3- bully

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"Slytherin" Ron said in a way that was half hate and half pity, I didn't know how to respond so i just nodded.

Our houses were about to go to our dorms so we didn't have time to talk "gryffindors come here" the head of gryffindor yelled

"Well bye Scarlett" Harry said heading off with Ron

"See ya" I replied turning around heading to my house. Only I turned to come face to face with Draco, smirking broadly. I assumed that when Draco smirked it wasn't a good sign, unfortunately I was right.

"See ya" Draco mimicked

I couldn't think, did this count as Draco actually noticing me? So I just said the first thing that came into my mind

"So?" I said like a kid

If it was possible Draco smirked more
"So this" he said in his cold voice that I couldn't help admiring for some reason.

It happened all too quick while I was thinking about his voice, he grabbed my collar and lifted me into the air. I was never that tall or heavy so that made it easier for Draco.

"Let me go" I squeaked

"Wonder what your so called 'friends' will say about this" he said, he reached for my arm and dug his nails in, I screamed in pain.

I did what I could think of to do, I punched Draco as hard as I could and as much as I can. He yelled and let go I punched him one more time just to make sure he knew not to mess with me then I made a run for it but as always Crabbe and Goyle were nearby.

I can't remember much, but I know Crabbe and Goyle had grabbed me again and I kicked them, then I turned around and Draco
punched me hard in the face... my vision started to go blurry before I fell and the world went black...

Now I'm in the hospital wing, my face is sore but I can see again. To my right is Draco, I can't see his face but I bet he's bruised, the thought makes me laugh. I hear a groan beside me, oh no. I slowly turned to see a face which I don't know if it was handsome or ugly.

Draco's left eye was swollen and his lip was bleeding his normally perfect hair is now like a bush. I laughed even more.

Draco's face flushed a bit and he tried to smooth his hair down "what" he snarled "you look worse". It was true I did look worse, I had a blood nose and alot of scratches.

Just then professor McGonagall came in. "Mr Malfoy and Ms May, as you know violence is against the rules at Hogwarts therefore you are due detention tonight".

"But professor"... Draco said desperately trying to get out of detention.

"No buts" said proffessor McGonagall as she walked out of the room.

So now I was stuck for the rest of the day with draco.

Just great

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