorry for him, having to date you"

"Shove off Weasley, you git" I said at the same time Potter said "Ron, be nice to her"

"Merlin!" Weasley rolled his eyes "Harry, you know she's the git"

"She's actually kind of nice" Potter looked guiltily away.

"Did you put a love potion on him May?" Granger asked

"FYI, you were the ones who put love potion on me!" With that, I turned and ran.

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