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kylan-just what i needed 

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kylan-i love this girl alycia debnam carey she is forver my girl crush 




alycia debnam carey-we been buying gucci we been shopping kylan

kylan-yes yes yessss my wife my lover 

alycia debnam carey-it was sposed to be a screate

kylan-sorry not sorry 

madsionbeer-this girl started off as someone i dint like because i was jelous of how pretty and perfect she was but know she is mysister,my bestie,my life i dont know what i would do if she ever left me no it's not her birthday or anything i just felt the need to say it i love you sissy.

claudiathian-my sister to i love you so much kylan

kyliejenner-sisters by chance friends by choice

kendalejenner-^ love u sissy and madsion are other sister 

kylan-awe i love you so much madsionbeer im crying you made my day and i love yall to all my sister kendalejenner kyliejenner claudiathian

tessabrooks-im late but i love you to bestie kylan

kylan-awe i love you to bestie tessabrooks 

jakepaul-i had her first i am her fkfcfbfae

fan-what?^ is that 

kylan-first kiss first crush first bestie forver and ever fan and tru love you bubs jakepaul

exposingclebs-look like kylan found her a new bae in paris look like you out of luck carterendloys 

kylan-um thats not me you lieing fuck 

claudiathian-just stay away bitch 

madsionbeer-gosh stop trying to be important 

jackg-your not 

the one says thing out side the box 

kylans pov-

as i was playing on my phone i get a messsage from claudi sayin sorry then one from madsion ssaying go to the park and sit on the bench that i like to read at so i go and sit down and then i see carter walking up i started to walk away but he asked me to stay so i decide to when i looked at him i saw he was crying so out of instenct i wraped him ina hug and asked whats wrong i relized what i was doing and went to pull away when he asked more like begged me not to he started talking he told me he caint eat or sleep all he dose is drink and get high because he misses me so much then i proced to tell him that i coldnt live without him the he did the unexpected

carterendloys pov-

after i confesed to her hse had said that she caint live withou out me i knew it was the right im i asked her and she said 

kylan pov-i said yes 

kylan-it wont be jenner for long

carterendloys-it will be rendloys 

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kylan-paris is fun but la is my home

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